The Collection of The End

Chapter 268 Changes and Runaways

My name is Akatosh,

Just thinking about Ha-kung makes me want to laugh.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 12th, 12:55 —

"Those of your men are in a hard fight, huh?"

In addition to the superficial buildings, the Drifting Shadow Shelter also has a complex and huge underground space built against the mountain. In these underground spaces, there are many empty coffins. Obviously, their "residents" have been Called to the surface to intercept the invaders.

Among the underground rooms full of empty coffins, there is a unique decoration style of aristocratic mansions in major cities, but under the gorgeous and exquisite decoration, there is a hint of coldness, cruelty and death breath.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with curly black hair and a beard sitting on a high-backed chair in the middle of the room. He was wearing exquisite aristocratic costumes with black background and red borders and many golden decorations. He was wearing a dark red shirt. Gloves, leather boots, a sword around his waist, and a fur cloak. The most striking thing is that he has a transparent light golden longbow on his back, which is shaped like an elf. Overall, the middle-aged man looked like a rich lord who was about to go hunting—if his eyes didn't have a dull yellow light.

"That's part of the plan, isn't it?"

Responding to him was sitting opposite him, a dark-haired woman who looked much younger in appearance. She was wearing a dark red background, a strange hakama made of wool and leather. It seemed that the designer was focusing on Balance beauty and convenience but the effect is not good. Although the yellow light in the eyes makes her appearance unfavorable, judging from the almost uncurved eyebrow line and relatively cold facial contour, she is a resolute and confident "person". .

"According to your plan, as long as I do this, the 'sun' will go out, and the 'eternal night' belonging to vampires will come, right?" The middle-aged man took off the gorgeous longbow behind his back and pointed towards the ceiling He plucked the bowstring twice.

"That's it, Maharaja Hakon," the young woman responded, "Since the vigilantes have been hiding for many years, if the backbone of the comrades-in-arms group and the senior executives of Silver Hands die here, their remaining forces will definitely fight each other at any cost. Conquest, after they decide the winner, we can easily eliminate them, and without the comrades in arms, Snowman will be unable to continue to maintain its 'neutral' position, and the Imperial Legion and Stormcloak will fight for its control There will be fierce conflicts, and by that time, no force will be able to stop the rise of the blood race."

"Seriously, Hestra, do you have no resistance at all to designing your former comrades-in-arms? If your plan succeeds, they, and even the comrades-in-arms group, will become history." Ha Kong raised his hand and drew an arrow from the air. The arrow, which was filled with a faint black mist, rested on the bowstring, and then looked at her with a half-smile.

"I think you should have confidence in your transformation." Hestra's expression did not fluctuate. Forcibly transforming, and then passing back the ridiculous excuse of 'simply providing information due to being too closely watched', and those stupid dogs actually believed it."

"Hmm, judging from the way you easily destroyed and controlled the upper echelon of Silver Hand, if you wanted to destroy our 'Vampire Alliance', you would have succeeded long ago." Ha Kong continued to chat, as if he didn't intend to do so Open the bow and arrow directly as scheduled.

"The position determines the altitude, and the identity determines the position. Now you are starting to suspect that I have arrangements against you." Seeing Hakon's doubts, Hestra revealed a slightly mocking tone: "I haven't done anything in these years. You have done it by yourself, and any plan will only be passed after you have repeatedly studied it and executed by your followers and servants, has there ever been a problem?"

"I am the only one left among the first batch of vampires with the blood of the Maharaja,

It is enough to prove that my caution is important and very necessary," Hakon looked at the ceiling, as if he was looking through it at the battle on the ground: "If this arrow goes down, they will all die without a doubt, but is the consequence really like that? as you said? "

"You can deduce it yourself." Hestra didn't answer.

"Obviously, if the plan is successful, the future development will indeed be as you said, and there is no problem with the plan itself, but now I have discovered something," Ha Kong took aim for a while, and directly retracted the exquisite longbow To the back: "In the final step of this plan, there appeared 'I' and 'Ariel's Bow', two variables that had never been included in the plan."

"That's—" "No, you don't have to explain."

Hakon interrupted Hestra's words, and continued: "'Ariel's Bow' was obtained after the plan was put forward, and the need for 'I' to take action was due to the unexpected increase in the strength of the opponent, so there is no need The doubt has nothing to do with the original intention of the plan, and if there is no unexpected 'third point', I might really follow through."

"What's the 'third point'?" Hestra frowned slightly.

"The lord of the vampires, the king of Cold Harbor, [Molag Bal] was seriously injured not long ago." Hakon stared at Hestra with his eyes emitting yellow light: "The reason is that he tried to harvest a The spirit of the 'Stendhal Vigilante'."

"This..." Hestra was speechless for a moment.

"Although the information from Marcus has not been transmitted yet, only the Holy Spirit or - other demon gods can seriously injure a demon god." Ha Kong patted the longbow behind him: "'Ali-ai' is one of the eight holy spirits. The first [Akatosh] is an alias in the elves. If I really use it to attack the members of the comrades in arms, I will undoubtedly be discovered by the demon god or the holy spirit who is targeting us. The consequences will be unpredictable, even if the sky is as expected If it gets messy, it probably has nothing to do with us."

"How do I know—" Hestra frowned tightly.

"So, there is nothing wrong with your plan, it's just that the steps to realize it need to be changed," Ha Kong laughed, with deep malice: "I'll leave first, and you will be in charge, killing them all with your own hands."


[Oath and Sword of Victory]!

After confirming that there were no more vampires hidden in this headquarters, Arthur raised the golden sword that was originally used as an ordinary two-handed sword, and then the bright golden color flooded the entire hall like a raging tide.

"No! This is not the same as the agreement—" the three vampire lords screamed in the brilliance, and then disappeared completely.

"Although it's an 'Elf Killer', it's very easy to chop up the undead..." Wells panted against the wall. Since he was fighting a melee lord who could restore his physical strength through damage, the three brothers hardly had any Still standing still, Farkas even threw himself on the ground—fortunately, the vampire corpses all over the ground were also purified by "Wuslad".

"Ha, 'Your life is like a candle in the wind'? Where do these guys have confidence?" Aila held a bow and stood on the commanding heights of the hall with Kalia: "The pressure they caused was even worse than ours. The hole cards were not turned over."

The so-called "hole card", there are only two transformations left, Arthur glanced at her with a long sword, Ayla's werewolf transformation is almost useless in the situation of being besieged, and his dragon transformation It can't be used at all in this narrow place.

However, in view of the presence of Kalia, who is not yet familiar with him, he did not say this. The fact that the senior members of the comrade-in-arms group are werewolves should be generally clear to the higher-ranking people in the various forces in the sky, but his dragon transformation, The fewer people who know, the better.

"Are they the leaders of Silver Hand? Could someone be hiding quietly, waiting for this opportunity?" Farkas said weakly, "I'm just joking, hahaha..."

"'Crow's Mouth' Farkas, you are still the same as before," said a cold and indifferent female voice: "It seems that when I volunteered to be an undercover agent, you also said, 'What if I don't come back', so, I Should I kill you first?"

"Hestra!" Ella snapped her bow and arrow, aiming at a young woman who entered the hall from a secret passage.

"It seems that the comrades-in-arms group has not improved at all over the years, and their behavior style still stays at 'kicking the door', completely ignoring whether there are traps behind the 'door'." Hestra looked at Ella mockingly.

"I've confirmed it, no." Although Kalia only joined temporarily, but out of confidence in his professionalism, he opened his mouth to argue.

"It's really hard for you to join this team composed entirely of fools, Miss Thief, Mister Mage," Hestra nodded to Kalia and Septim, and then turned to Arthur: "And [Aka Saint and elect of Tosh, Sir Arthur Pendragon."

"What? I don't...well." Arthur wanted to refute in surprise, but inexplicably... didn't want to refute.

"What on earth are you here for! Hestra! You are the mastermind behind Silver Hand! Then we are enemies!" Ella shouted without letting go.

"Me? Of course I'm here to kill you," Hestra said lightly, making everyone instantly alert: "My original plan was to let the Maharaja personally take action while you were fighting with those cracked Maharaja bloodlines." Destroy you together, but the majesty doubted my true purpose at the last moment, so he ordered me to kill you with my own hands, as a direct bloodline, I cannot refuse his order."

"Direct relationship?" Ella frowned: "So at the beginning..."

"So Silver Hand's weird actions and motives..." Wilkas also pondered.

"I won't, and I can't refuse the majesty's order, so you'd better fight with the aim of killing me. If you have luck or mercy..." Hestra instantly turned into a group of bats and flew to the seriously injured Wells In front of him: "I will die."

Ding! Ding! Two flying arrows prevented her from reaching Wells' claws, while the rest of the Companions re-entered the fray.


Hestra's figure was hunched, her long hair covered her face, but she couldn't hide the yellow light in her eyes that suddenly brightened, her body trembled constantly, her teeth and nails on her hands became sharp, and at the same time, she exhaled bursts of hot air from her mouth. steam, but generally did not become the ugly appearance of the previous maharajas.

Transformation abilities seem to have special treatment for women? Arthur is slightly distracted by Ria and Ayla's werewolf transformations.

"[Cry! Shout! Then go die!]" The sharp roar had just sounded, and Hestra had already rushed in front of Arthur with an afterimage.

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