The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and sixty-two, Shylock and the death of destiny (8)

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——Marvel, 2015——

——[E Pluribus Unum]——


The "World Tree" is burning. As a conceptual existence, most of the main bodies of the World Tree are in the "subspace", and only the roots and branches are connected to the major countries in the real dimension. Theoretically, it is impossible to see the "world" in Asgard "tree" full

In appearance, the glorious giant tree that always stands on the horizon is just an illusion, used to show the residents here the power of the "Lord of Asgard" and his absolute control over the other eight, no, seven kingdoms.

But at this moment, the huge golden tree is burning, and the fire dyes the sky of Asgard red. The connected wall of flames flows from the "rooted" position of the World Tree toward the city of Asgard like a tide. Come.

The scene was exactly the same as what Sherlock had seen in the "precognitive vision". Looking from the top of the mage tower where Sherlock is at the moment, one can see that many Asgardian residents who did not go to watch the game are boarding the ship moored at the port in a panic under the command of the golden-armored warriors and the silver-armored Valkyrie. "Noah

"," Sanctuary" and "Leviathan" are three giant ships - although it is doubtful whether any of them is a ship.

The doubts that had arisen among the residents of Asgard about "how could such a big ship be used just for competitions and watching games" have undoubtedly disappeared long ago.

Sherlock has no intention of taking refuge, or in other words, he can't move at all now. In his field of vision, in addition to the burning Asgard in the "real dimension", he can also simultaneously see the World Tree itself in the "subspace", as well as the trees hanging on the treetops and roots, serving as the arena. various countries

——They are also burning.

According to the explanation of the "Time and Space Guidance" section in the "Hogwarts" textbook, he is now in a state of being "shocked" by suddenly seeing "the reality of the world" and will recover on his own after a while.

But that's obviously impossible.

Because in his "thought palace", seven similar "Sherlocks" are exchanging their experiences after being "seven equal parts" and trying to merge. Logically speaking, even if they have different factional tendencies, they are essentially the same person. As long as they become one, the details can be discussed later, but the problem is...the vice-principal who separated them is not here.

, the strong self-awareness triggered by their experiences in various countries made the integration impossible to complete, which in turn caused the restored bodies to stand dumbly in reality, which no one could control. "Shut up!" Because he is a conscious body, he is naturally more proactive in "spiritual interference", interrupting the argument among "themselves" - this is a really weird name -: "Ms. Vice-Principal must have said something about the current situation before she disappeared. Solution

, you say it one by one, starting from you! "

The "spiritual interference" pointed at the "energy transformation" heading to Nidaville. He was stunned and opened his mouth and muttered: "——,——".

"Can't hear you!" "Louder!" "You want to launch a battleship at such a low voice?" "What battleship?" "Who knows, that's what the vice principal yelled anyway."

The other Sherlocks booed.

"She said!" The energy transformation suddenly raised his voice: "[Love me so much! Thank you!]"

"..." Sherlocks looked at each other with different expressions. "Okay," "Energy Transformation" was also Sherlock, who saw the clues almost immediately: "The vice-principal also said something strange to you before she disappeared, right? Because she wasn't sure if she was the weirdest, she let others know First

explain? "

The Sherlocks turned their heads and pretended to look at the scenery, but there was nothing interesting to see in the "Thought Palace". "Don't pretend to be stupid." "Energy Transformation" raised his hand and pointed at the most obvious target. Sherlock, who had a "Time Gem" hanging on his chest and whose power tended to be "Time and Space Guidance", said: "The ones who go to your country are not the strongest deep ones." Lord of the Red Dimension'? You

The words over there must be the most important. "

"Uh... I'm not sure," "Time and Space Guide" scratched his head: "She said [Forgive me, Sasuke, this is the last time]."

"Who should Sa She?" "The subject of the sentence 'energy transformation'?" "Are you kidding me? With her personality, she will ask others to forgive her?" "That's right."

"Compared to me, your side is more important," "Time and Space Guidance" turned to stare at "Molecular Influence": "Mr. Stark is the 'Universe Demon God' who was promoted to you."

"Maybe it's important and reasonable, but it doesn't help our current situation," "Molecular Influence" shrugged: "She said [as long as you don't stop, the road will continue to extend, so don't stop]. "

While reading this sentence, the "molecular influence" also manifested a stereo playing a song.

"Huh? Wait," Sherlock of "Unknown Territory" raised his hand and turned off the speaker: "Do these words sound a bit like 'last words'? What I'm talking about here is [JOJO, this is my last ripple!]" "No, no, no, you can't just think of everything there just because you went to the kingdom of death." "Physique Variation" shook his head repeatedly, "What I heard was [I'm such an idiot]," Madam Vice-Principal said while watching underground hole

The ceiling of the cave said this in a daze, how does this look like his last words? "

"Ms. Vice Principal rarely scolds people directly," "Psychic Interference" who had listened for a while said, "What did you do? She called you a fool?"

"The original sentence is 'I'm such a fool'..." "Physique Variation" reacted halfway through his defense: "You're kidding me, right? Can't you tell?"

"I didn't react immediately." "He is indeed a sports student." "Simple mind but well-developed limbs." The other Sherlocks took the opportunity to make personal attacks. "I really didn't hear it, because it's really possible that she scolded you. After all, your words were much more normal than mine." "Psychic Interference" interrupted before "Physique Variation" got angry: "The last time she was here with me One sentence is [Ah,

hungry】. "Will the 'Lord of Dimension' be hungry?" ""I have the impression that the vice principal's appearance in the cafeteria must be because of the appearance of strange dishes. "Is it because protecting the field leads to excessive power consumption?" "Perhaps since we were brought in,

here we go? "

The Sherlocks continued to discuss, but still couldn't get to the point. In the end, they all turned their attention to the self that went to "Sherlock's" original home court and tended to "destruction of order."

"You've thought of one thing wrong," "Destruction of Order" touched the back of his empty hand: "Is there a possibility that those are really 'last words', but only for every 'Era' we see?" Leah' instead of 'Lord of the Ocean Dimension'?"

The voices of the Sherlocks' discussions fell silent, their expressions moved slightly, and they all began to recall their own experiences.

"By the way, the 'last words' I heard were..."

"Destruction of Order" raised his eyebrows: "[Do you really want the Holy Grail that much?!]"

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