The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and four, North American Mythical War (355)

Mage Tower.

I stood by the window and watched Gandalf, Babs and Zhuang interact.

"Luwei, Hagrid, come with me. There will be delicious food and fights."


"Zhuangzhuang! I like to fight!"

Hmm... Each person has his or her own opinion.

[General enemies would only focus on the white-robed mage and the green giant, but I didn’t expect that the dog was the strongest. 】Stupid system commented.

'If the enemy is cunning enough and studies the prophecy [Twilight of the Gods], then he may pay attention to Shirter who burned down the entire Asgard, but only those who truly understand what happened on the doomsday battlefield will know. Fenrir swallowed Odin in one gulp. ’

[Excluding these two, enemy generals such as Loki, Hela, and Jormungandr either switched camps or were defeated in advance. Theoretically, 'Twilight of the Gods' will end as soon as it begins, but...]

'But he wanted to take the opportunity to abdicate and push Thor to the front.' I glanced at Odin's true form standing in the void: 'Although this posture looks very bluffing and can intimidate Xiao Xiao, the behavior of always showing his true form is also This will lead to an ever-increasing possibility of being found with weaknesses and defeated. ’

[Commonly known as ‘if you have a card, you can drive’. 】

'That's right, especially since he also gave up the ownership of the 'Eight Kingdoms' equivalent to the dimensions to which the Lords of other dimensions belong, and his status was directly downgraded. He is just a cosmic demon with the strength of the Lord of Dimensions, even though he was very intimidating before... …'

[Now the dogs passing by dare to bark at him twice. 】

"Woof woof!"

At the entrance of the wizard's tower, before leaving with Gandalf, Babas turned his head and called twice to the top of the tower.

【I didn’t say anything just now. 】

‘Don’t be weird,’ I raised my hand and waved slightly to Gandalf, who turned around and looked over because of the barking dog: ‘It should be expressing concern for my safety. ’

【ah? Worry about what? Safety? Whose safety? 】

‘The safety of the Scarlet Witch, this incarnation itself is a spirit body. If Odin indeed released the ancient souls in the World Tree according to our speculation, then there should be many guys among them who can pose a threat to me. ’

[Those old birthday stars hang themselves because they think they have a long life? 】

'This is true under normal circumstances, but...' I retook the big event opening tip my sister had given before: 'What if I am busy with other things and accidentally don't pay attention to the danger? ’

[Wait a minute, how does the milk itself work? 】

"Of course it's an invalid operation." After seeing Gandalf leave the wizard's tower, I tapped my wand casually and returned to the high-backed chair to sit down: "This is a conclusion I came to after careful reasoning."

【Appreciate further details? 】

"The first is 'Twilight of the Gods'. Don't look at it yet, but after the first one hits all the protective measures, the more cunning guys will come on stage. With each use of their own means, all nine Even big countries may fall into melee." I flicked my wand to stop it from interjecting: "Of course it's the 'Nine Greats', that's right, although 'White Star' has publicly declared that Midgard will not participate in this operation and will not give up control. However, after Odin, as the 'Lord of the Nine Kingdoms', gives up his jurisdiction, there will definitely be some leaks in each country that he has been blocking, and those who have the strength and are really trying to speculate will not He would care about a mere verbal claim from a 'Lord of the Dimension'."

And if the Lords of Dimensions conflict and go to war, or Ragnarok affects the Earth, I will probably spend more energy on "White Star" and "Rachel Fisk", and accidentally miss something that causes "Scarlet Witch" "Suffering is very possible.

"Then, there's 'Death Metal'," I recalled the relevant settings a little bit: "Unlike the simple chaos of the dark multiverse in 'Metal', this subsequent version of 'The Laughing Bat' has been enhanced to an outrageous level. It even succeeded in seizing the power of the creation goddess Perpetua, and in the end it seemed that Wonder Woman turned the tide and restarted the entire omnipotent universe."

[The power of the goddess of creation refers to melee fighting with a planet in her hand. 】

"As far as Marvel is concerned, [Death] seems to be barely involved," I closed one eye: "If he is really allowed to run to the 'Ring Seal City', I will have to return to deal with it, and the 'Scarlet Witch', 'White Star' and 'Rachel Fisk' will collectively go offline, and whoever will cause trouble will be encountered again, tsk."

[Don’t you always occupy the supreme status of ‘A’? ‘Perpetua’ ends in A, so it shouldn’t point to you. 】

"Of course it's not me. As for the specific candidate, you can read it in reverse."

[Artu Pepper...Pepper? No, it's just a pronunciation. 】

“Does the next Iron Man and the mother of ‘The Next Phase’ count as the goddess of creation? Especially after ‘Endgame’, many of the main characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have died.”

[I always feel a bit inconsistent...]

"Let's put it this way, if Iron Man's daughter said 'I love you three thousand times' while throwing 'Roadless camelot' and hitting people, would you go and see it?"

【look! ] The stupid system paused: [Is that why Edith is called ‘Artoria Stark’? Well……】

"Although 'Infinity War' has gone to DC next door, I don't know what form it will be implemented in, but Marvel's core concept of 'time travel' in Avengers 3 and 4 will definitely be there." I continued to analyze.

[Isn’t that a banned card? 】

"The reason for the prohibition is that this is a 'high-dimensional world' that is not under my control, but the time travel that exists in itself will definitely manifest itself in the form of 'not actually time travel'. Otherwise, the 'Time Variation Administration' will not be able to control it." It wouldn't exist from the beginning, and as for the specific form of expression... 'Steins;Gate' is pretty good."


"Speaking of which, the prompt sister has already hinted at the entire process of the big event through the sequence of events," I looked at the prompt: "First, Odin triggered 'Twilight of the Gods', which led to the occurrence of 'Death Metal', and the Dark Knights caused a large number of Casualties, after defeating them, the unacceptable superheroes launched the "Flashpoint Incident" to try to correct the mistakes but failed, and finally resurrected all the dead through "White Day". Let's see, is it the same as Avengers Three and Avengers? The plot of Four is particularly similar?"

[Bad news, the Stitch Monster, good news, it's all stitched up, and there's no Riddler. 】

"But about DC's 'Infinity War' and 'Three Secrets,' I really have no clue."

[In this case, I think we can believe in the luck of ‘Reincarnation Jin Jing’. 】

"Her luck? I remember it was 0, right?"

[0 Although it is the bottom for positive numbers, it is the ceiling for negative numbers. And unlike Marvel's parallel universe, which has no common rules, DC has 'everything will go bad' and 'everyone's luck' The 'dark universe' where everything is negative. 】

"I always think she will have a good seems I have to work harder."

[Leader, car——]


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