The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and eighteen, flash point (7)

Latest website address: ——? ? ? ——

——Marvel, 2023——

Stark Tower.

Due to being blocked by Steve, subsequent "time travel" experiments were only carried out in the span of one to five years back in time.

In his words, "This is Tony trying to have fun with how you look smaller and older, and we can't let him succeed."

Stark claimed that he had been wronged and expressed his intention to appeal, but still followed Steve's arrangements and carried out subsequent experiments. "The results of this 'exercise' have come out," Stark said a little angrily: "Since it is impossible to show in an intuitive form who among all of you is not suitable for time travel, the next step is for Bruce and Scott to do it. Announce

result. "

"Uh..." Scott, who came back on stage, looked at the normal Hulk who was too big in size: "You first?"

"Okay," Dr. Banner adjusted his glasses and picked up the page of the report in his hand: "Unfortunately, Ms. Natasha Romanoff, you will not be able to participate in the next action."

"Oh, I'll know it as soon as I see your expressions after I finish the experiment," a senior female SHIELD agent raised her chin: "But I want to hear the reason." "Well, you know, your special physique is different from those of us who have cases. The ones that can be checked are all different, and there are also some..." Dr. Banner scratched his head: "The 'spiritual shackles' remain, and you can still use those things by yourself now.

They can be overcome by their own will, but once they truly return to the past, they will reappear, with a probability of about 83%."

"Tsk, are you worried that I will lose control and run to 1991, or even earlier?" Natasha spread her hands: "Okay, then I will stay here and be in charge of liaison."

Banner continued to scratch his head.

"As for you, Ms. Nebula, your problem is similar to Natasha's, but more serious." Scott answered.

"I am convinced that I have free will, from beginning to end." The blue-skinned bald mechanical woman emphasized.

"No, no, this has nothing to do with your will," Scott looked down at the report in his hand: "Are you sure that your, uh, your mechanical body does not have any 'backdoors' left by Thanos?"

"Of course I-" Xingyun paused mid-sentence, obviously she was not sure.

"In fact," Stark, who was sitting in the audience, tilted his head: "You sent a total of two data streams to an unknown address in the previous experiment, which were the two time points of 'Rewind Time' and 'Return to the Present' .”

"What?!" Steve stood up suddenly.

"What!?" Carol, who was leaning against the window, instantly burst into flames.

"Ha," Thor, who had lost his beer belly, drank heavily and said, "We might as well call the remaining troops of Thanos, just in time to vent his anger."

"Don't be nervous, these two messages have been intercepted and analyzed by Jarvis," Stark waved his hand: "Their contents are also very simple. They are just 'synchronizing the clock' after realizing that the internal time is wrong."

"Don't worry," Rocket Raccoon patted Nebula's arm with his furry hand: "We all know how much you hate Thanos."

"..." Nebula continued to be in a daze, seeming to be conducting a self-examination. "However, the receiving address is highly similar to the signal address of the spacecraft used by Thanos to invade the earth and has been destroyed. We cannot rule out whether your mechanical body will automatically function after you return to the past where Thanos still exists.

'Upload' all the experiences after 'disconnection' to the past," Scott concluded: "Unfortunately, you can't participate in this 'time travel', Ms. Nebula. "

"...Okay," Nebula sighed: "I will stay and provide you with intelligence support at the 'communication device'."

——After the "time travel" experiment was passed, many engineering robots continued to build "observation lenses", "transfer devices" and "communication devices" under the command of Jarvis, while the Avengers came to the top of the building. Held on the rooftop

A shabby celebration party. Since the current social order is on the verge of collapse and the project needs to be kept secret, all dishes are purchased and cooked by robots under Jarvis. They are neither creative nor delicious, and the only wine available is canned beer.

Liquor and ordinary bottles of wine, but the Avengers, who were looking forward to saving the world, had no time to care about these.

"Tony," Steve, holding a hot dog, found Stark who was assembling his own sandwich: "I think I owe you an apology."

"What? Why?" Stark raised his eyes and looked at him: "Did I hear you right? I left you all alone for five years and you have to apologize?" "In fact, it was me who ignored you," Steve Taking a breath: "Although I am helping Natasha maintain the Avengers, monitor abnormal situations in the world, assist in disaster relief and provide psychological counseling for citizens,

But those were all manifestations of "accepting fate", so when I heard you say that it was a "war to take back the future," I suddenly realized that I had "given up the future." "That's right, man," Stark rolled his eyes at him and continued to stuff bacon into the sandwich: "I just thought after being rescued by 'Captain Marvel' that since there is a superwoman in this world, there is Thanos, and there is energy." Infinity stones that directly destroy half of intelligent life, so it is not surprising that there is a way to travel through time, so I started to retreat and calculate the formula to achieve it - you know, science always has theories and formulas first, and it takes a long time to

put into application. "

"So, you are expecting us to find an 'apply' method to save the world, but we are actually muddling along." Steve lowered his head slightly. "Actually, you also played a big role." Stark began to stuff tomato slices into the sandwich: "My plan can only bring back half of the people who disappeared. If the original survivors have been killed due to various reasons in the past five years, cause to die,

That can't be saved. "

"But I still want to apologize to you," Steve said: "When you returned to Earth and said to me excitedly, 'Peter is dead,' I said, 'Many people died on Earth too.' This was very unfair. Okay." "...Hmph, if Pepper hadn't stopped me at that time, I would have punched you even if I was weak." Stark finished assembling the sandwich: "He usually just plays 'good neighbor in New York' , how can you allow a

Children go to war? "

"Sorry," Steve said, "although it's probably five years too late."

"It's okay, I forgive you," Stark raised the sandwich: "Cheers?"

Steve raised the corners of his mouth slightly and put the hot dog over: "Cheers."

Boom boom boom——hoo——

Following a hurricane, a blue steel suit sped over and hovered in front of the two men.

"[Dad~]" Little Morgan's voice came from the belly of the suit: "[Because you haven't been home for a month, mommy came to see you~]" Stark and Steve looked at their empty hands, Different expressions.

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