The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and thirty-two, North American Mythical War (359)


"Miss Lani? Dean Lenara?"

Sherlock, who inexplicably disappeared from the arena and suddenly appeared in my mage tower, looked at me with a confused expression for a long time. After changing several names incoherently, he finally called me correctly:

"...Ms. Vice Principal?"

"This incarnation is called 'Scarlet Witch'." I opened one eye and looked at him.

"Witch?!" He jumped back two steps and stared at me nervously.

Great, now there's no need to ask where this guy went while he was missing.

Some professors at Hogwarts who were not very strict with their words would usually call their students "little wizards" and "little witches". He felt inexplicably nervous about these names, combined with the two names he just said, the answer was Already ready to come out.

"The Ring of Elden" is a story about collecting big runes and eventually becoming the "King of Elden", "The Lord of Madness" or simply running away.

[Should you reflect on why you went to the old head ring to defeat the most popular character? ] The stupid system complained.

‘I have no impression of going to the border area at all, and even if I went, I would have to go against that wooden woman who burned herself to death. ’

[It’s true, you’ve burned yourself not once or twice, and the Scarlet Witch sounds pretty easy to burn. 】

'you sure? ’ I turned around the stupid system card wand that was made of wood.

[Cold, calm down, the twigs of the World Tree and the hair of the Goddess of Death are not easy to find. 】

‘In a sense, it’s quite easy to find. I don’t ask them for materials once or twice. ’


The stupid system was silent for the time being.

Coming back to Sherlock, it can be seen from the name he blurted out to me that after collecting all the "big runes", he obviously chose to run away and finally reached the "Star Age" ending.

However, there is a problem with this ending, that is, the "Faded One" will become the "partner" of "Witch Lani". Although I have no impression of having been to the world of Elden's Ring, but since it has been achieved, then wouldn't that incarnation be …

[Tip: Sherlock Holmes (Stephen Strange) has lost the qualification to become a follower and cannot leave this world voluntarily. ] Prompt my sister to suddenly send a message.

Um? ……ah?

Wait, if he follows "Witch Lani" who is suspected of being my incarnation and leaves that "special dimension", "parallel world", "space gap", whatever the "junction" is called, he should directly become "Followers" are the right ones, so why are they disqualified?

【how? First you took away the predecessor ‘Supreme Mage’, and now you plan to take away your successor? 】

'Just kidding, I didn't plan to take Sherlock away originally. Looking at the preferential treatment he has received since he entered school, and the various trials that have intentionally or unintentionally trained him to the Supreme Mage, as long as he has a little bit of reasoning ability, You should know that I plan to help Gu Yi cultivate a qualified successor, right? ’

[I can take it, but you can’t give it to me? 】

‘Although it sounds a bit strange, that’s probably what it means. ’

[Hello, boss, goodbye boss. 】

‘Bah, bah, bah! ……Well? Wait, the reminder sister said "cannot leave voluntarily", right, so if I fish it out by force, I can fish it away? ’

[If you have to forcefully fish it out, you can even fish away Odin and even the Lords of other dimensions.] The stupid system responded in a "long time no talk" tone: [Do you have any misunderstanding about your identity? 】

‘But the consequences can’t be determined, right? ’ I thought about it: ‘In other words, Sherlock is bound by some kind of rules or existence in this world? ’

[Is it possible that this is your rule? ] The stupid system analyzed: [After so many worlds, there are always a few followers left halfway in a certain world, and what they have in common is - they have a sense of belonging. 】

‘Yes, what else? Are we going to break up the family? I am not the Queen Mother. ’

[In short, Sherlock found true love in a world whose basic settings were consistent with the Elden Ring. While being bound by this, he was also rejected by your logic of seeking 'followers', so he could not leave. 】

‘No, wait a minute, is this kid still under age? ’

['Sherlock' is not yet young, but 'Stephen' has long surpassed it, and if nothing else happens, the other party should be immortal. This period of human growth can pass in the blink of an eye. 】


After roughly discussing the cause and effect with the stupid system, I looked at Sherlock, who was still staring at me nervously, and held up his big witch hat: "Is she beautiful?"

[Hey, if you ask that, his answer will definitely turn into a certain formula. 】

‘This is the effect we want. ’

"She..." Sherlock's eyes were confused for a moment: "It doesn't matter whether she is pretty or not, she is really that kind of girl that is rare."

Coming, coming, eyes like mung beans, nose like garlic, sharp teeth...

"She looked stupid. She was only looking for me and didn't realize that it was a trap set by the enemy to trap her."

"She was also very serious and memorized all the introductions she knew about that world, regardless of the fact that most of them were things I wouldn't ask."

"She is very timid. If there is any slight disturbance, even if I accidentally hit a rabbit on the roadside, she will immediately transform into a spirit and hide."

"She was also very brave. After realizing that I needed help, she worked hard to practice fighting and learned prayers that could help me - although it would not be of much use in a real battle."

'Um? Wait, this doesn’t seem to be Lani? ’

[Isn’t Melina like this too? 】

‘Is it Millicent? ’

Although I was a little confused, I did not interrupt Sherlock, and he continued to speak with his eyes unfocused:

"And she was afraid of everything. After learning that I needed to burn the 'Golden Tree Spikes', she decided to light herself on fire without hesitation - fortunately, it was just a dream."

"She said that her wish is for me to become the 'Supreme Mage', and she will do so at any cost."

"In order to fulfill her wish, I decided to leave with Witch Lani."


"While she will be disappointed that 'The Border' will remain the same for a long time, I can't stay because I'm not 'Stephen Strange' but 'Sherlock Holmes,' I must fulfill her long-cherished wish with my true identity, instead of being trapped in reincarnation after reincarnation with her.”

What should Li Kui do if he thinks Li Gui is a good person?

"Vice Principal, no, 'Scarlet Witch'," Sherlock looked at me with a determined expression: "You must have a way to help her, right?"


This child ran away outside my jurisdiction. Just listening to these descriptions, it is impossible to understand what happened.

Tip sister? If you know what happened to him, please give me a hand.

[Hint: The ‘Ultraviolet Lamp Group’ was born. 】


Almost at the same time, an invisible light and shadow flew out from the sleeve of my magic robe, turning into an almost invisible ring and flying in front of Sherlock. Then, an ethereal mechanical synthesized sound sounded:

"[Intelligent life has been locked, Sherlock Holmes from the Earth, you have been forgotten by a sufficiently powerful or sufficient number of intelligent life, welcome to join the Ultraviolet Lantern Group.]"

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