The Collection of The End

Two thousand seven hundred and fifty-three, inheritance of the underground world (3)

——? ? ? ——

Desert Spire.

Through repeated questioning, Sherlock took some time to figure out what was going on with Melina and this isolated island in the desert - luckily she was not impatient.

Melina possesses the power that may be inherited from her "mirror body" and is enough to interfere with the entire world, but apart from the reflection in the mirror, she does not know any information about "her" - after all, no one will be themselves in front of the mirror. introduce.

She has common sense roughly equivalent to the average human level, and can understand most of what Sherlock says and respond appropriately, but there are obvious abnormalities in some views or logic, especially when it comes to destroying or saving the world. topic.

She gave herself the name Melina for unknown reasons.

As for this special world, it was not a desert at the beginning. It originally had different landforms and buildings, but there were no living creatures. The sky was the same as now, a whole piece of light that seemed to be cloudy. light grey.

I don’t know how long it took before it was buried by the sand turned into by the destroyed world and became what it is today.

When Melina decides to save a "sand world", the scene of that world will replace the desert scene outside the "tower" and show a moment before the world's final destruction.

In this case, this "tower", which is supposed to be connected to a larger building below, can be teleported to any place in that world for observation according to Melina's ideas.

In addition, when she wanted to know some kind of information about the world or the race, country or even a single resident living in it, she would get a formulaic briefing, the content of which was similar to what she had read before, A short synopsis describing "Bao" and how its world was destroyed.

And when Melina has made a plan and is ready to save the world, as long as she steps out of the tower, the world will start to move according to its previous trajectory towards the end.

If the world cannot be saved from destruction, it will turn back into sand and fall into the desert. Otherwise, the grain of sand will disappear - at least that is what Melina is sure of.

After all, she had never succeeded even once until Sherlock fell from the sky.

The plans that she thought were perfect would always fail to achieve their goals due to various reasons. Even if they could bring about huge changes in those worlds, they would never be able to change their final outcome - unless a different method of destruction could be calculated. Be saved.


"Can we start? 'Supreme Mage'?" Melina asked, blinking her bright eyes.

Although she will not be bored, it is foreseeable that after Sherlock offered to help her save the world and then asked a bunch of related questions, her expectations were raised.

"Last question," Sherlock asked: "Why don't you turn back time when the plan goes wrong, and then prevent the mistake from happening?"

"It can't be done," Melina shook her head: "I can adjust the 'start time', but once the world starts moving, it cannot be reversed, which will directly lead to its destruction."

"Hmm..." Sherlock touched his chin, thoughtfully.

Because the power to reproduce the "Sand World" itself comes from Melina, so once she interferes with the overall operation, the reproduction will collapse?

For example, if a child gives a push to a toy car, as long as there is no further interference, the car will keep running forward until it encounters an obstacle and is stopped. If, in order to prevent it from hitting the obstacle, it is pushed sideways, maybe it will Flying out directly.

Therefore, if Melina wants to effectively complete a plan, she must use the exhaustive method to formulate a "plan to prevent accidents" after every accident in the plan, and do it again after the world is destroyed.

But what should we do if something unexpected happens to our "plan to prevent accidents"?

In this case, one thing can serve an important purpose.

Your own "time stone".

Although this thing is just a decoration in most cases, and "prediction" and "uncertainty" are not very useful in many cases, but... reversing the time of a "grain of sand" seems to be just right?

"Can its power turn back time?" Sherlock pulled out the pendant with the "Time Stone" embedded in his clothes.

"No," Melina shook her head and nodded: "Okay."

"If this world doesn't work, then the 'World of Sand' can?"


...It’s quite easy to understand if you’re used to Melina’s way of speaking.

"Let's do a test first to see if it can work in your process of 'saving the world.'" Sherlock looked at the desert outside the tower: "Look back at every incident that will cause your plan to fail and revise it. Let’s see if we can save the world in the end.”


The girl responded, turned around, jumped out of bed, pattered her bare feet to the edge of the tower, and glanced back and forth at the vast desert outside.

There is no doubt that in Sherlock's own view, there is only a desolate desert outside, but to Melina, it is the corpse of countless destroyed worlds.

And now she is about to pick one of them and try to "resurrect" it.

It seems that the ability of the "Black Lantern" is to resurrect the dead. From this point of view, her claim in the past, no, in the future, cannot be considered a lie.

"Okay, that's it." Melina didn't squat down to pick up the sand. Instead, she waved her hand and grabbed it in the air. Then she ran back and jumped onto the soft collapse with a thud: "Living in the 'Dark Sea' 'Ute'."

"I thought you would choose 'Bao'." Sherlock looked at the palm of her hand that was open to him. The grain of sand seemed to be nothing special: "I should still remember the details of the plan just now."

"Ah? Will the 'Supreme Mage' forget what he has memorized?" Melina tilted her head.

...At least 80% of the students must be coveted for this ability.

"Sometimes," Sherlock put the question aside: "How did their world end?"


Melina clenched her fist again and exerted a little force.

The next moment, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and the empty "floor-to-ceiling windows" of the tower seemed to become the deep-sea viewing portholes of some kind of submersible. It bloomed with a deep blue shimmer, slightly illuminating the almost lightless outside. The vast seabed.

And at a high place outside the "porthole", there were several huge shadows of giant things that looked like octopuses and squids slowly passing by.

In this strange background, Melina's voice when reading the manuscript seemed to have some kind of deep reverberation:

"[The pillars of the 'Dark Sea' world, the Ute population. They are satisfied with the vastness of the ocean and the rich resources, and have established many different undersea kingdoms. After they have thoroughly explored the bottom of the sea, they have formed a loose alliance with each other. The alliance no longer had the ambition to be enterprising, and instead developed towards entertainment and enjoyment. The development of science and technology completely stagnated. When they discovered that the planet's resources were about to be exhausted, they hurriedly developed the land, but found in despair that the resources to be developed on the land were not enough. Let them go into space and eventually become extinct."


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