The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and seventy-two, North American Mythical War (443)

——Marvel, 2015——

Japan, suburbs of Kyoto.

"Midtown Circle" financial investment company.

Murdoch and Van Helsing were following "Daji" to the room where the "ceremony" was held.

Due to the intrusion of "Daji", the scene of "two heroes in darkness joining forces to fight vampires" that was supposed to be staged completely collapsed halfway through.

Van Helsing is okay, because his real-life experience is quite... bitter and full of hatred, and he doesn't seem to have much idea that he "used to be another person".

Murdoch was more shocked, but it was not because "he was a comic book character". What shocked him was that whether it was "the elderly Captain America" ​​or "Daji disguised as Mrs. Gao", they were all very different. The past, present and future experienced by friends and enemies who know the identity of "Daredevil".

Although it can be explained by "time travel" and "observation of different timelines", the idea that "this world is also a comic book" becomes more and more ingrained in my mind.

Even so, his mission has not changed much. Like Van Helsing, it is still to "completely destroy the Hand." This is why they did not insist on taking action against the mysterious "Mrs. Gao" - she promised to maintain the Hand. Going down to the source, a demon named "Beast" was summoned to fight them.

If it were another superhero, in order to avoid danger spilling over, he would probably stop "Daji" from "summoning demons". But unfortunately, the two people present are both "heroes in the darkness" who believe in "cutting off the grass and rooting out the root" ", since she has shown enough strength, and the summons was not held in a downtown area but at a Hand stronghold where all members have fled, then there is no big problem in letting her complete the ceremony.

In the process of accompanying, "Daji" introduced the relationship between Hehui and the "beast" through questions, rhetorical questions, hypothetical questions, descriptions, metaphors, personifications, exaggerations, etc.

After roughly filtering out the redundant information in his mind, Murdoch came up with the origin story of the "Hand":

The names of the first five "fingers" are Alexandra, Mrs. Gao, Botu, Suowanda and Murakami. They were all outer disciples of the "sect" called "Kunlun" in the ancient Eastern country. He used the secret treasure of the sect [Yellow Dragon Dragon Bone] to gain immortality and was expelled.

It was not until after they were expelled that they discovered that giving them the opportunity to get close to the "Dragon Bone" seemed to be a test to become a formal disciple, otherwise they would never be punished as lightly as being expelled from the court.

If you think about it further, when "Kunlun" kicked them out of the door, they neither took back what they learned, nor stripped away the immortality gained due to violations, or even warned them not to tell anyone about what happened inside the door. This only proves that they don't care at all. ——I regret it even more.

In addition, if what "Daji" said is true and she was "Mrs. Gao" from the beginning, then this "expelled secret treasure for private use" incident is completely a story of four ambitious people being tricked by a fun-loving man.

After that, these five supernatural beings who had certain extraordinary powers, although not many but enough, united to form a gang, the original Hand. They named each of the five fingers and began to stir up trouble in the underground world around the world. Yu hopes to find a secret treasure similar to the "Dragon Bone" again.

...No matter how you think about such an outrageous decision, you were deceived by "Daji".

Finally, the hard work paid off, or rather, "Daji" wanted to enter the next stage, and the Hand would come into contact with the demon named "Beast" through a certain "secret treasure" discovered in Japan.

At that time, the top brass of the Hand were worried that the thugs were changing too quickly, so they asked the "Beast" to let their subordinates live as long as they did. The "Beast" agreed. In exchange, the entire Hand must worship him, and everything they do will be respected. It needs to be said that he is following the will of the "beast".

This condition was incredibly simple, and the Hand readily agreed, and then there was a group of "ninja" subordinates who could be transformed into one of their own by killing other people.

Then, it is generally consistent with the history of the Hand investigated by Murdoch.

Why does this "beast" sound a bit like some "cosmic demon god" who is secretly giving power?


"[Here we are, right here, the ritual room used to summon the 'beast'~]"

"Daji" opened a coded door on the highest floor of the investment company, and then made a "please" gesture.

Murdoch was still trying to "observe" through sound waves. Van Helsing had already strode in. He shrugged and quickly followed.

Behind the door is an empty hall of about fifty square meters. The walls and floors are all cement surfaces without any decoration. The roof is made up of square incandescent lamps, thus creating an almost shadowless light. Effect.

In the middle of the hall, there is the only, or maybe the only three pieces of furniture in the room.

They consist of a European-style high-back armchair with gold and red colors, a rectangular pure white rounded corner table and an ordinary black log stool. On the rounded corner table are placed an inkwell with a quill and a Fold the parchments so that they look like some unequal treaty is about to be signed.

"[This is the secret treasure discovered by the Hand,]" "Daji" followed in, closed the door, and said with a smile that could not be concealed: "[Just sit on the stool and write down your wish on the parchment, An unknown entity will appear on the high-backed chair and propose transaction conditions. If you agree, record the conditions stated by the other party, and then pass the parchment over. If you don't agree, put the parchment on the table. The convenience will disappear, and you can get up and leave at this time, or turn the paper face up again to summon other beings who are interested in the transaction, but for mortals, meeting two or more high-ranking beings in a short period of time is fatal. ]"

"The contract is written by oneself, which avoids the possibility of the other party taking advantage of the loopholes," Murdoch looked at her: "But this is not a ritual to summon the 'beast'."

"Just write on the paper, 'Want to see the devil worshiped by the Hand.'" Van Helsing had arrived at the table at this time, observing the inkwell and quill, and responded casually: "For this kind of transaction, Of course its own priority - by the way, shouldn't there be some kind of protection for the being sitting on the chair?"

"[In fact, the one who is protected is the person who proposed the contract,]" "Daji" said in a somewhat disappointed tone: "[I thought you would write something interesting like 'bring your wife back to life' or 'cure your daughter's disease'" Where’s your wish~]”

"Oh, that must be a very dangerous trap, if I really write them down," Van Helsing sat down quietly, picked up a quill pen and wrote a row of cursive characters on the parchment, and then He slapped it on the table: "'Beast'! Come out and see me!"

【——! 】

At this moment, a certain cold atmosphere enveloped the entire hall, and then, a red-skinned demon with horns, sheep's hooves, and a snake's tail, and a pale exoskeleton covering his whole body in the form of armor, appeared with his legs crossed. On a high-back chair:

"[I am 'Kyle Rayner' of the 'Beast' clan, and you want to meet my clan?]"

...It seems like there are a lot of "beasts" to fight.

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