The Collection of The End

Chapter 265 Dawn and the Alliance

My name is Akatosh,

I made another alliance.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 12th, 5:10 —

When Meridia snatched control of the "Hand of Demons", I had already discovered him.

This behavior is so obvious and undisguised, if I want to use this divine power to directly trace back to his field of oblivion to get him out, it will be a no-brainer.

But why would he do this?

Since I modified that thing by myself, it is completely impossible to use it to hurt others, and it is a bit noisy to prepare for camping here on Joan's side, so I let Meridia take control.

As a result, he led Amir and Xiao Fan to his altar, and when they couldn't find their destination, he directly grabbed them and lifted them into the air, and then even his real body appeared.

Meridia's "angel" shape makes me unable to complain, but in the world of the ancient scrolls, there are only saints and saintesses and other spokespersons of the Holy Spirit in the world, and there are no angels, so her appearance is seen by Emil and Xiaofan It's probably a little unclear at best.

After sending them into her temple, Meridia kept that posture and waited in the air.

With the strength of the master of the Thieves Guild and Amir, the phantom thorn, it is no problem to deal with a group of ghouls and skeletons under normal circumstances, but the weird fog that Potema brought from the soul stone tomb made them invisible and stealthy. It lost its effect and had to fight head-on, so the battle that could have ended in a few seconds was dragged on for nearly twenty minutes.

"I'll be back!" "I'm immortal!"

When Potema and the ghoul possessed by Mokeran were killed by Xiaofan and Amir at the same time, they made completely opposite declarations.

The wolf heart queen's soul simply returned to the soul stone tomb, while Mo Keran broke free from the ghoul's body and went into battle again in the form of a black skeleton. Even if the skeleton was broken up, it would immediately put together the scattered bones on the ground Stand up—then it was repeatedly dismantled dozens of times by Amir and Xiaofan.

"[Put his sword on my altar, and I will give it back the power to completely purify the undead.]" Meridia moved the scepter in her hand, and her divine power surged. The "Life Destroyer" that fell to the ground after being defeated emits bursts of white light.

‘Isn’t this simply unscrupulous? What does he want to do? ’ I watched as Emil continued to dismantle the respawning black skull, while Xiao Fan lifted the sword and placed it on the altar of Meridia.

[Perhaps planning to surrender? ] The stupid system seemed uncertain, 【The sky is the domain of Ginalis, he flies so high, it seems that he is going to have a peaceful conversation with you on the premise of going deep into the enemy camp and not being evil himself. 】

‘Deliberately making yourself an angel is part of the plan? ’ When I looked at the image of Him, I always felt that I might raise my hand and shout “Heros never die” at some point.

[Probably not? Only Mora, the demon god of fate and knowledge, can spy on FZ's information, and he is still a big tentacle, while Meridia has no such conditions at all, so this should be his real body. As for the image problem... refer to the previous dibella. 】

Don't mention Dibella, Murui, who was overwhelmed by the gorgeous appearance of the goddess, has become his fanatic. She was selected by the priests of the Dibella Temple as an alternate saint, and then began to plan to drive Illya away. Gallus, who was still planning to educate her, was half dead with anger.

However, since Meridia is currently at a height high enough to isolate the sight of the demon god and the influence of the mortal world, maybe I don't have to incarnate as a dragon king of various colors, but directly use my real body to meet him—I mean the dragon.

Just as Alduin, who is resurrecting giant dragons everywhere at this time and becoming a dragon-slaying warrior, is actually an extremely degraded version of "God-Alduin" "Dragon-Alduin", the "dragon-Alduin" that appeared at the beginning -Akatosh" is also a degraded version of my "God-Akatosh\

,"It just hits the upper limit of the power that this world can bear. If no demon god personally descends to open the passage, it can only stretch out its tail or claws, or be degraded by me again into human form dragon kings of various colors to appear in Nairn.

After Meridia's real body appeared, the dragon Akatosh could descend in full form, and there was no need to doubt his combat effectiveness. Dagon was scared away from the beginning, which proved that he was sharp enough. After all, not long ago, Hircine also It's just a matter of biting it off.


"No, it can't—"

In the ruins of the temple, the long sword has been fully charged. It has no tip and blade, and it looks like a flat metal bar as a whole. On the gauntlet of the handle is inlaid a star that emits brilliance all the time. With a warm and bright orb, Xiaofan swung this "long sword", and just one blow turned the skeletons and ghouls in the entire ruins into ashes. Mo Keran, who had lost the conditions for rebirth, screamed smaller and smaller , eventually disappearing completely.

I saw Meridia grab it, and the two girls who were still underground reappeared in his palm.

Hmm...that's how Tathagata plays with monkeys...

[The principle is no different from that of a ghost hitting a wall]

Instantly low a lot, okay?

“[Thank you for purifying my temple],” Meridia said, “[I will give you the ‘Dawnbreaker’, use it to clear the sky of undead monsters for me—]”

"Thank you... for your generosity." Xiaofan seemed dissatisfied, but looked at the half-empty platform he was standing on, and finally did not express it.

"...yours." Seeing that Xiaofan seemed to be planning to hand it over, Amir immediately refused.

This is also a matter of course, how could a thief who relies on stealth for his living carry such a recognizable weapon? What's more, it also emits light by itself.

"[Before then, we have one last thing to do, hold it steady.]" Meridia said while raising the long staff in her hand: "[Awakened or unawakened undead, I I command you to return to eternal sleep!"

The "Dawn Breaker" projected a huge beam of bright light towards the sky, completely piercing the dark and low clouds, and spreading from the zenith to the surroundings. When this light was about to reach the eastern horizon, it happened to be perfect with the light of the newborn sun blend together.

"【The dawn of the sky, the dawn broke】." Meridia finally said so, and at the same time, the platform in his hand disappeared.

Hmm... The effect is quite obvious now. I watched the stupid system switch screens in front of my eyes in a montage way.

Although the high-level undead were not affected, a large number of low-level or relatively weak undead creatures were completely wiped out after this blow. Many tombs were immediately cleaned up, and many summoners or necromancers who had lost their servants were yelling.

Because the soaring beam of light from the "Dawnbreaker" was very similar to the "Sword of Oath and Victory", the elf soldiers who besieged Sgrammer's Tomb fell into confusion, so they decided to send half of them to investigate. As a result, Arthur and his comrades The members took the opportunity to rush out to break the blockade and escape.


Meridia still stood still in the air after sending off Xiaofan and Amir, as if I was sure that I had found him, but he would neither act nor ignore it. Obviously, he was right this time.

"[You want to see me?]" I switched to the golden "Dragon-Akatosh" without any modification, and appeared directly in front of Meridia: "[For a demon god, you are very courageous .]”

Since there is no comparison at ordinary times, it was only after the original proportion appeared that the dragon-Akatosh was half taller than the already huge Meridia, not counting the wingspan and tail.

"【The head of the holy spirit, the dragon god of time, Your Excellency Akatosh.】" Meridia slightly bent her knees and raised her skirt: "【I hope to form an alliance with you.】"

"[Oh?]" I replied with a word that could be understood in various ways, and asked him to continue.

"【I noticed that you seem to be planning to destroy all the demon gods for a certain purpose.】" Meridia looked up at me as if wanting to confirm the expression, but where is the expression of a dragon.

"[As the head of the Holy Spirit, you should be very clear that demon gods will never really die. In order to stabilize the 'wheel of the world', eight holy spirits and sixteen demon gods are indispensable. Even if any demon god is eliminated, there will soon be Prince Daedra took his place, that is, 'rebirth',]" Meridia continued: "[The priesthood and domain of annihilation possessed by the reborn demon god will not change, the only things that may change are the 'personality' and 'Style of doing things'.]”

Uh huh, that's true, for example, the crazy demon god Sheogorath, who is currently in power is actually a "player" of the fourth generation of games, but her name, priesthood, and domain are completely the same.

"[On the one hand, the only demon god that has been in contact with you but has not been eliminated is 'Sheogorath', and her personality and style can be changed at any time," Meridia continued: "[On the other hand, because the priesthood Popular, the rebirth of 'Boethia' is calculated in seconds, so his insidious and cunning personality has hardly changed, and you have killed him more than a hundred times because of it.]”

In fact, it was more than 500 times... But Meridia can be called amazing if she can find something wrong in the last 100 times.

"【So, I take the liberty to use some means to attract your attention, just to ask you: how do you want me to change?" Meridia lowered her head: "【I am not afraid of death, but I am not afraid of rebirth. Continue to work on eliminating those damned undead creatures.]”

Uh... well... I really didn't think about it that much, I was just killing gods and collecting doomsday elements...

But for the sake of being expected, let's respond a little bit.

[Hint: Established an alliance with Meridia]

[Hint: Obtain the Doomsday Element: 'Infinity']

[Hint: Obtain the priesthood: biology, energy, reincarnation]

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