The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and seventy-six, North American Mythical War (447)

Latest website: ——Marvel, 2015——

Osaka, the burning castle.

Black mud surged out of the body of "Isshin Muramasa" who was beheaded. "Mrs. Gao" rushed into the black mud and disappeared, and then a terrifying pitch black figure emerged from the black mud.

If you were someone who didn't know the details, you might immediately make a judgment - in order to use the black mud to be reborn, Mrs. Gao deceived outsiders and used their hands to kill the "Sword Master" to obtain the "Sword Master" used to rebuild herself. Black mud”. This matter is quite logically consistent - when the "Five Fingers" of the Hand came into contact with the "Dragon Bone" in Kunlun, they each obtained the method of immortality differently. Now that Mrs. Gao's is about to run out, she originally exist

Plotting against the other "fingers" to seize their immortal treasure, Murdock and Van Helsing just happened to catch up.

But this is just an appearance. In the picture formed by Murdoch's "listening to identify position", normal things are "convex", and although "Daji" can be seen, it does not exist in the sound wave detection, and is perceived as "flat" , and this one reads the Joker classic

The guy who steps out of the burning sludge is "dented" in the line. The "sound wave" that can shape the objects it touches in Murdoch's "eyes" weakens and disappears when it comes into contact with this monster, as if being sucked into a bottomless abyss. As for it actually remaining on the "retina" image of,

It is the reverberation left behind by those sound waves before they disappear completely.

Excluding the possibility that it is composed of sound-absorbing steel, there is only one conclusion: it comes from a lower dimension, and this body has not fully adapted to the "real dimension".

The countermeasure is equally simple: take advantage of its illness and kill it.


In the few seconds it took Murdock to think for a moment and come to a conclusion, Van Helsing had already acted instinctively.

He pierced the torso of the black humanoid with one claw, and cut off its "head" with the other claw. Then he kicked it into the burning black mud and quickly retreated to Murdoch's side.

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave this castle first." Van Helsing said quickly.

"Hmm." Murdoch nodded slightly and followed him to evacuate.

But the matter was obviously not that simple. Murdoch could clearly "see" through the firelight and mud. The "head" of the kicked humanoid was integrated into its "legs". At the same time, there was a new "head" at the neck. "Grow" out.

Gee, it seems that the method of "killing him" is wrong. Sharp tools and high temperatures are useless. Maybe you can try freezing it?

But you can't use this to blame Van Helsing, who is obviously brainless. Murdoch looked away and thought as he retreated.



The castle itself, built with a large amount of stone and almost impossible to collapse due to a simple fire, collapsed into a burning ruin before the eyes of Van Helsing and Murdoch.

Obviously, that black mud is not something simple.

Since Mrs. Gao or "Daji" was not there, Murdoch just "looked" at the scene in front of him silently without making any comments.

"This is a gas explosion." Van Helsing suddenly said.

"Huh?" "The investigation conclusion of the collapse of this ancient building will be determined to be a 'gas explosion'," Van Helsing continued: "I have been hunting vampires for many years, and most of the damage caused was for this reason. Case closed, never

Someone has given me trouble. "That's of course. Rather than announcing the existence of vampires, whether the city was destroyed was because they had just fought with vampire hunters, or sent people to track down and capture both parties, or whether it was directly announced that a gas pipeline exploded.

Fry faster.

But now, the matter is not over yet, and it is too early to talk about this topic.

Crack, click.

As if to confirm Murdoch's guess, among the still burning ruins of the eaves and broken walls, under the blackened bricks and carbonized wooden structures, there were sounds of things being destroyed and knocked away.

He "saw" through these complex "sound waves" that the strange dark human figure was drilling upwards without stopping from its buried position, like a flexible groundhog or mole. If he "sees" correctly, that guy can easily push through or destroy smaller obstacles, but for larger and stronger structures that require time and strength to deal with, it will twist and penetrate like mud.

. This is a bit troublesome. Van Helsing's fighting method will be completely ineffective against it. Not only will it have no vital points, but the position where it launches the attack will change, but there is no need to remind him. As long as he sees its current state, he will



A charred and half-destroyed wooden door was kicked open, and a pitch-black figure that was still unstable emerged from the ground. Its "head" slowly turned towards Van Helsing and Murdock who were staring at it outside the ruins.

It says... [Ah, what a warm welcome. 】

"[Ah~]" The blood-red arc on the dark figure's face became wider: "[What a warm welcome party.]"

Next is... [My neck and heart still hurt, how are you going to compensate me? 】

"[I was stabbed through the heart and chopped off my head just now~]" The pitch-black figure touched those two locations with its undetailed arms, and then glared at the two of them: "[You pay--!]"

Almost at the same time, a pair of blood-red and fierce eyes burned out on the head that only had a blood-red arc.

"You want compensation? How about this!" Van Helsing suddenly waved his claws and rushed forward, as if he planned to repeat his previous actions.

If nothing else, this guy will say... [I can't find it].

"[This guest! We don't have any change!]" The dark figure did not sit still and wait for death this time, but started fighting with Van Helsing in that unstable state.

Although he missed, he was not far off. Murdoch did not pay attention to the battlefield, but imitated in his mind the quibbles made by "Miss Jin Jing" after making certain mistakes in decision-making.

It has been determined that the "Laughing Bat" has almost no "Joker" element. What he was predicting just now was "What Bruce Wayne disguised as the Joker would say when faced with the current situation." The result was almost exactly the same as what he had predicted before. It was not an unpredictable clown at all, but a clown.

Crazy "Bruce Wayne", what it was just doing was the same thing as itself - speculating on how the clown would react in the current situation, but it was just thinking about it, and it would put it into practice. Behavior can be predicted, which means that targeted plans can be formulated and defeated. The "old Captain America" ​​mentioned in his "Detective Comics" that "Batman may be defeated, but it is impossible to be defeated."

Defeat twice" still makes sense.

"I heard a fire truck coming, let's go!" Murdoch took advantage of the gap between Van Helsing and "The Laughing Bat" to rush forward and drag him away, but Van Helsing failed to take advantage of the frontal battle. He didn't insist on staying.


As the distance grew further, Murdock's perception of the "Laughing Bat" quickly blurred, but he could still "see" its body surface beginning to generate armor and cloak, and it was staring directly at himself and Van Helsing.

Oh, it will definitely say to the air "This is all within my plan" later, and start to formulate plans against Daredevil and Wolverine. But unfortunately, Murdock is not Daredevil, and Van Helsing is not Wolverine.

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