The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and sixty, Shylock and the death of destiny (6)

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——Marvel, 2015——

——[Spiritual Interference]——

Songard. "You have done a good job, Master Strange. In addition to the agreed reward, we will give you an additional 20% as a thank you," said Solmyr, a strong man with blue skin and electric eyes. Sherlock

: "By the way, are you willing to join Tower and become one of us?"

"Thank you for your appreciation, but as a 'mercenary', I have no idea of ​​joining a certain force for the time being," Sherlock replied: "After all, 'Songard' is so chaotic that it is really not suitable to become a city and a place." Lord." "Humph, those barbarians in Stronghold have no idea what will happen if they merge the two worlds rashly." Somra's expression remained unchanged - maybe there was a change but you couldn't tell: "You'd better be cautious. to choose

I will show no mercy to your ally, the mage, if you encounter him on the battlefield. "

"I will seriously consider your suggestion." After Sherlock responded, he nodded with the other mages and then exited the meeting hall. "[Don't take on the 'Tower' mission anymore,]" Illya floated next to her on a broomstick: "[The 'Stronghold' has been weakened to the point where it needs to be strengthened, otherwise they will be very vulnerable. quick

will be destroyed. ]"

"Isn't Professor Thor helping them?" Sherlock responded in a low voice while pretending to look at the scenery.

"[Who do you think caused them to be like this?]"

"..." When "Songarde" went to war with "Jotunheim", almost everyone thought that this kingdom of the dead only had Nord barbarians. However, they only discovered it after passing through the "Nine Gates" and reaching its hinterland. There are also various ethnic groups

And power - think about it, there is no way that there were only so few residents of Jotunheim, just look at Ms. Laufey. At present, the forces of Songard are roughly divided into three "strongholds" composed entirely of Nords and capable of commanding all kinds of beasts. Their leader is "CragHack"; composed of mages and The "tower" composed of magical creatures, their leader is the "Somra" we just saw; the composition is balanced, with the participation of dwarves and valkyrie, the "barrier" that looks similar to Asgard's troops at first glance, their The leader is called "Gru"

elu)". "Stronghold" believes that the close proximity of the two worlds is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and advocates killing Jotunheim immediately and occupying it. "Tower" is convinced that this is an abnormal accident, and a hasty integration will only bring harm to the world. A disaster is coming, it should be

Cut off contact immediately, while "Barrier" hopes to maintain the status quo and establish contact and cooperation with those "Asgardians of this generation" who are similar in appearance to itself, and therefore are disliked by both sides.

The current form is that while the "stronghold" fights the Frost Giants through the fake rainbow bridge, it also fights with the "towers" trying to stop them, and it can also find time to beat up the "barriers". This chaotic situation caused the number of "mercenaries" that were already very common in "Songarde" to explode. Thor, Sif, and the "Three Warriors of Asgard" who originally only wanted to prevent the collision of the two worlds suddenly joined them. ,and

They're doing pretty well - if you exclude the fact that whoever they help will be unlucky. Of course, this situation was completely at home to Sherlock, who had experienced the fierce battle on the "Ocean Planet". After asking Illya to help him put on the "Stephen Strange" shell that he had used earlier, he also joined. This fight ended in four

Lu Wei, or Fenrir, enjoyed it for some reason. Originally, Sherlock was a little worried about whether it would be bad to waste time playing "real-time strategy" here when the "Seven Major Arenas" encountered the "Black Mud Crisis", but the vice-principal lady told him that because the "Lord of the Chaos Dimension" took advantage of As the two countries approached, he sneaked in and possessed Sif, gave her the incarnation of "Unmerciful Iron Fist", and was scared away by the "Star Eater Base". As a result of this series of outrageous operations, the time flow rate of "Songarde" also became very fast. "Chaos", although the gap is not as big as when he was in "Ocean Planet", the time it took to end this melee and determine the relationship between "Songard" and "Jotunheim" is different from other arenas. The time taken for the endgame doesn’t differ much - except

Not Thor causing trouble.

"[Ah, Thor didn't resist Gru's request, officially joined the barrier and started the main mission.]" Illya said suddenly.

"...Main mission?" "[Hmm, if you only work as mercenaries, you can at most intervene on the battlefield to decide the outcome when the parties are fighting, and fine-tune the distribution of forces. Normally, you only need to suppress the 'stronghold' and The strength of 'Tower' allows 'Barrier' to have more say in solving the current crisis.]" Illya's eyes flashed, as if she was reading something that Sherlock couldn't see: "[But once you officially join And continue to complete the tasks assigned by the leader, 'Skyrim' and 'Songa'

The cycle of De' will begin, and you may face 'Nidhogg' or 'Jormungandr' later. ]"

"But haven't they been eliminated?" "[That is just a symbol. Even if there are not those two dragons, there will be other things as replacements, um...]" Illya looked at him: "[Since you want To become the 'Supreme Mage' is to try not to let 'Songarde' and 'Jotun Sea

Let any one of them be destroyed. ]"


So, the daily job of the Supreme Mage is to find the cause of the destruction of each world and then prevent it, right?


When something can go bad, it will go bad, especially when Thor is involved.

The vice-principal said that Sherlock might encounter "Nidhogg" or "Jormungandr". As a result, thanks to Thor's efforts, he finally had to face two "World-Destroying Dragons" at the same time.

"Barrier", the weakest force, has two development directions. Defeat the "stronghold" force and have a decisive battle with "Nidhogg", or defeat the "Tower" force and have a decisive battle with "Jörmungandr".

And Thor chose... to fight the two together.

Fortunately, these two dragons were all "fake", and with the help of "Fenrir" who was not sure whether he was a fake or not, he almost won - only a little bit away from asking the vice-principal for help. Now, there is only one last step left to resolve the incident. Let Somra, Kenlohag and Gru sign an armistice agreement in the neutral Cloud City, and recognize the "bulwark" forces as the leaders of "Songad". Jotunheim and

Asgard negotiates cooperation.

While resting and waiting for the meeting to convene, Sherlock saw a prophetic vision: Unwilling to admit defeat, Kenlo Hagar challenged Gru to a duel, and their weapons, the "Ice Sword" and the "Doomsday Blade" were colliding. Later, it was damaged at the same time, and the shock wave generated completely destroyed "Songad", and finally turned into a giant

Big fireball, only a few people were rescued by the "Silver Pegasus" of the barrier. ...Is this reason for destroying the world too childish?

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