The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and forty-one, North American Mythical War (420)

——? ? ? ——

"I said you can move freely."

"Yes, that's right, so following you is my 'freedom'."

"Oh, whatever you want." This is a vast "white grassland". The ground surface is composed of pure white floc-like structure like cotton. It will be slightly dented when you step on it, but it will not cause pedestrians to lose their balance. The sky is pure blue. no clouds at all

Or the sun exists, but always maintains the brightness of a normal sunny day. On this piece of pure white "grassland", there are two pedestrians walking together. One of them is moving forward steadily, while the other is running around, making some weird moves or shouting from time to time, but in the end they all end up in gray. slipping back

Ended up returning to the former.

The steady walker was wearing a long-sleeved dark purple python robe, a black gauze hat with two wings, a furry face, a thunderous mouth, and a pair of smart eyes that glowed with a faint golden light. The person running around was wearing a strange red and black tights, with a pair of knives on his waist, and a red and black mask of the same style as the tights. Although his eyes were not exposed, his entire face was looking helpless at any time. Covering up..."cheap"

"Angry." I said, is this the uniform of your "Spear Bureau"? "After the man in red walked quietly for a while, he began to circle around the man in purple, trying to reach out to pull the other person's sleeves but always failed: "It's weird, before you

That suit of golden armor is beautiful. "

"This is the official uniform of 'Bi Ma Wen', and that one is the robe of the 'Great Sage Qitian'," the purple-robed man said, "In this 'Royal Horse Prison', it is natural to wear the corresponding appearance."

"Horse...what?" The man in red half understood, "Where is the horse?"

"Look." The man in purple robe raised his hairy hand and pointed.

On the originally boundless "white grassland", a "section" of river suddenly appeared. It had no head and no tail. The water flow appeared out of thin air, meandered for hundreds of meters on the ground and then disappeared out of thin air.

In this section of the river where the water is clear and seems to be about half a meter deep, dozens of white, red, black or yellow horses are playing in the water. The next moment, they seemed to have discovered the purple-robed and red-clothed people here. Each of them quickly became kind and docile. A few horses that were still playing for no apparent reason were kicked and bitten several times by other "seniors". Finally, very aggrieved

Stand still.

"Oh..." The man in red rubbed his hands like flies: "Can I ride?"

"Okay," the man in purple replied, and then added when the man in red was eager to approach, "It's better to leave than see him off."

"Ha!" The man in red quickly returned: "Don't even think about getting rid of me! I've never gotten into this place before in hundreds of comics and dozens of movies!"

"You have so many personal magazines and movies?" The man in purple robe glanced at him sideways.

"Uh, can't you sneak in and play outside the camera and screen?" The man in red put his hands on his hips.

"Okay." The purple-robed man waved his hand, and the river and the many horses disappeared immediately. You can clearly see the relieved expressions on their faces before they disappeared. "Theoretically, this should be a 'horse dimension', right? And 'preventing horses from plague' is the title of 'Lord of the Dimension'." The man in red put his hands behind his head and looked around: "No wonder 'Sleipnir' 'If you don't want to go back, you have to follow me

With you. "

"Absolutely," the purple-robed man said, "but that's not the reason why it follows me."

"What reason?"

"We're here." The man in red was still trying to ask, but the man in purple had stopped and waved his arms, causing a huge building complex with ancient oriental style to rise on the "white plain" in front of him. There is a huge piece hanging on the lintel

On the plaque, there are three characters: "Yu Ma Jian".

Afterwards, the main door opened, and several people dressed similarly to the purple-robed man, but with insufficient clothing accessories and clothing patterns came out in two rows, saying in unison: "Welcome the steward back to prison——"

"Hiss—" the man in red took out a lemon and began to chew it through his mask: "I also want to be treated like this in 'X-Men'."


A moment later, in the main hall of the "Royal Horse Supervisor", the man in red was jumping up and down, rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

The purple-robed man sitting crookedly on the main seat, holding a brush and daubing the slips in front of him, paid no attention to him, while the other minor officials also watched and ignored him.

"Hey, what about...'Bimawen'?" After the tossing was over, the man in red returned to the desk: "Aside from incorporating 'Sleipnir' into 'Pegasus', you have nothing else to do." Is it easy to do things? Things are going to be terrible outside."

"I said, I came back to 'maintain the place', and 'being here' means 'doing things.'" The man in purple robe replied: "I said I would let you go free before, just because I knew you wouldn't be able to stay here. If we go down, there will be endless noise.”

"No..." The man in red scratched his head and rubbed his hands: "I have also read "Journey to the West". You seem to have only a little experience in 'raising horses'. How come it has become the 'dimension' that represents you?"

The man in purple robe glanced at him: "Put down the official seal of 'Bima Wen' and I will tell you."

"Hehehe..." The man in red took out a large jade seal from behind and put it on the table flatteringly.

The man in purple robe took the seal and stamped it on the slip he had just written on.

With his movement, the table and the entire "Royal Horse Prison" disappeared. The man in red who was about to lean against the pillar almost fell down. The next moment, countless more gorgeous and exquisite pavilions and pavilions rose from all directions. The sound of singing, dancing, music, and the aroma of fine wine and food came like a tide. Many male gods dressed in gorgeous fairy clothes or mighty armors came to the scene.

The fairies mingled with each other, chatting and laughing loudly.

The location of the two of them happened to be in a pavilion where wine and food were placed, and no one noticed.

"——" The man in red's jaw dropped, stunned.

"I guess you like this place, 'Peach Club'," the man in purple robe took a wine bottle from the table beside him and said, "Go and play."

"Hehe~" The man in red put his chin back, adjusted his hairstyle through the hood, picked a decorative flower and stopped a female fairy who was passing by with a fruit plate: "This beauty——"


The female fairy knocked the man in red to the ground with a plate, turned around and ran away: "Someone is coming quickly - there is an 'extraterrestrial demon' -"

"..." The man in red pinched off the fairy fruit fragments on his head and stuffed them into his mouth and started chewing.

"Hehehe~" The man in purple robe poured himself a drink, then put the glass on the table.

The bustling and lively but somewhat chaotic "Peach Club" scene immediately disappeared, and the two returned to the empty "white grassland" again.

"'Heaven' has two 'dimensions' of 'Making Havoc in Heaven' and 'Tathagata Appears', so you won't be allowed to go there," the purple-robed man said with a smile: "Whether you are taken to the demon-slaying platform or stuffed into the old It’s not easy to handle whether Junlu is suppressed by Wuxing Mountain.”

"They are all different 'dimensions'?" Even through the mask, the shock of the man in red can be heard: "But these are obviously just, just -" "Yes, except for the 'Bima Wen' who has the shortest holding time. In addition, there are also 'Dimension Clusters' corresponding to the identities of 'Dimension Lords' and their experiences such as the 'Monkey King', 'Monkey King', 'Sun Xingzhe', and 'Dou Zhan Buddha'," the purple-robed man said. wave hands

: "Of course, that's just the definition of 'this world'. Any character who can break the fourth wall should have at least twenty 'dimensional clusters' in each world..." ——" The man in red pretended to cry.

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