The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Twelve, Vicious Isolation Demon Realm (3)

Hogwarts, Vice Headmaster's Office.

I'm currently editing "Star Wars Episode I: Iron Man's Attack" or "Iron Man 2: The Dwarfs Strike Back" and preparing to send them back to Pepper to find theaters for distribution through Stark Group.

At that time, the movie audience all thought that it was Iron Man's personal movie for himself, but they did not realize that it was actually a fact. It sounded very interesting.

[This is actually quite strange. Ordinary people clearly know that there is an alien invasion, and they have witnessed their neighbors using super powers and being kidnapped by mysterious agents. The children even talk about magic, but they go to school and go to school like nothing happens. ] The Sorting Hat muttered.

'Because they actively come into contact with alien technology or extraordinary things, people who try to change the status quo and succeed basically become the villains in some superhero personal movies, and the rest will be recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. ’

[Oh...Is it because 'it has nothing to do with me anyway' and 'life has to go on' so you ignore it? 】

'Unless like the X-Men, everyone has the X gene, and mutant awakening events occur frequently, the general environment will basically be stable - this may be why Professor X and his students have never been able to integrate into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. reason. ’

[But you managed to integrate them. 】

'More than just integration, it's simply [hyper-fusion]. Those students and those superheroes are almost regarded as representatives of the earth by aliens. ’

At present, although the "Seven Kingdoms" transferred by Odin are essentially managed by "White Star", its representatives are the "Mechanical Demon God" and his partners and descendants.

They boarded the "Sanctuary" sliced ​​battleship and set out from the actual locations of the nine kingdoms of Asgard to warn civilizations in the universe and provide "fire prevention" means.

Because they have the backing of the "Mechanical Demon God", a cosmic-level ruthless man who has defeated all the strongest lords of the seven dimensions just after he was born, civilizations that are advanced enough or well-informed have a friendly attitude towards them, while those who are relatively stubborn , a civilization that doesn’t even know what the “Universe Demon God” is, has to smile in front of a mass-produced Death Star.

In the process, they discovered some forces and individuals that should have established contact with the earth but did not. I almost thought they did not exist.

For example, the brother of "Gao Tianzun" who was shocked by Stark is the "Collector" who has the ability to predict.

In the original work, he took the initiative to collect the infinite gems because he foresaw the existence of Thanos, hoping to avoid being obtained by Thanos. However, he was killed by Thanos and the gems were taken away. But now, he is just a man living with his wife. A recluse who lives on a remote planet and occasionally goes out to hunt space disasters.

According to the setting, he will never be able to enter the kingdom of death because he lost the bet with "death", but I have never seen him at all.

[Is it possible that he suddenly thought of making a bet with you on a certain issue, and then 'predicted' that he would lose, so he simply gave up and gained eternal life. 】

‘It’s stuck with a lot of bugs. ’

Next, there is "Captain Marvel" who is the strength ceiling of the third and fourth "Avengers" films.

Her existence was confirmed early due to the "Element Devouring Beast", but Nick Fury did not possess the pager used to summon her in the movie, and Stark discovered after conscious contact with the Kree, Carol Danvers has long since recovered her memory and is now the commander of an elite Kree force, with no intention of returning to Earth.

[Although the screenwriter was unable to restrict such a 'superwoman' before sending her to the universe, from the perspective of experience and personality, she is not a person who values ​​the earth too much. The earth is protected by more powerful beings. Next, she is obviously more willing to realize her personal value in the universe. 】

‘Respect and blessings. ’

Then, there are the Skrulls who fight to the death of the Kree.

As in the original setting, they are still engaged in a protracted war with the Kree. They can indeed transform and imitate other humanoid creatures, but no Skrull has ever come to Earth, let alone replaced them. Nick Fury or some superhero.

[Because their thoughts are different from humans and can be easily seen through by ‘White Star’, so they dare not come? 】

‘Who’s fighting Secret War, Secret Invasion or something? ’

[Perhaps it’s DC next door? 】

Finally, it was the Chitauri who were responsible for the first invasion. When they came into contact with them, Stark, who learned of the existence of "Thanos" in other world lines, searched their home planet to find them. There are relevant clues, but nothing has been found. After the failed invasion of the Earth, this pirate civilization has been at war with each other for countless rounds. At this time, the largest forces have no idea why they made a desperate attempt to attack the Earth in the first place.

There is no doubt that Kang Quanquan, the conqueror who can jump in the timeline, is responsible.

I'm going a little bit off topic, and let's go back to the issue of the "Triwizard Tournament" itself. After Odin's "Twilight of the Gods" plan failed, the game was basically in a state of unfinished business. In theory, it could be announced that the game was over, awards would be given and all the players would be sent home, but the problem awards could be given. .

Odin abdicated and Asgard was burned again. Thor, who inherited the title of "Lord of Asgard", and his friends are trying to rebuild it in Jotunheim and "Songard". As a result, the prizes prepared by Asgard were completely invalidated.

The Green Lantern Corps can still cash out the rewards, but due to the cosmic fire caused by Ragnarok, the Green Lanterns are extremely busy. Even if they cash out the rewards now, they still have to wait in a very long queue. If the players know, it will be like hurting themselves. signboard.

Therefore, both parties sent representatives to negotiate with Gandalf, hoping to delay the settlement and awarding of the event. They were all affected by force majeure anyway.

As for the prize I prepared, the Holy Grail of wish fulfillment, it is just a showpiece. It can be regarded as a reason for White Star to directly interfere with reality. As for what it will be interpreted by those universe demons and dimensional masters, it has nothing to do with me.

But the problem is that this prize cannot be distributed.

According to the current ranking, there is no doubt that the first place in the Triwizard Tournament is Sherlock, and his wish has been made in advance: to reunite him with his little girlfriend from the "junction".

Although I cannot directly interfere with the subspace, there is still no big problem in "reverse summoning" him to "Melina" who has established a deep bond with him during the "clearance process" - if "White Star" is now " Thread" is not occupied by "Simulation Management".

Is there any Holy Grail that makes wishes come true without me having to do anything personally...


A familiar voice that I haven’t heard for a long time came to my ears:

[A new ‘micro-singularity’ was born. 】


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