The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and fourteen, Sherlock and the Sanctuary of Death (1)

——? ? ? ——

Junction, inner city of Stonewell.

This is a large square specially enclosed by the city wall. The ground of the square is paved with broken stone slabs. Stone tombstones and coffins, dead trees and flower beds are scattered around without any architectural logic, as well as... a giant hanging corpse of a black dragon. column.

On one side of the giant pillar, a huge man wearing a thick cloak and a dazzling platinum crown was staring at the black dragon hanging on it as if he was looking at some cherished treasure, murmuring to himself:

"O dragon, who is also a descendant, your strength is unquestionable and can make my strength even further.]"

The giant man was talking to himself while stroking the dragon's head with his relatively thin right hand. He seemed to want to make a decision but had not yet made up his mind. Through comparison, it was obvious that his left arm was thicker and more twisted than his right arm. It looked like It doesn't look like his original limbs at all.


At this moment, the tall city gate leading from the square to the outer city was suddenly shrouded in a golden mist. When the giant man turned his head and looked around, he saw a figure stepping out of the mist.

It was a young man wearing a blue cloak and a hat, holding a sword and a staff. As he stepped out of the golden mist, he began to shake the staff to cast some strengthening spells on himself.

"Oh? A challenger who overestimates his capabilities.]" The giant man took off a golden battle ax and slowly approached the mage.

Phew... Before he could get close, the golden mist flashed, and a second person appeared. This was a strong woman with wheat-colored skin, relatively wild clothes, and holding a pair of battle axes.

"Even if they know how to hug together, ants are still ants...]" The giant man hesitated slightly, but did not stop approaching them.

call! A third person appears.

That was... a tall and thin young man wearing the light armor of a Grek soldier and holding a red stone staff. His long and thin face and mustache were very eye-catching. While passing through the golden mist, he raised his magic staff. The staff summons three ghost wolves.

Judging from the number of people alone, the intruders temporarily formed a six-on-one advantage.

"A mere faded person...has quite a lot of arrogance...]" The giant man stopped, stared at them for a moment, and suddenly shouted: "Kneel down, neel! I am the Golden King!"

"Uh, so why does he also meow?" The tall and thin young man raised his hands and dug his ears as if he was shocked: "'meow neel' or something..."

"You are the one who wants to kneel down! Ugly monster!" The female warrior struck each other with her axes, causing each of them to burst into flames and thunder. Then she roared and turned into a whirlwind and rushed towards the giant man.

"Golden King? It is this corrupt and twisted Golden Family that we want to hunt." The demon swordsman in the hat sneered, raising his hand and throwing purple magic missiles with tracking at him.

Woof - woof - the three ghost wolves also rushed into the battlefield quickly.

"Well...well, this 'rock ball'..." The young man who appeared in the finale looked a little at a loss: "Ah, okay."

He raised the red stone staff as if he was not used to it, and pulled out three stone balls that were half a person's height and glowing with purple light from the ground. Then with a wave of his hand... he smashed two tombstones not far away. A dead tree.

"...I don't think we're here to tear down the house, friend." The magic swordsman in a hat tilted his head to look at him while casting a spell.

"Don't you think this is unreasonable? Why are spells blocked by obstacles? Shouldn't they automatically track my target?" the young man with the staff said while adjusting his position.

"There are many tracking spells, but they have nothing to do with the 'rock spell' you use." While responding, the magic swordsman in the hat casually threw a bunch of blue spell blocks in the wrong direction, but they turned very dexterously. The head hit the strong man with the giant ax who was fighting the female warrior and the ghost warg.

Peng! Boom! Woof! Ouch!

The battlefield ahead was obviously not optimistic. The giant man completely ignored the small spells of the magic swordsman and was stabbing the huge battle ax on the ground to create local earthquakes. The three ghost wolves were consumed quickly at the speed of two and one, and they were scraped. After a few blows, the female warrior had no choice but to jump out of the earthquake circle, took out a small golden bottle and started drinking.

"Is magic such an inconvenience?" The young man adjusted his position and confirmed that there were no obstacles on the path. Then he waved his staff again and summoned three batches of nine "rock balls" to fly towards the giant man.

winter! Pacha! Wow!

These magics made completely non-magical noises after hitting them, and the huge kinetic energy generated even knocked the strong man with the giant ax directly to the ground.

By coincidence, the ax dropped and cut off the giant man's left hand to the wrist.

"Tsk, it was me who chopped off that hand with my handsome hound steps before," the young man mumbled words that no one could understand, took out a bright blue bottle and started drinking: "It also consumes mana to cast magic. , it’s really troublesome.”



The demon swordsman seemed to want to comment on the young man's statement, but was interrupted by the giant man's sudden and shrill roar.

The giant man without one hand suddenly erupted with a shock wave in all directions, knocking away the female warrior who tried to take advantage of his illness to kill him. Then he strode towards the black dragon corpse hanging on the giant pillar, and with a handful of Stab the half-severed arm into the faucet and pull it off.

"Mighty dragon, lend me your power..."

Following the movements of the giant man, the originally stiff and lifeless dragon head twitched and spurted out a stream of black blood, then suddenly opened the vertical body covered by the dirty blood. Almost at the same time, the blood that had not yet been completely vomited began to spit out in mid-air. combustion.

“Hehehe—ancestors! Please bear witness!",

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