The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and thirty-six, North American Mythical War (363)

——Marvel, 2015——

Asgard, the Sanctuary Battleship.

Key members of the Avengers are in discussions about the current format.

"Why don't they use 'off-site assistance'?" Tony Stark, wearing an Iron Man suit and fully armed, stood in front of the "viewing window" of the bridge and stared at the "live broadcast" of Hogwarts. : "What about 'Twilight of the Gods' and 'giving up authority'? Those guys in Asgard who claim to be gods have already messed up things, haven't they?"

"[That's not the case, sir, at least they don't think so," Jarvis's voice responded: "[According to the surveillance analysis you have placed everywhere, although the overall number of pedestrians in Asgard has become sparse, Valkyrie The frequency of patrols has also increased, but overall it is still within a reasonable range.]"

"Have you placed bugs in Asgard?" Steve Rogers, who was also watching the scene, turned to look at him: "Have you ever thought that if this behavior is discovered, even if there are Hogwarts observers? Could his identity also cause Asgard to be hostile to the Earth?"

"Don't use the concept of the earth to confuse the universe, captain," Stark waved his hand: "Through this period of observation, haven't you discovered? This universe looks very orderly on the surface, but it is based on the 'Universe Demon God' ' Under the premise of mutual checks and balances with the 'Lord of the Dimension', as Earthlings, all our actions will be counted on the lovely head of the 'Lord of the Ocean Dimension' who protects the earth."

"That's not a reason for you to cause trouble for her, Tony." Steve insisted.

"I'm not that bad," Stark spread his hands: "Stark will naturally be responsible for his own actions, but he can't interfere with what other people think, can he?"

"How are you responsible?" Steve frowned: "If you ask me, you should take back those bugs first -"

"When I become the 'Universe Demon', I will announce one by one what I am responsible for," Stark tapped his chest armor: "Iron Man never evades responsibility."

"..." Steve couldn't think of how to respond because the amount of information in his words was too large.

"This is sophistry, Stark. Even if I declare that I am responsible for the act of attracting ants with sugar balls, and then taking away the sugar balls when it led its companions to move, those ants will be helpless to me. ." Bruce Banner, wearing a white coat, interjected.

"Mr. Stark wants to become a 'Cosmic Demon God'? Then I want to have a 'Cosmic Demon God Teacher'. That's really cool." Peter Parker, wearing a spider suit, swung over with a spider silk: "But What kind of cosmic devil do you want to be? The steel devil? The mechanical devil? The inventor devil? The company boss devil?... Could it be the playboy devil?"

"Jarvis," Stark looked at him: "Compile the pictures of Peter flying around, causing spider webs to entangle Pegasus and Valkyrie, and being caught taking selfies on top of various buildings where climbing is prohibited, and send them to Mr. Ben and Ms. Mei.”

"[Tidying up, sir.]"

"...!" Peter was excited: "You will become the wisest demon in the universe!"

"Jarvis, retract the last order."

"[Okay, sir.]"

"Does anyone remember," Bruce Banner pushed up his glasses: "We were discussing how to help children in crisis?"

"Of course, please continue, Dr. Banner," Stark gestured: "It's not that I want to change the topic, but someone insists on questioning the legitimacy of the intelligence source when I present it."

"I just hope you don't cause more trouble when we're already in trouble," Steve said, crossing his arms.

"If their own problems are serious, Asgard will have no time to deal with this small offense. And if their problems are not serious, they will turn a blind eye for the sake of the 'Lord of the Ocean Dimension'," Iron Man nodded his own Helmet: "Stark always thinks before he acts."

"..." Steve's expression still looked disapproving, but he seemed not to continue arguing with him for the time being.

"So, back to the original topic," Bruce Banner continued: "Contrary to what Mr. Stark thinks, based on the current intelligence, I tend to believe that there is a big problem with both the Green Lantern Corps and Asgard."

"We can't return now. Doesn't it prove that Asgard's 'game rules' are still in effect?" Peter raised his hand and asked: "Even the 'live broadcast' has not been interrupted."

"What if the current situation is deliberately arranged by Asgard?" Dr. Banner pointed out the window: "As long as everyone is allowed to board this...'slicing battleship', then the safety of the passengers and the viewing of the game are guaranteed experience, then no one will be able to discover that some kind of 'abnormality' consistent with the nature of the game has occurred in Asgard."

"Evidence?" Stark asked.

"The evidence is in the picture sent back by Jarvis," Dr. Banner poked at his second frame and showed a picture: "Have you noticed that the Green Lantern Corps' flesh-and-blood vase-like battleship has been destroyed by green The hexahedron is sealed? They have no remaining members of the Lantern Corps. This behavior can only be to protect the warship itself. So, under what circumstances does a warship parked at the port of Asgard's main city need this kind of protection? means?"

The members, family members and non-staff members of the Avengers looked at each other and hesitated to speak.

"Because they learned through their own channels that a huge disaster was about to happen to Asgard. Since they could not imitate the method of 'slicing battleships', they could only use this less obvious method of self-protection," Dr. Banner continued. And showing the empty streets: "If the residents of Asgard did not go to the sliced ​​battleships to watch the game because of the excessive propaganda, but stayed at home, the situation in this picture might have become the same. The seven kingdoms that were already in chaos are just as chaotic."

"At least three of the enemies in the arena have shown the means to transform other creatures into their minions." Steve nodded with a frown.

"And those children are unable to call for off-site assistance. I am afraid that the situation we discussed before has come true," Dr. Banner continued: "The divine power of Asgard and the green light energy of the Green Lantern Corps have all failed at this moment."

"You'd better have a way to solve this problem, doctor." Stark turned his head and glanced at the "game field": "Otherwise, I'm afraid I will have to open the hatch and fly to my baby girl."

"[Judging from the orbital height where the 'Slice Battleship' is parked, your armor's oxygen reserves are not sufficient to support this, sir.]" Jarvis interjected.

"It's a sign of determination, Jarvis."

"[Understood, it has been included in the database of 'Mr. Stark's words and deeds that do not need to be ignored'."

"When was this library built?!"

"Of course there is a way, or in other words, everyone here has it."

Dr. Banner ignored the quarrel between Iron Man and his digital butler, raised his right hand to everyone, and showed off the exquisite ring on his ring finger that exuded a light purple light.

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