The Collection of The End

Chapter 261 Oath and Victory

My name is Akatosh,

Ah, Sgrammer jumped down, oh, jumped back again.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 11th, 8:32 —

At dawn, the fog on the sea surface had completely dissipated, and the group of comrades-in-arms were re-entering the inland from the sea.

"Sgrammer was the first group of human leaders to land on Tamriel. Before that, the continent was completely ruled by elves. Races such as tiger people and Argonians were slaves of elves. There is no word for 'human', yes, slave." Septim hinted that Signus explained the history, but it didn't delay him from reading the "magic book" while he was on his way.

After taking out the grimoire from the Dwarven metal ball, Septim gave up his base without hesitation. He also agreed to Arthur's invitation without hesitation. After roughly understanding what they were going to do, he pointed out the purpose directly. location of the land.

In that case, it would be okay to listen to him talk about ancient history, Arthur thought as he led the way.

"He established the first city of the Nords, Sattar, in the south of the landing point, and led his five hundred heroes to wipe out all the elves in the province of Skyrim. Therefore, his battle ax is called 'Elf Killer'. At the last moment of his life, when he felt that he was about to die, Sgrammer returned to his original landing point on the continent of Tamriel and built his own tomb," said the old mage, "while Tiber Septim Sgrammer was born long after his death. Although he unified the continent of Tamriel and established a huge empire that lasts until now, and was even upgraded to the 'Ninth Holy Spirit' Talos, he is still not qualified to be compared with Sgrammer , understand?"

"Uh...understood." Farkas, who had accidentally asked the question "Who is greater, Tiber Septim or Sgrammer", replied blankly.

There is no standard answer to such a highly subjective question, but this mage seems to know the history of the comrades-in-arms group very well, and he also admires Sgrammer a little. It seems that we will get along more happily in the future, Arthur thought .

As for the "magic book", Bluebeard didn't mean to keep it as his own, but the others felt intense discomfort and dizziness just by opening the book, and they all said afterwards that they saw some strange shapes, Arranging and combining meaningless words, once you try to understand them, you have to give up as if your head was severely whipped by a "whip".

However, Arthur didn't respond to it at all. In his opinion, there was not a single word in the big book, so naturally he didn't care about any reaction. Septim tacitly checked it to no avail. The dragon blood of the dragon is quite special.

"So, what exactly is recorded on it? Can a Dwemer go to ask the demon god, and then be annoyed by the demon god who can't answer?" Ella asked curiously, the only old man who could read the "magic book". mage.

"According to the remarks in this grimoire, [Azura] answered, but that Dwemer played a trick, and combined with many Dwemer scholars to give different answers, and systematically and methodically proved [ The answer of the Demon God of Dawn and Dusk] is wrong," Septim recited the name of the Demon God nonchalantly: "If a few individuals try to deceive the Demon God, they generally don't care about it, but if a race gathers the whole family The power of the wise is trying to prove that an originally correct demon god is wrong, and it is only natural to be wiped out."

"Especially that answer was calculated by Azura with great effort, woof!" Babas answered.

"Hmm... It can also be seen from the style of those ruins that although those dwarves are mutants of elves, what they pursue is not magic, but the power of machinery and steam." Wilkas shook his head: "Take everything under control It's a good idea, but the premise is not to provoke those existences who may turn the tables and stop playing at any time."

— 8:54 —

"Stop! Who are you?"

Inadvertently leading the topic into the realm of history and philosophy,

Coupled with the confidence in the strength of this small group, almost no one deliberately carried out investigations. As a result, when they were about to arrive at Sgrammer's Tomb, they were surrounded by a group of Thalmor soldiers.

This is what Somo's standard clothes look like? Arthur looked around at the soldiers.

"Elf armor" is a kind of light armor covering the whole body. Its material is composed of translucent dark golden jelly. Perhaps because the Thalmor elves are from the warm summer island in the south, they are very afraid of the cold. Wearing the armor After finishing, only the face is exposed, but for the sake of appearance, these armors are deliberately thickened and beautified on the shoulders, waist, feet and other positions.

Well, still not very pretty.

"Standing in front of you is the famous mercenary group 'Knights of the Round Table' in the province of Skyrim, and I am the leader Artoria." Nord ruins—but you, what do you want at the grave of the great Nord hero, Sgramme? Elves?"

These words were not inferior in momentum at all, and could even be called sharp-edged. In the end, Arthur even held the hilt of the giant sword behind his back.

"Hmm..." The elf soldier blocking the way was momentarily at a loss for words.

Obviously, although Thalmer won the war with the Empire, and after signing the "Platinum Agreement", they even extended their hands into the province of Skyrim with the clause "prohibiting belief in Talos", but these soldiers still dare not directly say "Sgramme's tomb is blocked by us, and no one is allowed to enter" such words.

The empire itself doesn't mind the prohibition of belief in Talos, it's just the stubborn Nords who oppose it, but if it comes to Sgrammer, the ancestor of humans in Tamriel... I really think he can't handle Uthrad up? The heroic spirit's weapon will not disappear just because its body is broken.

"We have received information that a certain organization is trying to collect the fragments of 'Wuslad' to recast it," an elf who seemed to have a higher status and a relatively flexible head among the soldiers blocking the way replied: "Shuo No disrespect to Sgrammer, but if someone tried to use that weapon against us, we certainly wouldn't sit idly by."

Those vampires seem to be very smart, and they even learned how to drive away tigers and wolves. Arthur frowned slightly. If you tell them that recasting this legendary weapon named "Elf Slayer" is only for attacking vampires - you don't need to say anything. result.

"So, just let us check the luggage we're carrying to make sure we don't have any fragments of that weapon, and then we can let you pass," the elf leader continued, "I hope you understand the responsibility."

"Master 'Merlin', what do you think?" Arthur quickly thought about the countermeasures, then turned to ask the blue beard mage.

Although with the reclusive personality of this old mage, there is probably no problem even if his real name is reported, but his name is "Septim's Revelation", and he himself has a lot of opinions on the empire. Maybe it is on some special lists inside Somo superior.

"I see..." The old mage closed the magic book very dissatisfied, and then raised his hand slightly: "The younger generation of that guy White Wolf is getting more and more outrageous, humanoid, fixed body."

white wolf? Does Krakow still have such a nickname?

"What—" The elf soldiers on the opposite side turned pale with fright just because Septim raised his hand tacitly, and the comrades in arms did not realize that it was a spellcasting until the old mage's hand started to fall.

But Babas ran away first.

Boom! !

Following the movement of the bluebeard mage putting his hand down, there was a deafening explosion, and a huge green whirlwind appeared between the two opposing sides. When it appeared, it exploded in all directions, and the members of the comrades who were affected had no However, there were green lights flashing on the bodies of more than a dozen elf soldiers in front of them, and they stood there motionless.

"We have to enter the tomb as soon as possible. Although the loud noise just now didn't really happen, other elf soldiers who are sensitive to magic must have noticed it." Arthur said as he rushed to the giant stone tomb not far away. Entrance.

"Magic is so convenient." Ella praised.

"In fact, it doesn't take much to kill them all." Farkas muttered, and then he was knocked out of the shield by his brother.

— 9:17 —

When it comes to the tombs of Skyrim Province, one naturally thinks of the ghouls entrenched in them. The corpses of those ancient Nord warriors will get up again under the influence of adventurers, evil magic, and even an earthquake, irrational Attacks any living creature within sight.

However, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen in the tomb of Sgrammer. The earliest ancestors of humans in the Tamriel continent are still lying there. Who would dare to get up without authorization?

Therefore, those ancient Nord warriors who were lucky enough to be buried in the same tomb with Sgrammer have all become-ghosts.

"Want to meet Lord Sgrammer? Let me test whether you are qualified!" These warriors wore their helmets and armor neatly as before, and even their thinking was very clear. If it weren't for their translucent appearance, As well as the way of disappearing into light smoke after being defeated, it can be regarded as an ordinary Nord warrior.

After entering the tomb, Septin expressed that he would no longer shoot, and the members of the comrades-in-arms group did not transform into werewolves in order to prove their bravery to their ancestors, but only fought in with their own fighting skills.

Of course, this is also considering that the werewolf blood was the result of the betrayal of Sgrammer by the leader of a certain generation of comrades in arms. If he transformed, he might be thrown out by the ancestors directly.

Since Sgrammer himself did not accumulate much wealth, and there was no such profession as a tomb robber at that time, it was not difficult to reach his tomb hall at all—just walk straight along the road, and the battle along the way was more like a battle between enemies. The ancestor of the Nords displayed prowess.

As for the goal of this trip, the handle of "Ursrad" was quietly enshrined in front of Scramur's unusually huge sarcophagus.

"Ah!!" A huge scream sounded, causing the people and ghosts who were in the midst of the battle to stop, wanting to see who made such an embarrassing sound in front of Sgrammer.

"No, I don't want to--" The one who yelled was Arthur's just defeated ghost opponent, who did not turn into a puff of smoke and reappear in the coffin like the rest of his robes, but headed straight for the tomb. The ceiling goes up.

However, the favorite "hitting the ceiling" did not happen, he was enveloped by a beam of light before he approached the ceiling, and disappeared in a rising posture in the next instant.

"Uh, okay." Arthur looked at the eighth star that lit up on his "two-handed sword" constellation, and silently put away the sword.

Rescuing the undead is fine in other circumstances, but sending away the warriors who have guarded Sgrammer's tomb for thousands of years is...

"[Hahaha! Don't be depressed, life in the Hall of Valor is pretty good—Hi'er!]" A heroic voice that Arthur once heard at the ceremony of joining the ring sounded: "[You guys also come together, who wants to come? Make a sound?]"

All the ghosts shook their heads with their mouths tightly shut.

"【If you don't come up, then I have to go down...I'm not drunk! Don't give me sober soup anymore! ——Hi'er!]" Sgrammer's voice came at the same time, and there was also faintly heard There was a lot of noise and noise.

When the members of the comrades-in-arms group looked at each other, the ghosts scattered and disappeared.


A dazzling meteor with golden lightning completely ignored the ceiling of the tomb, and fell straight from the sky in front of Sgrammer's huge sarcophagus, and its impact even caused spider web-like cracks on the illusion.

As the light of the "Meteor" disappeared, a big Nord man made of golden light slowly stood up. His face and figure were exactly the same as the Sgrammer sculpture handed down. , but unlike the seriousness and ferocity in those sculptures and portraits, "Golden Sgrammer" looks very friendly.

“[Very good, my juniors,]” he said, “[You have collected all the fragments of Urslad, defeated the warriors of the ancient comrades in arms, successfully proved that you have enough courage and strength, and—— I discovered my own shortcomings.]

Septim, who was responsible for making up for the "deficiencies", said that he continued to flip through his grimoire without saying a word.

That is to say, when facing the army of elves, Tirag shouldn't have gone looking for the harpies to gain the power of the werewolves. He just needs to ask a magician to help. The inertial thinking that his own strength decides everything made him make a wrong choice.

"You—" Arthur wanted to say something, but Sgrammer raised his hand to stop him.

"I know why you're here, it's time for 'Ursrad' to be reborn, but I don't think you all like axes," Sgrammer's golden eyes glanced at the weapons carried by members of the comrades-in-arms: "So I'll give it A new shape, and the name is up to you to decide."

Sgrammer stretched out his hand, and the fragments of the package carried by the comrades-in-arms group, the orbs in Arthur's luggage, and the handle placed in front of the sarcophagus gathered in front of him.

Pieces of old fragments were reassembled, and the orb was set directly on the back of the handle.

In the end, what was formed in front of everyone was a huge two-handed sword with a wide blade, both sides of the blade were decorated with blue enamel, and a row of elven characters were painted on the back of the sword.

"[Go ahead, my juniors, I am very much looking forward to seeing you in the Hall of Valor, but the later the better, hahaha——] Sgrammer laughed and disappeared in a golden light, and that The sword was still floating up and down in mid-air.

"Although you keep saying that you should name it yourself, you actually engraved 'Elf Killer' in Elvish language on the sword..." Babas stuck out his tongue: "I think it will be particularly effective if you use it to cut elves."

"The question now is—well, I didn't ask." Before Arthur could ask the question about who would use the "Wuslad", he saw his companions pointing at him in unison.

"Your name is," Arthur approached the golden sword and reached out to hold its hilt: "—[Sword of Oath and Victory (Excalibur)]."

The next moment, dazzling golden light illuminated the entire tomb.

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