The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and ninety, North American Mythical War (393)

——? ? ? ——

This is...where?

Stark looked at the wonderful environment around him and tried to make sense of the situation.

This is a body of water with no discernible boundaries. The water is as calm as a mirror. Even if you "stand" on it wearing business casual clothes, you can't disturb the calm water in the slightest.

The sky, both above and in reflection, all showed the same color, like the faint orange color of dusk, but there was no obvious light source, as if the sky itself was illuminated.

Before I appeared here, oh yes.

The "God-Building Plan" of "Killing Machine" and "Alfred Protocol" has entered the final stage, preparing to absorb "Aincrad" in the virtual world as nutrients.

Jarvis suggested taking the opportunity to escape from the "virtual world", but he was brave enough to try to cling to the shell of the "collapsed Aincrad" and destroy it from the inside in the form of a "virus" or "Trojan horse" That stupid plan.

If that old popsicle had known about it, he would have muttered something like "recklessness is not bravery" and "don't fight an unprepared battle."

Ha, just kidding, he is Iron Man, his main character is to act first and plan later.

...and then here we are.

Stark tried walking on the "water" and felt that it was indeed moving, but since the surrounding reference objects remained unchanged, it was impossible to determine whether it was really moving.

"Jarvis, are you there? Help me count the steps?" He shouted twice with little expectation as he walked, but in addition to proving once again that this is a vast and borderless space, the sound quickly disappeared. Didn't get any response.

"Very good, great," Stark shrugged: "This operation will definitely be recorded in the database of 'Mr. Stark did not listen to dissuasion and caused himself to be in danger', and will be used as an example at family gatherings. Call, and then..."

Iron Man was silent for a moment.

"Luna will definitely add fuel to the fire and make Pepper, who is already very angry, even more angry. Tsk, I'm Iron Man."

[I'm glad you finally thought about your family.] Above the empty water, a slightly immature female voice sounded: [Although I am ranked behind the captain and Jarvis, I can barely accept it. 】

"Luna?" Unable to distinguish the direction from which the sound came, Stark looked around.

Stark spun around in place without discovering anything, but when he finally turned back to the original direction, he found an ancient Greek-style pavilion on the originally empty water, and there seemed to be a figure in it.

He hesitated for two seconds and then decisively walked towards the pavilion - Stark would not be afraid of any challenge, especially a lady's invitation.

[Hello, Mr. Tony Stark. 】

Waiting there was a tall woman with long white hair wearing a black-based classic dress decorated with dark green lines, a dark crown on her head, a veil covering her face, and a pair of bright lake blue... Staring at Stark with lustful eyes:

[I am your daughter, Morgan Stark, eight years old this year. 】


Because the information received was too impactful, even Stark's mind shut down on the spot, and he subconsciously uttered a sentence that was most appropriate but least suitable for the current situation:

"What the hell is this eight years old?!"


[Although time here is stagnant, both you and I have a limited time to stay here, so I suggest skipping the meaningless self-identification time,] the woman who called herself Morgan said in a calm tone. It seems a bit contradictory: [But if you think it is necessary, I can repeat some of the words and actions you and my mother took after you thought I fell asleep. 】

"No, that's not necessary," Stark rubbed his nose: "You speak, and I listen."

[This is the 'Stairway to Heaven', and 'ascension' is the only way for 'Cosmic Demon Gods' to pass, but most of the Cosmic Demon Gods will not stay here, because their goal of ascension is certain, and naturally they have no 'choice' opportunity,] Morgan said: [And you have such an opportunity now. 】

"Did you really intercept the 'god-making plan' of those idiots? As expected of me," Stark was a little smug: "So what is the choice?"

[The tendency of ‘mechanical ascension’,] Morgan replied, [There are roughly three branches: ‘iron-hearted exterminators’, ‘eager assimilation’ and ‘earth guardians’. 】

"This is the first time I heard that the Universe Demon God has a 'skill tree'..." Stark raised his eyebrows: "What are their characteristics?"

[The 'Lord of Dimensions' is the only one, but the 'Universe Demon God' is not. There will be fierce competition between the demon gods on the same ascension route, and the fight for the position of 'Lord of Dimensions' will be even more intense,] Morgan responded: [ The 'Ironheart Exterminator' is the ascension that the 'Killing Machine' and the 'Alfred Protocol' are trying to carry out. The demons on this ascension route are basically the same as what they are currently doing: destroy all organic life and use those who have wisdom among them as 'battery' 'Control is used to help yourself continue to evolve. 】

"I'll dismantle them into scrap metal when I get out," Stark waved his hand, "The other two types?"

['Eager Assimilation' is the closest to the behavior you have shown. It advocates the coexistence of biology and machinery, including but not limited to exoskeleton suits, mechanical modification of limbs and organs, consciousness uploading, etc., but it is more extreme and is not allowed to exist. For creatures that have not been mechanically modified, there is currently no competitor for this ascension route. 】

[The 'Guardians of the Earth' regard themselves as the protectors of all life and civilization. They will not transform living things, but will protect them through various means and meet all their needs according to preset settings. This route looks like It is the most friendly to living things, but it will lead to the homogenization of the development of all civilizations within its sphere of influence. The Green Lantern Corps is a practitioner of this route. 】

[However, this is only a rough classification of ascension routes, and there are no clear provisions stipulating what must be done after becoming a 'Mechanical Demon God'.] Morgan paused for a moment: [But you should be very clear that a program must decide that it is 'object-oriented' It is still 'process-oriented'. If you write it randomly, it will only lead to a crash in the end. 】

"Unfortunately," Stark grinned: "'Iron Man' always acts first and then plans. I decided to become a 'Mechanical Demon' first and then think about the next route to take."

【As expected of you. 】Morgan nodded not surprisingly, and her figure slowly disappeared along with the pavilion where she was.

Then, the originally calm "water surface" suddenly set off huge waves, and countless knowledge about metals, materials, smelting, forging, structures, automation, artificial intelligence, brain-computer interaction, and more that did not belong to the known framework began to be poured into Stark's mind. While his mind was constantly absorbing this knowledge, even though he had been prepared, he gradually felt that his life and memory were becoming blurred, and only his views on machinery and biology became increasingly clear.

No wonder...I have to choose a route in advance...It's a pity...I haven't...

"[■■■]" he murmured: "[■■■■■■]"

The next moment, the sky that had always looked like dusk suddenly turned into a dark night sky, and above the night sky hung an extremely huge and clear full moon.

Almost at the same time, a roar echoed throughout the world:

"[Give me my father!! Give me back!!]"

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