The Collection of The End

Two thousand seven hundred and eight, North American Mythical War (479)

Latest website: ——Marvel, 2015——

Tokyo Tower Aquarium.

"[Why you (we) are so serious? (Why you so)]"


"Don't even think about running away!" Ever since the young agent became invisible and ran to assassinate Bo Tu, Murdock felt that something was getting more and more wrong with him. Until now, he said a slight variation of this classic "Joker" line, and only had various social interactions. That's exaggerated in the media

The "ding-dong-dong" sound effect can describe his mood.

On Widowmaker's side, because she had just said "I want to take you for a checkup" in her last sentence, she was replied to the previous sentence "Why are you so serious" and did not react. Then she ran around while being chased by Lester and had no time to think about it.

But Murdoch, who has the memory of "Batman", has already begun to mourn the city. Before coming to Japan to eliminate the "Hand", as a "Batman" in a sense, he had already made psychological preparations and response plans for the emergence of the "Joker", whether it was "Bullseye" turning into the Joker, " "Hand Club" cultivates itself

Whether you raise a clown or meet a clown who does not belong to any force halfway, it is within the acceptable range.

But three situations occurred together. The most dangerous person present is the "Van Helsing Clown" with a mysterious origin. He pretends to be poked out by an "arrow" as a "double" and has to betray him. His speech and behavior are almost the same as those of the previous vampire hunters, but his "real body", that"

"The black-robed priest" looked indifferent, but always had a cheerful smile on his lips, as if he was enjoying a good show.

Widowmaker, who couldn't detect anything unusual, thought that the matter was almost over, and tried to save the newly recruited agent. She didn't even notice that she was using a gun and a stick while talking to "Van Helsing". Relatively less dangerous is the "Hydra agent clown", who belongs to the category of "anyone can become a clown as long as they have a bad enough day". He was first assimilated by a substitute and wandered around in a daze before entering the safety of S.H.I.E.L.D. After being beaten to consciousness, he was assigned to be an undercover agent. However, he was found out and thrown into the aquarium. He was "deprived of a substitute" by the "elephant". Although he was rescued in time, his mind was severely distorted at this time, and he could only lose his face. painted flowers,

Just the most standard clown.

The only good thing is that his "real appearance" is still his original appearance and he has not turned into some circus performer. The relatively safest one is the "Bullseye Joker". He is exactly the same as my impression. He has almost no characteristics of "the clown" related to the "real Batman". He is simply used as a joke and by extension.

The Joker happens to be the old enemy of "Batman" himself, and his personality and strength are all within control.

In other words, the person Widowmaker saved just now with the hook lock was actually not the novice agent, but Mr. "True Bullseye" Lester. He didn't know what would happen if he hit him with the stick.

"It will explode." After seeing Widowmaker dragging the agent away, Van Helsing let out a short sigh like "I didn't see the good show" and then replied.


"Your next sentence is 'can't read,'" Murdoch continued.

"Oh, that's it," Van Helsing raised his eyebrows slightly and said with unclear meaning: "No wonder he came up with the idea of ​​using 'small cakes'. It turns out that someone 'smuggled' him into the country."

Um? Um?

We were both there when that fox woman tried to pretend she could read minds but failed and overturned, right?

This "priest" cannot fully read the memory of "Van Helsing"? Or, when "Daji" was speaking, what Van Helsing heard was completely different from what he heard?

She has erased all her information. In addition to not wanting New York to know, is she still wary of this "priest"?

"When will you 'leave'?" Murdoch "looked" at Van Helsing and asked with a double entendre.

"Within seven days," Van Helsing replied, "I won't stay long. I have to go back to resurrect my wife, heal my daughter, and then lead them to eliminate hundreds of vampires."

This tone of taking a family sightseeing...

Unlike "Daji" who has her "incarnation" exit in various ways every time she appears, the purpose of this "priest" seems to be... to save Van Helsing's family?

To use a buzzword on social media – it’s easy for others to blame you.

"Because I am an [angel]." Van Helsing replied.

Haven't had enough? "Next, we will take that new subordinate out of Tokyo to complete your 'second contract.'" Murdock glanced at Lester and Widowmaker, who were still chasing over there, and changed the subject: "As for the 'third contract'

If you want to cooperate, you can mention it. "

From the current point of view, the person who "will disappear if he does not abide by the contract" is actually not a "substitute", but the "priest" himself.

Even if it's for his "tourism plans", he will complete these contracts to the minimum.

Putting aside the identity issue of "Van Helsing" at this time, Murdoch is indeed a little curious about how he can help the "Hand" "control Tokyo" when the "Hand" no longer exists at all.

"The Hand still exists, it just disintegrated, not destroyed." Van Helsing replied.

Even if he could tell his thoughts in a talk show, he would never believe that he could read minds. The fox woman's lessons were still there.

"Oh?" Murdoch thought for a moment and finally responded.

"Look," Van Helsing raised his hand and pointed into the hall: "She is here."


Murdoch "looked" towards the chaotic hall.

At this time, Lester was already at a disadvantage in the chase with Widowmaker, even though she was still holding a new agent with a weird smile on her hand. Although the original "Bullseye" was very strong, that was when he could use a variety of deadly weapons. Now he only has a pair of nunchucks and is temporarily unable to defeat Widowmaker, who has various weapons and props, especially here. Very trendy

Wet, her pair of electric shock bracelets are like a duck to water.

The reason why Widowmaker didn't lead the man here was because he wanted to subdue him and leave, lest he suddenly went crazy after getting close to her and it would be difficult to end.

As a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, it is understandable to plan to leave the scene as soon as possible after the incident is basically over and let others handle the scene, but this idea is obviously going to come to nothing.

"Stop!" When Lester and Widowmaker clashed again, a voice that Murdock was very familiar with, a hoarse and high-pitched female voice sounded from the direction of the hole in the ceiling, and then, like a rainstorm of ninja darts and shurikens, they were indistinguishable. Three people from the ground

Splash down. Widowmaker and Lester hurriedly punched each other and stepped back. Then they saw a man wearing the same style as the "Immortal Ninja" falling from the hole, but without a turban and mask. He had black hair, black eyes, and a dark face. with European characteristics

tall woman.

Sure enough, she came after her... Murdoch sighed silently. "Elektra (Elektra) is the 'sixth finger' closest to the 'five fingers' in the power structure. Even if she pursues 'true love', her position has not been revoked," Van Helsing said in an explanatory manner: "It is up to her to to inherit

I think no one would have any objections to the ‘Hand Club’. "

That was, everyone who had an opinion was gone, and Murdoch ignored the sarcasm in his tone.


boom! ! Erica, who was slowly falling like fallen leaves through some means, was about to say something when a surging black mud suddenly gushes out from the big hole just made by the steamroller and rushes straight towards her like a volcanic eruption. besides

A strange and dull echo sounded: "[Zaix`ilfah qam——(Welcome home~)]"

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