The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and twenty-six, Sherlock and the Supreme Mage (4)

——? ? ? ——

Lake Lienia, ruins of "Gate Town".

"Teacher? Why are you here? What's going on with this witch and those fires? Why can grapes suppress it? How much do you know about Fan Lei? He-"

After stuffing two grapes into the eyes of the crazy blind witch Haida, she fell into a deep sleep. Sherlock and Melina, who took the initiative to show up, moved her into a nearby building that was still intact and temporarily placed her there. Finally, he turned to ask Se Lian, who obviously knew a lot.

"Don't be anxious, come one by one." Se Lian patted Sherlock on the shoulder to stop him from continuing to ask questions.

"...Hmm." Sherlock breathed out and paused temporarily.

Although it is normal for a strange world to have many difficult-to-understand things, it always makes people feel insecure when new elements keep popping up even when the underlying logic is basically clear.

"First of all, the issue you are most concerned about," Se Lian looked at Haida: "The power she gained is called 'epileptic fire', and its nature is contrary to the 'blessing'. If a faded person accepts her service, not only will he not be able to become an order The 'Supreme Mage' who returns the cycle of life and death at the junction to normal will instead become the 'King of Fire' who burns everything to the ground and makes them never resurrect."

"How can that be okay?! Ah, I'm sorry..." Melina exclaimed, then hurriedly covered her mouth.

"Hmm..." Sherlock thought back to the living corpse that was burned out by the yellow fire in Haida's eyes. At that time, he felt that its "dead" state was not normal. As expected, even if the unlucky ghost used Blessing himself, Or wait until eight hours later, and there will be no possibility of "resurrection" at all.

...Wait a minute, it's not normal for a monster to be blessed as soon as it's killed or to be resurrected eight hours later.

Relatively speaking, the "Lord of Fire" philosophy of "as long as you are killed, you will die" is more reasonable.

No, no, no, I was led astray. Defeating the Shard King, collecting the fragments, repairing the "Deathly Hallows", and becoming the "Supreme Mage" is the right path.

Moreover, through the adventure of "Death Sanctuary", I have roughly deduced the bottom setting of "Junction Land" - maybe it is the bottom level.

After the "Deathly Hallows" of unknown origin was shattered, the "shards" that flew out were obviously more than seven. "Seven" is actually the upper limit of the capacity of "each" junction, and "Nimgefu", " "Gelide", "Lienia", and other areas that have not yet been explored and the "Fragment King" who dominates them are just one of the manifestations, and the "Eternal City" is obviously another.

Finally, when a faded person in the junction collects seven fragments and completes his mission, he or she can ascend the throne of the "Supreme Mage", change the world as he or she wishes, and then retire gloriously. If he or she fails or gives up, that junction It will be buried underground and become part of the "Death Sanctuary" and the nourishment of the "New Border".

Only when the "Deathly Hallows" is finally completely repaired will this cycle of reincarnation stop, and no one will be pulled in to work as a "faded person".

The "pale knuckles" given by Fan Lei are the "keys" used to "invade" other junctions and snatch the fragments from other "faded ones". After all, the "pale knuckles" from other places are relatively fragile and can easily "die" off. It is easier for the Faded One to grab it than to fight against the powerful Shard King, and even if the invasion fails, his fragments will not be lost.

And if a faded person is unlucky enough to be robbed of fragments, unless he decides to give up becoming the Supreme Mage, he can only use his knuckles to snatch them from other junctions.

Fan Lei could say that he did nothing in the whole process, but only provided a "possibility". In the end, no matter what kind of fighting happened between the various border areas, it was just the behavior of those who faded completely out of their own will. He has absolutely nothing to do with it.

It's so insidious and despicable.

"...So, he gave Haida the power of 'epilepsy' to provide me with the 'possibility' of becoming the 'Lord of Fire'?" Sherlock said in an unconvincing tone. After all, this This statement is taking oneself too seriously. After all, only Melina calls him "Lord Faded One", and everyone else just calls him "Faded One", "Stephen" or "Mr. Strange". .

"Maybe there are considerations in this regard, but the matter itself has nothing to do with that guy," Se Lian nodded and shook his head: "Haida was born blind. After awakening the power of the witch, she hopes to serve the 'Faded One', Help him to heal his eyes after becoming the 'Supreme Mage', and this position is occupied by Melina."

"Ah..." Melina lowered her head slightly.

"It has nothing to do with you. After I become the Supreme Mage, will I refuse to treat her eyes?" Sherlock stopped his witch from thinking: "And didn't you come here at the risk of being killed by the 'Archless Noble' and transformed into a monster?" Is it mine?"

"After you defeated Grek, Fan Lei found Haida," Se Lian ignored the small interaction and continued: "He told her that as long as she 'use his grapes', her eyes would be restored."

"It's 'use' rather than 'eat'!" Sherlock heard the key directly.

"I'm not saying good things about him, but that guy with unknown origins never seems to have done anything 'outright' bad. He will definitely give the person who is about to be pushed off the cliff a chance to turn back," Se Lian sighed slightly: "But there are very few people who take advantage of this opportunity."

"If Haida had chosen to stuff grapes into her eyes instead of eating them, would she really have regained her sight?" Melina asked with a glimmer of hope: "Then now..."

"I wasn't there at the time, so I can't be sure, but it's obviously not possible now," Se Lian looked at Haida, who was still sleeping beside her: "After eating the grapes rashly, she did regain some of her vision, but what she saw in her eyes was Everything she can see is burning, and she can turn the target into the burned-out appearance she sees through direct contact or 'glaring'. Now putting new grapes into the eye sockets can only temporarily block the epilepsy. The fire is overflowing, and you must become the Supreme Mage before all the grapes are consumed to correct this."

"Then she is now..." Sherlock looked at Haida and then at the nearby Magic Academy.

"I will take her back to the Round Table Hall and place her there. You can find the key first," Se Lian said. "Although those academic fools are somewhat capable, they should not be your opponents after being reduced to living corpses, but don't challenge the fragment rashly." King, that guy is ridiculously strong, wait until I come back to tell you everything."

"Yeah." Sherlock nodded.

The exiles return for revenge, a very royal plot. This is the so-called "walk east of the river for thirty years, walk west of the river for thirty years, and don't bully poor young people."

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