The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and ninety-four, North American Mythical War (465)

——Marvel, 2015——

Tokyo Tower, observation deck.


As the frequency of fireworks in the night sky gradually decreased, the helicopter that took the opportunity to fire also quietly retracted the minigun under its belly and slowly flew away as if nothing had happened.

"Hmph... they still think they have an advantage?" Van Helsing, who was behind the bunker, kept generating sharp claws between his fingers and then canceling them: "At this distance, I can jump up and kill them all."

"I can do that kind of thing, and I don't even have to move. But it's reasonable to have a few fireworks with the wrong movement at the fireworks display, but it would be troublesome if a helicopter fell down," Widowmaker raised her night vision goggles to look at To Murdoch: "Did you have a plan for this unforeseen situation? 'Bullseye'?"

"It's a bit unexpected, but it's still acceptable." Murdoch glanced towards the bottom of the tower: "Next, if it's 'Feather' or 'Mao' that comes, then go down layer by layer as originally planned. If what comes is 'Scale' or 'Armor', wolf, just jump down and raid the aquarium."

"It's just what I want." Van Helsing agreed without asking any questions.

"The former means that Botu wants to delay his escape, and the latter means that he intends to directly eliminate us?" Widowmaker nodded.

"Yes, and that's wrong," Murdoch retracted his "eyes": "The former means that Botu wants to keep the consciousness of the participants, and the latter means that he wants to turn them all into puppets."

"...Because [Asakawa Rain] has been discovered?" Widowmaker guessed the reason almost immediately: "After there are already special cases, he will not be able to determine how many more people will 'betray'."

"It's all your fault." Van Helsing mocked.

"I told him not to do anything, and that obviously includes 'evacuation'," Murdoch sighed: "Forget it, it's a good thing to have your own ideas, and it won't affect the overall plan very much. Even if everything goes well, in the end you have to let him He went into the aquarium—"

"Shut up?" Van Helsing said smoothly.

"...It's an attempt to strip away this dangerous power," Murdock glanced at Widowmaker: "SHIELD is responsible for managing these guys who gain power through illegal means."

"SHIELD adopts a 'white list' system for the source of power of 'Adventors'," Widowmaker said: "But it is difficult to put an end to the behavior of secretly building an altar to obtain power, so as long as the other party does not cause trouble and does not cause trouble, If there is any big news, we generally won’t come to arrest people – especially cross-border arrests.”

"So, when we first met, you were actually planning to persuade us to quit?" Van Helsing raised an eyebrow.

"That was a mistake in judgment by the command," Widowmaker replied: "They regarded 'Botu' as the same type as the other four 'fingers', strengthening their subordinates and directly controlling them, but now it seems that he is not the type to 'buy from' Use ', but 'resell at a higher price'."

"If you think about it carefully, the power of the first few 'fingers' can actually be 'resold', but they just don't have the idea or don't think it's too much trouble. Besides..." Murdoch paused mid-sentence: "They are coming. .”

Boom, boom, boom boom.

There is a heavy sound from the Tokyo Tower observation stairs from bottom to top, like the movement of an elephant running wildly.

Even if you can't see the whole thing, you can still see the shining scales and pale exoskeleton structure through the gaps.

"Oh, just follow your plan, see you in half an hour." With one hand on his shoulder, Van Helsing pulled out the viewing railing and jumped down.


About ten minutes later.

Click... clatter...

As the last "A" "stand-in" in the shape of a porcupine disintegrated, the observation deck became temporarily quiet.

Murdoch, who was sweating slightly, put away his posture, turned his cane twice, restored it to its original appearance, and "looked around" at the pieces of broken scales and cracked armor on the ground around him as well as the unconscious transformed persons.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that your data in SHIELD is going to be updated a lot." Widowmaker lowered it from above by dragging the hook lock, and put the mini-silenced submachine gun back on his waist: "Although there are many people who can easily eliminate them, but with just one Not many can do it with crutches and taijutsu.”

"This is a common problem among 'Physique Variation' type 'Adventors'. After gaining power that far exceeds that of humans, they still act with human understanding. Unless after a long period of practice, it is impossible to defeat a person who has sufficient fighting skills and Human beings are at the peak of their physical fitness, and those guys who attacked us have already mastered it very well." Murdoch shook his head slightly: "Similarly, other abilities that require calculation, logic or spatial sense cannot be mastered. It’s easy for ordinary people to master, and I think SHIELD must have encountered similar situations on a daily basis.”

"As expected of Miss Jin Jing's deputy, she knows a lot." Widowmaker tried to kick the Hand members who fell on the ground with her toes: "But in fact, frontline agents are not afraid of the 'Adventors' who have roughly mastered their own abilities. I’m even more worried about those novices who only have half a bottle of water, whose abilities are sometimes inconsistent, and who occasionally encounter unexpected situations.”

"So, what about the Adventer who is completely familiar with power and then uses it in a way beyond the understanding of the Giver?" Murdoch "looked" down, his "eyes" seemed to pass through the floor and penetrated into the An underground aquarium.

"Then those who use the old method to deal with him will-" Widowmaker was silent for two seconds: "Will Van Helsing overturn?"

"If everything goes as planned, and nothing unexpected happens, it will indeed not happen. The only ones left behind at this time should be the weak 'Feather' and 'Mao' type stand-ins. He has probably defeated 'Botto' and rescued [Asakawa Rain] by now. , walking back triumphantly."

"'No accident', what kind of accident do you think will happen?"

"The ninja who escaped early when defeating 'Mrs. Gao', the high-level executives who left 'Alexandra Biotechnology' with key items, even 'Murakami' and 'Sowanda' who seemed to have been completely wiped out could not Make sure they don't have any communication with the 'Botu'." Murdoch twirled his cane twice more and walked towards the stairs: "If Van Helsing faces not one kind of enemy but five... I hope he can 'self-heal' Ability can sustain it.”

"Perhaps you think too much. There are many analysts in the SHIELD intelligence office who like to take things seriously, but afterwards most of them prove to be 'unfounded worries.'" Widowmaker followed carelessly.

Murdoch didn't speak, just thought silently.

The other "fingers" are fine, but the "water" element in Tokyo Tower obviously exceeds the standard.

An aquarium that almost no one knows is being built in the basement, and a theme park related to "Pirates" is being built on the upper floor. The only person who is lucky enough to escape from the control, his name is [Qian], [Chuan], [Rain], each word is different. It is related to water, and the method of stripping off the "substitute" is to throw it into an aquarium to perform an unknown ritual. In addition, they are also specially targeted by the underwater race Atlantis and cannot leave the island.

So, what exactly did they trade from the demons of "Beast"?

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