The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and twenty-four, Sherlock and the Supreme Mage (2)

——? ? ? ——

At the junction, the Moonlight Altar.

After defeating the "Dark Abandoned Son", Sherlock originally planned to leave the underground world through blessing, but Xiao Lani insisted on inviting him to leave with him through "the correct way to enter the underground world", so he took a ride on a plane located in the Dark Abandoned Son's lair. Behind it, there is a vertical "elevator" that runs for a long time.

The existence of this "elevator" proves that the underground world is not completely isolated, and it also proves the authenticity of what Xiao Lani said about leaving dark abandoned children to "surround the area for reinforcements."

So, the "Supreme Mage" of the previous generation was the witch Lani herself? But looking at her active performance in various side tasks, it doesn’t look too much like...

The "elevator" reached the surface of the junction while Sherlock was thinking wildly. After stepping out of the "elevator car" made of pure white stone, the first thing that caught his eye was a majestic, huge and gorgeous building, but it had obviously been abandoned for many years. There are many gaps and collapses, and the ruined temple is covered with moss.

However, around the temple, there are more than ten bright white beams of light projected from the surface into the starry night sky, as if a cage completely restrains the temple, elevators, and surrounding ancillary buildings, and its brightness even exceeds that of the huge tower in the distance. Golden tree.

Such an obvious trap, how stupid would the "Dark Abandoned Son" be to step in?

【choke--! ! 】

As if alerted by the impact of the "elevator" arriving, a giant white dragon flew up from the back of the temple. It took a deep breath, then sprayed out blazing white flames at the people at the "elevator entrance" Swooping in.

I take back my previous thoughts! Sherlock skillfully rolled on the spot to avoid the dragon's claws, Blaze easily retreated several times to get out of the attack range, and Melina used her omnipotent spirit transformation, and the only one who could not avoid it was... …


The "Bionic Teardrop" with silver light all over its body rolled to avoid the white dragon's attack, then stepped on its wings and rushed all the way to the dragon's back, and then pulled out a pair of broken stars from behind before it had time to react. The big sword jumped up slightly from the pad under his feet, and launched a downward slash without any pause.


With the crisp sound of breaking, the entire white dragon froze, and then its huge head slowly slipped from its neck, but before it really hit the ground, the whole body of the white dragon turned into ashes remaining after the violent burning and disappeared. .

In this somewhat shocking background, the bionic teardrop in the shape of Sherlock put the broken star sword on his back again, and walked steadily towards the half-wolf holding his arms and the man holding a staff to control a string of rock balls not far away. The summoner comes.

【ENEMYFELLED】The kill text slowly appeared after half a beat.

"I think I said, that is the most suitable 'summon' for you." Blaze, who was watching the whole process, said with a smile.

"Indeed." Sherlock, who had no target and could only smash a series of rock balls against the outer wall of the ruined temple, nodded in agreement.

"[Then do you want to say something?]" Xiao Lani put on a "please praise me" attitude.

"Well..." Sherlock looked at little Lani, intertwined his hands and shook them up and down at the "Bionic Teardrop" walking towards him: "'Zi Xia Piao, the other half won, only the traces remain unsealed. Live brightly, don’t be angry when you are in public, worship the circle as your clothes’.”

Blaze: "?"

Xiao Lani: "?"

Melina: "?"

The bionic teardrop ignored Sherlock's weird behavior and very stiff-sounding words, and came to the "summoned object" half a step beside him and turned around to stand.

Um? Sherlock touched his chin thoughtfully. Judging from the reaction, their relationship with the vice-principal is actually not that close?


After hunting down the white dragon whose head didn't work, Blaze said goodbye to Sherlock and took little Lani back to "Kalia Castle" to return to her "original body".

Although this "side mission" was a bit long, and he learned a lot of secrets about the world itself, they did not conflict with what Sherlock had to do as the "Faded One". After a short rest, he set out again The journey is to hunt down the "Fragment King", collect "Deathly Hallows Fragments", and complete the "main mission".

By observing around, Sherlock discovered that the highland where this "Moonlight Altar" is located is located in the north of Stonewell City, adjacent to Lake Lienia. Here, you can easily see the "Magic of Rhea Lucalia" further north. Academy".

After confirming that there were zombie camps and monsters wandering below the high ground, and that it was a ground that could be stepped on, Sherlock used the slow fall technique on himself and floated all the way down.

Well, good, didn't suddenly lose control and go "YOUDEAD" or something.

Sherlock floated while looking at the huge building complex in the middle of the lake in the distance.

Teacher Serian said that she was exiled and imprisoned by this magic academy for studying forbidden magic, but the teacher's mind seemed to be very clear, and it was not like she had lost her memory or fell into madness due to exposure to forbidden magic.

Judging from the people in the "Round Table Hall" who have distinctive but equally normal personalities, perhaps only those with strong obsessions can still maintain themselves after the "Deathly Hallows" is broken and the boundary between life and death disappears.

In contrast, in an old-fashioned magic academy that sticks to the old ways and does everything according to the established rules, and will be labeled as heretical if it is slightly different, the number of normal people left in it... is probably not optimistic.

Sure enough, if we want to find the "Fragment King" who is the dean of the Magic Academy, do we still have to fight all the way in?

Click, Sherlock landed lightly on the ground, and the strange creatures with big heads, thick necks, and overall looks like some kind of amphibian, which were staring at him for a long time and carrying a harpoon in their hands, suddenly surrounded him.


Then the heavily equipped "Bionic Teardrop" that followed closely fell a large area like chopping melons and vegetables, with blue blood splattering everywhere.

Snap, snap.

At the moment when the last monster fell but not completely, the world in Sherlock's eyes stopped again. Then, as expected, the man who called himself Fan Lei, with dark skin and a hearty smile on his face, appeared again.

"I won't believe a single punctuation mark of what you said!" Sherlock said before he spoke: "Not long after I saw you last time, someone used your 'knuckles' to 'invade' me!"

"..." Fan Lei spread his hands with an innocent expression, tilted his head and stared at Sherlock for a few seconds, then suddenly clapped his hands as if he thought of something: "!"

Under Sherlock's vigilant gaze, Fan Lei raised his hand and drew a circle around the motionless monster corpses as if to indicate something. Then he clenched his hand into a fist and spread it out. A bunch of grapes appeared out of thin air in his palm.

"~~~" Then, while smiling, he handed it to Sherlock's hand like a diligent old farmer.

【Fan Lei’s Grapes】

[The crystal clear and beautiful fruit seems to have other uses besides quenching thirst. 】

What should I do? He didn’t speak at all this time...

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