The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred sixty-one, North American Mythical War (380)

——Marvel, 2015——


After this country was used as the venue for the "Triwizard Tournament", the "Ship City" Nootong was quieter than before, because no one needed to commute or drive a viewing machine to "travel". Almost all the Warner Protoss were Trapped in a sweet dream by the "complete stealth" machine they created, they were unaware even if the battle outside the city shook the sky.

Boom boom boom!

In the outer suburbs of the city, a large number of orange-painted "eggshell-shaped" robots are fighting with their green-painted counterparts. Their actions are fast and efficient, as if they are fighting between insect populations regardless of losses. The purpose of all actions is to Destroy as many enemies as possible in the shortest possible time.

In the center of this melee battlefield, two "giants" who are 50 meters tall are the real protagonists. Their shapes are almost exactly the same: they have a thin body, long hands and long legs, and their bodies are covered with very mechanical-looking materials. Apart from some differences in details, the main difference between the metal armors is that one is painted orange and the other is painted green.

The two "machine giants" did not use any conventional weapons such as turrets, missiles or lasers. Instead, they were engaged in vigorous and simple armed combat. The aftermath of their collision with each other and stamping on the ground was enough to put anyone who accidentally entered the attack range. Small machinery is crushed into scrap metal.

The battle lasted for about half an hour. In the end, when the orange machine was insufficient in follow-up supplies and was about to lose on the frontal battlefield, the winner was decided between the two giants - the green giant swung his sword and chopped off the orange giant's head. No, and the orange giant thrust the light blade on the arm armor into the green giant's chest.

If this were a battle between any humanoid creatures, the current scenario might be called "both sides suffer" or "both die", but for these two machines, it only means that one of them has won a great victory.

"[The head is just a decoration, that mechanical bat monster won't understand,]" The orange giant started to move again after a brief stagnation. The headless body strode towards the green giant who fell to the ground while making a loud sound. Young girl's voice with electronic reverb: "[For this 'mimir', even more so.]"

The green giant seemed to be intact, but in the face of the approaching enemy, it was completely unable to react except for futilely blooming sparks of electricity in certain parts of its body.

"['Killing Machine' is really a bad idea. Now you must think that you are driving a mecha belonging to the resistance to fight against him, right?]" The orange giant came to the green giant and began to roughly disassemble its front armor. : "[Don't worry, I'll wake you up right away.]"

Creaking, creaking——

With a heartbreaking sound of metal twisting, the headless orange giant tore open the thick armor on the front of the green giant with his bare hands, then reached in, fumbled for a while and took out its core, which was heavily wrapped in a mechanical device. But the shape is almost the same as the "eggshell" of the small machines around it.

The orange giant held the eggshell in his hand and said with a smile: "[Hello, Old Argon, it seems that your military talents have been recognized by the mechanical bat.]"

"...Run." A small voice came from the eggshell.

"[Huh? What?]" The orange giant brought it closer.

"...Run...once I leave...that mecha..."

While the orange giant was still trying to hear the voice in the eggshell, the eyes of the green giant who had fallen to the ground suddenly lit up with scarlet light.

"[The pilot of 'hoenir' is detected to be unconscious, and the 'Alfred Protocol' is activated.]"

"[Don't worry, I can defeat you once, I can defeat you twice or even more.]" The orange giant stuffed the "eggshell" into the armor on his abdomen, and faced the green giant who stood up in a weird posture. Posture.


Buzz buzz——

The green giant did not launch an attack. It took off and rose into the sky in a strange manner, as if it was lifted by an invisible hand. Three pairs of long, narrow and illusory "wings" like prisms bloomed from behind.

Almost at the same time, the sky in Jotunheim suddenly turned dark, with only the spreading "halo" behind the green giant emitting a golden, blood-red, or pale light.

"They are... using the energy of the Warner Protoss... to create gods..."

——[Warner God’s Domain]——

"Aincrad", ninety-ninth floor.

The environment on this level is a dense jungle that is almost consistent with the reality of Vanaheim, and its "BoSS" at the end of the level is the "Elven King" who once provided help and assistance to adventurers in the lower levels.

Any adventurer who has received help from the Elf King on other levels will be in a state where all attributes are reduced by 99%, damage and healing are reduced by 99%, and are not affected by any gain effects when facing this boss, which leads to confidence. The full first-kill group was wiped out almost instantly.

Just almost.


"Come on, continue." Tony Stark, who was wearing a black suit and big sunglasses, punched the elf guard in front of him into scattered 0s and 1s. Then he straightened his somewhat disheveled tie and turned to the blonde in front of him. , wearing a green robe and a pair of pointed ears, the "Elf King" hooked his hands: "I'm just standing here to see what tricks you can come up with."

"..." The Elf King looked resentful and held the scepter tightly with both hands. He seemed to want to do something but didn't dare: "Why are you not affected?"

"Unfortunately," Stark shrugged: "I never accept what is handed to me - and the same goes for the virtual world."

"[It's really miserable,]" Not far away from Stark, the gold and red steel suit made a mocking electronic sound: "[It's unexpected that Mr. Stark, who doesn't even have the strength to catch a chicken, doesn't rely on him. Equipment or armor to defeat with bare hands. If I were you, I would have formatted my main program long ago.】"

"There's no point in mocking him, Jarvis." Stark tilted his head and looked at it: "This is just a designed..."


At this moment, a large number of blood-red "error" and "warning" messages appeared in the gorgeous palace that was originally very characteristic of elves. They first appeared on some flat surfaces such as books or murals, and then spread and expanded rapidly. In a short period of time, Over time, all kinds of pictures that were originally supposed to be "textures" were replaced, making this "Elf Palace" look more like a bizarre magical cave.

"[The 'Alfred Agreement' has been activated,]" the dull-looking Elf King made a voice that sounded like an old man's, and stiffly bowed slightly to Stark: "[Although it's a pity, but please As the nourishment of the 'Machine Demon God', please stay in this world forever.]"

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