The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and twelve, Sherlock and the Deathly Hallows (8)

——? ? ? ——

Stonewell City.

【YoU dIEd】

"Uh-huh--!" After being reborn at the door of the "boSS room" where "limb recipient" Greg was blessed, Sherlock angrily punched the light door glowing with golden mist, but it couldn't change Once again he challenged the fact that he failed.

This is already the sixth time "Stephen Strange" has been killed by Greg in half an hour.

At present, Sherlock has collected almost all the elements in the Nimgofu area, such as the "Golden Tree Seeds" used to increase the number of uses of "Blood Bottle", the "Holy Grail Dew Drops" used to increase the use effect of "Blood Bottle", The "Eclipsed Forged Stone" used to strengthen the "Hound's Teeth", the "talisman" that adds some attributes and special effects that are better than nothing, as well as the "spells" and "miracles" that are temporarily unused, it can be said that it has been armed to the teeth.

But we still can't beat it if we should.

This "city lord" has attached a bunch of meaningless limbs to himself, so he moves relatively clumsily, but he rolls around on the ground very fast, and the battle ax in his hand has a very long attack range, and can even cause earthquakes.

And when Sherlock knocked him down to "half health" with difficulty and cut off the strong arm he stole from someone unknown, he turned around and attached a dragon head to his arm, and began to spit fire everywhere. , Sherlock himself had basically run out of ammunition and food. After struggling for a few rounds, he was either whipped with an ax or burned by a dragon's head spitting fire, and finally returned to "Blessing" to be reborn in frustration.

Logically speaking, shouldn't this situation be paired with powerful active and passive abilities, high mobility and health recovery, and the ability to recruit some teammates who can provide fire support or attract hatred?

Okay, maybe he was too comfortable playing "Pandora" and forgot how to play hard-core action games, but I haven't heard of any action game where the protagonist was wounded to death by one stab, two, and three, right?

And what’s up with these mottos on the door?

“Soldiers ahead”, “Next, fire is useful”, “It turns out to be a message”, “Praise to the sun”.

Are you going crazy because you can't beat him?

"Lord Faded One..."

"Don't worry, I have mastered the rules, and I will pass the next one." Sherlock waved his hand to interrupt Melina who was about to say something, and stepped into the golden fog door again with the hound tusk on his shoulder.

【YoU dIEd】

"..." Sherlock, who returned the blessing faster than before, continued to stare at the fog door.

I'm warning you, "Limb Receiver" Greg, I am only using the ability within the rules of the game to give you face. If you can't survive after five, no, ten, I'll let you try "Lungominiad" smell.

"Lord Faded One," Melina said to stop Sherlock's meaningless glare: "Do you want to consider going to the [Round Table Hall] and recruiting some helpers to meet the challenge?"

"…Then what is it that sounds so awesome?"

"That is the space opened up by the 'Great Blessing'. Anyone who can see the blessing can go there, such as Roger and Neferi who you have met before. If you get the approval of those people, you can go Recruit their 'spirits' to help fight when facing powerful enemies," Melina replied: "Since they are just spirits, it doesn't matter even if they are defeated and die. Lord Faded One may use this to formulate a more efficient battle plan."

It seems a bit like Hall of Valor, but different?


【Round Table Hall】

When Sherlock arrived in this area that did not exist on the map through "blessing", the first thing that caught his attention was the "golden feathers" suspended in the air, which were four or five as big as him. They were bright but not dazzling. The brightness illuminates the round table hall under the current big feather and the dark and shiny "round table" surrounded by thirteen chairs directly below it. At the same time, there is a faint golden light on the "Great Blessing" that extends to all directions. Different halls are extended.

"[You can find almost all the functions 'outside' here," Melina said in Sherlock's ear: "[If you accidentally kill a businessman and bring his soul beads here, you can continue to do the same thing. His soul trade.]"

So, if you use Fan Lei's finger, you are just picking up sesame seeds and throwing them away, and you are cheating yourself?

"Where are the 'heroic spirits' you mentioned that can be recruited?" Sherlock asked.

"[They are living people and have their own lives,]" Melina looked around: "[Ah, yes, that's——]"

"My dear best friend!" Before Melina could finish her words, Sherlock was slapped hard on the shoulder. When he turned around, he found that the other party had come around from the other side.

It was a thin man, wearing gray and white light armor, not much hair, ugly appearance, and a wretched expression. He seemed to want to kick Sherlock down the well, but was kicked down by Lani who was passing by. At that time, Sherlock Locke was still a little worried about his safety, but this worry was quickly diluted by the angry yelling coming from below.

From this point of view, Parker is actually more carrying out "pranks" than actually intending to harm others. This should also be the reason why he is qualified to enter the "Round Table Hall".

However, this is just the reason for not dealing with him for the time being. No matter what, he will not summon his spirit body. Sherlock is very doubtful. If he really recruits Parker, he may, no, he will definitely hide and scream from a distance. Come on, if the situation is bad, just run away.

Next, Sherlock met many acquaintances in the Round Table Hall, such as Gallie, a businessman whose business has expanded considerably and is no longer wandering; Roderica, a summoner who became a disciple of a blacksmith, learned soul shaping, and provided enhanced ashes services; in history, The city of Eastwell was on the verge of death due to some kind of pollution, but now he has recovered and started selling combat skills; the magic swordsman Roger; in order to gain the recognition of his father "Sir Momochi", Neferee Lu challenged powerful enemies everywhere. ; The innocent but slow young master and his fighting maid, etc.

Most of them Sherlock only met once, because their situation at the time was not very good, and they were taken away in a net by Lani who was passing by. At that time, he thought they would be taken to the witch's den or lair, but he didn't expect it. The Round Table Hall was thrown away.

In contrast, the person with whom he has the closest relationship is the strange but handsome wizard "Se Lian" who is quietly meditating in a corner of the hall.

For some reason, the woman was very adamant about Sherlock calling her teacher and giving detailed answers to his questions about magic - only in the Junction.

Sherlock originally had many professors at Hogwarts. Although it was a bit strange, calling her teacher meant there was no pressure.

However, she seems to be a wizard. Even if she summons her spirit body to help, she still has no ability to fight head-on. Maybe...

"If my guess is correct, your adventure has encountered a bottleneck, and it's probably because of your indiscriminate strengthening." When Sherlock approached, Se Lian said without raising his head: "How about you, do you want to try my ability? Reset' allows you to redistribute enhancement items while retaining the enhancement level? Of course, each time you 'reset', the more runes you need to spend."

Um? Speaking of which, isn't the reason why I am always killed instantly by Greg just because I have to fight him in close combat? If you keep your distance, use the summoned spirit to attract attention and cast a powerful spell...

"Please help me reset, Teacher Se Lian." Sherlock said.

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