The Collection of The End

Two thousand six hundred and ninety-six, North American Mythical War (467)

——Marvel, 2015——

Tokyo Tower Aquarium.

Bang, bang.


Murdock and Widowmaker fought their way down from the top of Tokyo Tower. After confirming that there was no ambush, they entered the underground aquarium. However, when they stepped in, they felt a layer of shallow water under their feet that did not cover the soles of their shoes.

They do not hinder movement, but they make Murdoch's "field of vision" very narrow. The environment outlined by "vibration" is only less than ten meters in radius.

Could it be that Van Helsing, who was one step ahead, broke which water tank? But there was no sound of fighting or shouting within earshot.

"How is the environment here?" Murdoch asked Widowmaker, who was following closely behind. "It's really strange that you can be stricken by a layer of water. It seems that your ability to 'see' is closer to technology than magic in principle," Widowmaker said casually, putting on her head-mounted goggles: "This is a 'stop on'

It was in a state of decay, with only the most basic lighting, and there were some traces of violent damage on the walls and floors, but no bodies or damaged water tanks were found. "Murdoch raised his hand and knocked on the pillar nearby, but the "blue light" that spread out and could outline the outline of external things still did not spread too far. They were absorbed by the shallow water on the ground. When combined with the actions of the two people, lift

The shallow waves caused by this caused this very shallow water surface to look like a deep ocean. "It seems that Van Helsing didn't encounter too many obstacles and fought all the way in," Murdock ignored Widowmaker's teasing: "Now go to the location where Asakawa Rain] last sent the signal. If there is anything worth noting along the way, it is far away.

If something is at rest, tell me immediately. "

Crash, crash. Murdoch was walking on the lightless water, and everything was quiet, and the "field of vision" was also pitch black. If Widowmaker hadn't given him a hint or two from time to time, he would have even thought that he was walking on the surface of the ocean.


"There were more scratches on the walls and bullet holes started to appear."

"A body was found dressed in the clothing of an aquarium worker."

"Correction, it's a living person, in a deep coma."

"Although Van Helsing is decisive in killing vampires, he really won't kill ordinary people."

"More comatose people appear. They have guns in their hands. They look more miserable." After being killed, the "completely transformed" people will turn into ashes and disappear like vampires. Since there are so many The fact that people have survived means that not all members of the Tokyo branch of the Hand have been converted, and there are many peripheral personnel who maintain the

The surface is normal to ensure the smooth completion of the core part of the plan.

It wasn't until his group arrived that "Botu" had to advance his original plan, and various flaws were revealed. According to current experience, what is really difficult to deal with is each "finger" who has gained strength. The thugs who have been given the power to "resell" are just thugs. Even if someone difficult to deal with occasionally pops up, it won't be too difficult.


But at what cost? Madam Gao didn't mention that Murakami made the body of the person who received the power be filled with black mud, Alexandra was a parasitic plant, and Sowanda directly transformed into a beast, so Botu can get it by just poking it with an "arrow" The price of the power of "substitute"



When Murdock was briefly distracted, Widowmaker suddenly called him. When he looked up while responding, he found that something was wrong.

"Old Bat? Uncle Cane? Man with Sunglasses? Are you there?"

This female S.H.I.E.L.D. agent was hiding behind the air in a standard bunker posture, calling softly while sticking her head out of the "bunker" in a low posture to look around.

Hallucination? when?

As an elite SHIELD agent, you can't tell this?


Murdock slammed his cane on the ground to make the things "in front of him" clearer, and tried to wake up Widowmaker.

"I think I may have fallen into a hallucination, but..." Widowmaker turned a deaf ear and continued to talk to himself: "I am sure that when the scene in front of me changed, there was absolutely no such box."

The female S.H.I.E.L.D. agent freed up a hand and touched the air in front of her.

The hallucination induced this time also comes with sensory deception? So now it should be...well.

Murdoch's speculation was interrupted by an accident just in the middle of it - the Widowmaker in front of him raised his hand and pressed on the "air", and the whole person rolled over.

What kind of illusion can make people borrow power out of thin air?

Under the conflict between the two facts, Murdoch even doubted whether what he "saw" was real.

No, of course the facts should be based on what you "see". No sensory deception can interfere with the "reality" of what you see. Its reliability has been verified by many similar incidents in "Hell's Kitchen".

With his thoughts settled, Murdock followed Widowmaker vigilantly and kept a wall nearby as a cover in case she suddenly shot in his direction because she was trying to attack something in the hallucination. "I don't know what state I am in now. I can only roughly describe and record it," Widowmaker said in a low voice while dodging in various "airs" and pressing his ears: "I am currently in a ship that looks like it has been in the water for at least ten years.

On the old large cruise ship from 2000, there were many guests active on the deck and cabin. I planned to investigate the environment of the ship first and had no plans to contact them for the time being. "

Your device better be able to record those "hallucinations", otherwise it could be dangerous when the recording is played back.

Murdoch "watched" Widowmaker moving quickly among various "air bunkers" and didn't know what to comment for a moment.

On the bright side, at least she didn't hit a wall in "reality."

Reality..."Reality Dimension"..."Dimension Erosion" is happening here? Widowmaker already in another dimension?

This also explains the reason why this aquarium has been quiet until now. You must know that Van Helsing has entered it.

But that's not possible.

The only known location on Earth where "dimensional erosion" has occurred is at Big Ben in London, and it is completely controlled by Hogwarts. "Dimension erosion" is not a trivial matter like a careerist secretly trading with the universe demon to gain power. If the latter is a mosquito accidentally put into the house, although it should be eliminated, if it does not buzz in front of you,

You can ignore the buzzing sound, but in the former case, there was a traffic accident and a truck crashed through the wall of the house and rushed in. The owner of the house cannot leave it alone under any circumstances.

Unless... "Intelligence update, I should have accidentally conducted time travel," Widowmaker said while maintaining a weird posture of spying behind the wall: "I saw the childhood 'Rachel Fisk' on this cruise ship. , hey, she’s really

cute. "Except that's not a truck, but a big roller.

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