The Collection of The End

Chapter 263: Legend and Raid

My name is Akatosh,

I seem to hear someone say I'm handsome?

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 11th, 17:29——

"Those soldiers haven't withdrawn yet, and on the contrary, their blockade here has become tighter."

Babas ran into the entrance hall of Sgrammer's Tomb, shook his hair and said to the members of the comrades waiting here.

"Are we going to spend the night here? Although we carry sleeping bags and firelighters..." Farkas frowned tightly.

Even if the owner is Sgrammer, this is a tomb after all, and there are more than a dozen sarcophagi parked even at the entrance.

"It can't be helped. Our original plan of 'surprise entry, recast weapons and leave quietly' completely failed after the beam of light appeared," Arthur patted the golden sword on his back: "It's the first time I know Reforging legendary weapons would have that effect."

It was an incomparably dazzling huge beam of light, completely ignoring the fact that the tomb was underground, and the golden light shot straight to the sky, sweeping away the dark clouds that had not dissipated after the snow stopped, and now even the group outside All Thalmer fools would have guessed that the [Wuslad] they guarded against has been successfully recast.

Even if they didn't dare to break into Sgrammer's Tomb, it would be no problem to surround the place with airtight water and intercept someone carrying Wuthrad.

In this way, even if it is useless to explain that reforging the legendary weapon is not to deal with them, the other party will not believe it at all. After all, most Nords have very objections to Thalmer forbidding them to believe in Talos.

"That's not a legendary weapon," Septim, who had always kept his book in his hand, raised his head and said tacitly, "It's an 'artifact'."

"An artifact? Sgrammer is not the Holy Spirit, right? And this sword..." Ella looked at the [Sword of Oath and Victory] on Arthur's back, and did not dare to touch it.

"Songjiade is in [Shuer]'s domain. As an existence that can easily jump out of there and then jump back in again, what do you think he is?" "Ghost? Ghost?"

"Hmm..." Recalling Sgrammer's shining appearance not long ago, everyone in the comrade-in-arms group fell silent.

"Even if it's not the Holy Spirit, it won't be too far behind. As the [human ancestor] who brought the Nords to Tamriel, he is qualified to become the Holy Spirit. The only difference is whether he wants to or not." Septim hinted and continued: "Compared to Tiber Septim...ah, I should ask him if he has seen the [Oldest King] just now."

He seems to have a problem with Talos? The members of the comrades-in-arms group looked at each other.

"Judging from your words and deeds during this period, it seems that you are dissatisfied with Tiber Septim?" Lydia asked, "Also about your name..."

"Hehe, you should know that the Holy Spirit is not a sculpture on the altar or a colored painting on the glass. When their domain is offended, they will not hesitate to shoot. The battle between the Holy Spirit and the Demon God, and between the Demon God and the Demon God is only recorded. There are no fewer than a thousand records available." Septim sneered, "However, in the annihilation crisis caused by the demon god 'Merunes Dagon' two hundred years ago, the Septim royal family was the direct victim. , but did not receive any help from 'Taros' at all, and in the end it was the 'Dragon God of Time' [Akatosh] who seldom made a move to save the last bloodline of the empire."

No, maybe he has shot many times, but he forcibly erased the traces of his actions. Arthur thought of the scene when Hircine's real body fell and was directly wiped out by Akatosh's servants-although that incident "Never happened".

"Why do you think the empire would agree to ban the belief in Talos?" Septim paused: "Except that the so-called 'Holy Spirit' itself was blown out by the people of the empire, he was in the war between the empire and Somor Never showing up is also an important reason,

If we continue to admit that the first emperor who did not protect his people at all is the holy spirit, it will not only cause doubts to those who believe in him, but also cause harm to other real holy spirits who have been trying their best to protect Nirn from falling into the clutches of the demon god—although he They probably don't care about this at all. "

"As for the name, 'Septim's Inspiration', I changed it myself," the old mage snorted, "I hope to confirm what Tiber Septim is through the information left by the demon god and the Holy Spirit." state."

"So, have you researched anything?" Wilkas pointed to the "magic book" in the hands of the blue bearded mage.

Although the senior members of the Comrades Group are generally werewolves, they believe in Hircine more than Talos, but it's hard to bring this up directly, especially since this is the tomb of the leader of the original Comrades Group.

"About this, I have to thank you, Dragonborn," Bluebeard nodded to Arthur: "If you hadn't used your own blood to forcibly break the seal of the demon god, once I collected the blood of various elves, press 'correct' If you open it, it will disappear as soon as you touch this book, leaving only ashes.”

"Huh!" Farkas hurriedly took two steps back, and was met with unanimous contempt from all his companions.

"Wow! That's not right, old man, don't think that we don't know the goods," Babas interjected, "That's obviously [Hermaeus Mora's] 'Dark Magic Book', it will only stick out the tentacles to take the reader's soul It's just a transaction in his annihilation domain 'Different Code', when did it become capable of killing people?"

"You are obviously just a dog, why can you talk?" Septim glanced at it condescendingly: "You can guess, if I kill you in this 'distance' from Songjiade body, what will happen to you? Annihilation? Disappearance?"

"Please don't do that! Bow!" Babas began to wag his tail.

What is it— Wells mouths Arthur.

Demon God——Arthur replied silently, and then got three pairs of admiring and shocked eyes.

"So, your body can continue to exist because it is maintained by your soul. Once you separate your body, it will collapse directly, and your soul will also fall into annihilation because it loses its home..." Lydia thought for a while: " May I ask, were you there when Martin Septim summoned [Akatosh] to save the annihilation crisis two hundred years ago?"

"Ah, that is really a splendid and magnificent figure, the dazzling golden color and that kind of awe from the bottom of my heart often appear in my dreams even now," the old mage suddenly said in an aria-like tone: "[Dragon] That's how it should be, the so-called 'dragons' that have recently begun to revive, heh, they can only be called flying lizards."

The big lizard... Arthur felt the eyes of his companions again, this time with sympathy.

In short, there are demon gods who turned into dogs, dragon descendants who can turn into dragons, magicians who survived from the last era, and a group of werewolves from the comrade-in-arms group. The only normal person left is the baron guard Lydia... right? .

"Be careful, Baron!" Lydia was watching Septim's tacit lyrical expression with her comrades, but suddenly her expression tightened and she jumped towards the direction where Babas ran in and stood up her shield.

Ding! Boom!

Two arrows made of the same material as the elf armor flew in like lightning, and hit the shield set up by Lydia with such force that she took several steps back again and again.

"Die! Elves!" More than a dozen ghosts of the comrade-in-arms group appeared from the surrounding sarcophagi in the shape of blue transparent spirits, and each brandished their weapons and killed them.

"So...they've been happily listening to us arrange Tiber Septim just now?" Wells' mouth twitched slightly.

"It's not surprising, ordinary people generally don't care about things that have nothing to do with them," Wilkas said in a deep voice: "Compared to Talos, who has statues and altars everywhere, the only one who cares about Sgrammer very much is The elves are with us, and it is only natural that these ghosts will be dissatisfied."

"Uh," a ghost appeared again on a sarcophagus whose owner had already rushed out, but it seemed to have been severely injured and almost disappeared: "A sneaky archer came to the door, and the brothers were shot one by one... "

"Woo..." "Drink!"

The ghosts that rushed out before appeared from their sarcophagi or corpses one after another, with different postures, the only thing in common is that the colors are so pale that they almost disappear.

"How can I help you?" Arthur thought he was the elf he recruited because he recast "Ursrad", and couldn't easily stay out of it.

"No, if a group of younger generations are going to take action at the door of Sir Sgrammer's house, we don't have to guard here anymore. It's better to go to Songgarde to drink as soon as possible." The body of the talking ghost began to flicker: "You retreat to the depths of the tomb , we will not let that guy come in even if we try our best to sleep for several months."

"The enemy is..." Whoosh—boom!

Before Arthur could continue to ask, arrows flew in again at the entrance, but this time before Lydia stopped him, the flying arrows were intercepted by another arrow halfway through the air, and both fell to the ground with a dull sound.

"Let's retreat to the depths!" Ella put down her bow and raised her voice to her companions, "Staying here will only add to the confusion of these seniors."

Indeed, Arthur thought, other people could not transform into werewolves in Sgrammer's Tomb out of politeness, and Arthur himself lit up the star of "Super Undead", using the oath and the sword of victory in the tomb completely It is to kill eight hundred enemies and lose three thousand. As for the magic revealed by Septim... Well, forget it.

Boom——When the members of the comrades-in-arms group retreated to the depths of the tomb, the doors that were originally open began to close one after another. If this trip was to explore an unknown tomb, it still looked a little scary.

"You can rest in this hall until dawn, and your lord will say [When dawn breaks] that you can leave safely." A ghost of the ancient comrades in arms group said to them when they rushed through the wall to the battlefield.

"Okay, thank you." Arthur thanked and looked around. This is a passage hall leading to Lord Sgrammer's tomb. There are no coffins except for the murals. He should be drunk in the Hall of Valor at this time Sgrammer shouldn't be so careful, it's probably the idea of ​​one of his staff.

Speaking of which, Arthur looked at his companions who started camping and lighting a fire, and he was lost in memory. When the battle broke out, he seemed to hear "Kalia, don't be impulsive" from outside?

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