The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and thirty-nine, North American Mythical War (418)

——Marvel, 2015——

【Crimson Dimension】

"Yes, they are exactly what I rely on to challenge you."

Stark looked into Cytorak's eyes, slowly raised his right hand, and then snapped his fingers.


The "Death Star II" and "Star Eater Base", which had become scrap metal and fragmented celestial bodies, then gathered, deformed, and reshaped, and finally returned to the postures they had before they were "squeezed and exploded."

"['Nightmare'...]" The fire in Cytorak's eyes flashed.

"As a 'Mechanical Demon', any damage to my mechanical creations can be regarded as damage to myself." Stark put down his hand: "Of course, I can replace their 'damage' into the 'dream' - of course, this is also Not nearly enough, you can always erase them again.”

Stark quickly added before Cytorak could say anything, and the other party also showed a little "see what else you can say" expression as planned.

If Cytorak and the "Lord of the Extra Dimension" were unable to communicate and started fighting when they met, he might really have to find a way to drag the "Lord of the Dimension" to the real dimension and beat him in a group.

In a space battle, facing a "Lord of Dimensions" who is known as the "strongest", shouting "Avengers Assemble" can last about a hundred years.

But since he did not launch a direct attack when facing Dr. Banner and Professor Hagrid, but instead tried to recruit the two or make them fight each other, his general personality was enough for Jarvis to analyze and formulate corresponding responses. of words.

"When you just destroyed the 'Death Star II', it took about 1.3 seconds, and the time it took to destroy the 'Star Eater Base' was 2.4 seconds," Stark said: "Assuming you have a more efficient way to destroy it, you can Destroy a hundred 'Death Star II' or 'Star Eater Base' in the same period of time, then as long as you produce a hundred and one corresponding ships within this period of time, you will face an army that cannot fully A huge fleet that was destroyed.”

"[...]" Cytorac frowned - or rather, his brow bone, and his expression became a little unhappy. He seemed to think that this was empty talk and simple sophistry, and he might take action in the next second.

"And I can do this," Stark raised his hand again and snapped his fingers.

This time it was really a bit risky, because he planned to use this to create an illusion, and this was the "Crimson Dimension" completely controlled by Cytorak. This behavior must be allowed by the other party to take effect.

Fortunately, the thoughtful Cytorak finally agreed to this. After a short delay, the illusion of hundreds or thousands of huge production bases similar to the "Death Star", transforming the entire galaxy into "Dyson Spheres" appeared. Stark unfolded behind him.

"Based on the scale of the Milky Way, we can roughly find about 5,000 suitable galaxies to transform into Death Star factories. After promoting the technology of the Nidaville dwarves, we can fully meet the production needs," Stark gestured behind him. : "Although half of them are indigenous people with higher intelligence, that's not a problem."

"[Oh?]" Cytorak's frown obviously relaxed: "[Are you planning to destroy them?]"

"Support, transform or annihilate, depending on the attitude of the indigenous people towards the expansion plan." Stark snapped his fingers again, showing in front of him the "complete stealth environment" where Vanaheim trapped the Vanna Protoss, Svartalfheim The "nano-mechanical modification" of the drow spiders, and the scene of the "Star Eater Base" bombarding "Sithorn" in Jotunheim.

"['Dormammu', 'Sithorn'...]" Cytorak stared at those pictures for a while, and then pointed out the loopholes in them: "[You don't have enough energy to maintain such a huge factory. .】"

"In fact, there are," Stark once again showed the scene of him capturing and transforming the unspeakable things from the "extra dimensions" after defeating the incarnation of the "Lord of Extra Dimensions" in Niflheim: "Any Things in the real dimension cannot directly use the power of the subspace, because that will cause them to be contaminated and become weird and distorted - but the 'Sirs of the Beholder' who were originally in that form do not have this problem."

"[Your barbaric expansion will inevitably arouse the vigilance of other civilizations, and they will unite to attack your 'Mechanical Legion', and the 'Green Lantern Corps' will not sit idly by.]" Cytorak continued to criticize, his tone unclear. Jue Jian placed Stark on the same level of dialogue.

"I will package the mechanical army as a 'lost mechanical civilization' that has been sleeping since ancient times. It is conservative and introverted. It will take revenge and will never actively expand outwards." Stark projected from "Yarfheim" , "Kyle Reina" who is constantly spreading "evil thoughts" outwards: "But if it is always attacked by some civilizations full of greed, and every external expansion is a self-defense counterattack, then no one can There is nothing to say, especially the Green Lantern Corps, which is the culprit of all this and allowed a traitor to cause trouble everywhere."

"['Mephisto', hehehe...]" Cytorak laughed nervously: "[Then, how do you maintain such a huge mechanical empire? Even if you are the 'Mechanical Demon God', there is no guarantee The end of the subsystem develops self-awareness and launches a rebellion.】"

"Of course it is 'updated' from time to time," Stark showed him traveling to and from the seven kingdoms through the "Ascension Channel": "As long as the logic modules of all subsystems are kept up to date, they will not rebel."

"['White Star'...'Sea of ​​Stars' is also a sea...]" Cytorak's face looked a little strange: "[Since you were born on earth, and these plans can ensure the safety of human beings in the universe, then he does have reason to help you.】"

"In addition, in terms of high-end combat power..."

"And magic and witchcraft..."

As Stark listed and answered Cytorak's questions about how the "Lost Mechanical Civilization" will develop and what it relies on to achieve its goals, the space fleet and super weapons that radiated blue and white glow belonged to him. , Stargate, Mechanical Planet, Transformed Planet, Ring World, Dyson Sphere Factory, etc., have occupied nearly half of the originally scarlet "Crimson Universe".

Finally, after making the bold statement of completely dominating the Milky Way and continuing to advance to extragalactic galaxies, Stark repeated his original declaration in a glow of light:

"[I, the 'Mechanical Demon', the 'Emperor of the Lost Mechanical Empire', the 'Lord of the Crimson Galaxy', Tony Stark, in order to be promoted to the 'Lord of the Mechanical Dimension', I want to ask you, the 'Lord of the Crimson Dimension' ', 'Crimson Lord', Cytorak, challenges.]"

"[Humph...hehehe...hahahaha!]" Cytorak paused briefly and laughed loudly: "[Very good! Very good! How long will it take for me to accept your challenge? Is 3000 years enough?" ]"

"No," Stark shook his head: "A thousand years is enough."

"[Heh...]" Cytorak waved his hand, causing the mechanical empire that seemed to really exist to disappear, and then threw the "Crimson Ruby" towards Stark: "[This is an early investment, I'm waiting for you to give it." I bring a hearty battle, don’t let me down, ‘the future master of the mechanical dimension’.”

The next moment, Stark, the "Hulk" and the "Fire Giant King" who had never dared to interrupt, returned to the "Fire Dimension" together with the obsidian rock island under their feet, and the speed of this dimension approaching the "Fire Kingdom" was also Significantly slowing down.

Cytorak, in the form of a giant fire demon, said nothing more. He raised his hand and grabbed something from the void, then sank back into the sea of ​​magma and disappeared.

That seems to be...

A "person" with half of his body fused with embers of branches and smoldering vines?

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