The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Five Hundred and Six, Sherlock and the Deathly Hallows (2)

――? ? ? ―――

[…The great ‘Deathly Hallows’ was broken. 】

As the old male voice narrated, lines began to appear in the blank space in front of Sherlock's eyes, outlining a picture that looked like a rough sketch:

It was a gorgeous palace with a small space, the floor was covered with petals, and countless gauze curtains hung from the ceiling.

In the middle of the palace, on a flat and wide bed, a girl wearing a loose pure white dress and holding a large round pillow in her hands was leaning against her. She seemed to be sleeping.

No, that is not a "round pillow", it is a crystal clear "water drop". Through its shell, Sherlock can clearly see another person leaning on the bed, holding the "pillow" in his hand. girl in white dress.

And the dewdrops in the dewdrops still reflected the same scene as the two outside. Sherlock was very suspicious that if he just continued to explore the "dewdrops" blindly, he would eventually become "Once upon a time, there was a mountain. On the mountain." There is an infinite recursive loop of "There is a Temple".

However, this guess did not come true in the end, because as the old male voice narrated, the small palace in the "outermost layer" changed.

[With the shattering of the Deathly Hallows, ‘life’ and ‘death’ have lost their boundaries. 】

[The living cannot die, and the dead cannot sleep forever. 】

[Things that originally did not have the concepts of 'death' and 'life' began to move towards death and rebirth in different ways. 】

On the wall of the small palace that seemed to be completely closed, a door appeared out of thin air, and the rough lines used to depict the inside of the door twisted and swayed like living creatures.

That may mean that the situation inside the door is strange and indescribable, or it may mean that drastic changes are taking place there.

A moment later, a girl in a black dress who was obviously younger than the dozing girl in a white dress ran out of the door.

The girl holds in her hands a pair of girl's hands holding a pair of children's doodles.

Do the Deathly Hallows still have matryoshka powers?

Or maybe this is a hint at the infinite cycle of life and death?

As Sherlock muttered secretly, the girl happily ran to the napping girl, raising the graffiti in her hand to show her regardless of whether the other party could see it.

Naturally, her showing the content of the graffiti becomes her showing graffiti to someone.

No, wait...

Whether it is "water beads" or "graffiti", the necessary conditions for the convergence of their "content" and "appearance" can only be -

You are the "observer" yourself.


There was a crisp cracking sound in the sketch that only had lines.

The "water drops" in the hands of the sleepy girl in the white dress are like a balloon punctured by a needle, and are "bursting" from the inside out.

The reason why I use "rupture" instead of "explosion" is because the speed of the water droplets exploding is weirdly slow. The girl holding the escape girl's graffiti had already fled to the edge of the palace before it slowly exploded halfway.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Sherlock suddenly felt a strong sense of disobedience, but he could not find the source for a while. It was not until the girl holding the water drop was finally "awakened" by the huge change that she stretched herself and yawned. Only then did we find the source - the white dress on the girl had unknowingly turned as black as the one on the graffiti girl.

Before Sherlock could analyze further, the old voice kicked him out of this "observer" perspective.

[O faded one, go find the ‘Deathly Hallows’ and become the ‘Supreme Mage’. 】

Your upper and lower sections are not next to each other?



After regaining consciousness, Sherlock checked himself with ease.

Good news: This time I'm not using my weak little wizard body.

Bad news: It uses the body of "Stephen Strange" who is not much stronger than ordinary people and has enhanced intelligence.

A task like retrieving the "Deathly Hallows", which is full of magic elements at first glance, can definitely not be completed by recruiting a group of militiamen to lead them to fight and upgrade, right?

As the saying goes, "when the soldiers come, the generals block it, and when the flood comes, they are buried with earth." Let's take it one step at a time. The first thing to do now is... get out of the coffin.

Sherlock knocked on the thick stone slab in front of him in the dark, and after confirming that it was not pressed down by anything, but that it was too heavy to move, he pointed decisively: "It's falling apart!"

Bang! Wow!

As the stone slabs flew apart and disintegrated in the air, Sherlock stood up from a sarcophagus under the dust-proof spell.

Why do you always appear from the coffin? I don’t know what my identity is this time.

Before he could conduct a preliminary inspection of the small tomb he was currently in, what he saw in front of him firmly attracted his attention.

It was a young woman wearing brown clothing similar to a nun's uniform, with wavy brown ear-length hair, and a pair of blue eyes.

She was posing as if she was about to push open the coffin lid, and there was doubt in her eyes that her goal was missing.

If that's all, she is obviously not enough to "firmly attract" Sherlock. That's because the "added value" behind this woman is not light:

There was a disgusting monster that looked like a spider, with eight legs and a pair of stings, but all its limbs were spliced ​​together by humans. It was waving its large pincers and trying to stab the woman in a brown nun's uniform in the back.


A flash of red light flashed, and the monster's two large pincers disappeared. The entire body leaned forward severely and almost fell over.

"Faint!" "Fire is blazing!" "Flocks of birds!"

Because the guy's shape and movements were too terrifying and disgusting, Sherlock didn't stop for a moment, and beat it to nothing with a series of spells - it turned into ashes and disappeared.

"I am a witch serving you, Lord Faded One, Melina. Thank you very much for repelling the 'Extended Nobles'." The woman later realized that she had been in danger, so she saluted Sherlock and said Thank you solemnly.

"Can that thing be called a noble?" Sherlock put away his arms that were shaking due to continuous casting of spells: "You said you are a witch who specializes in serving the faded? What can you do?"

"I can transform the 'runes' that Lord Faded One obtained in the battle into your power, and I can also tell you about the customs and historical allusions of the border area," Melina replied: "But the ultimate purpose is to Let you become the 'Supreme Mage'."

It coincides with what the old man said in the background of the story. Maybe this is the "main mission".

"Thank you, please... what is that?" Sherlock was about to say a few words of courtesy, but found that Melina was scrubbing the gravel floor under her feet, as if she wanted to completely erase some traces of light fluorescence.

"No, it's nothing. This is actually...ah." Melina failed to stop her and accidentally activated the set of handwriting, so she raised her hands to cover her face.

[Even though the guidance has long been broken, I still ask you to become the ‘Supreme Mage’. 】

"I've been trapped here for three days by that limb-synthesized noble. I wanted to leave a great message to the Faded One before I die, but... ugh..." Melina lowered her head. Explain quickly.

While it might be fun to taunt it now, forget it.

"Of course," Sherlock smiled at her: "I will become the 'Supreme Mage'."

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