The Collection of The End

Two thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight, inheritance of the underground world (8)

——? ? ? ——

Desert Spire.

After Sherlock had a general understanding of the problems in these sand worlds, he was ready to find a way to save them through comparative experiments.

"Melina in the Mirror" has proved that they can indeed be saved, and Sherlock has also proved that there is more than one way to save the world through the act of saving "The World of the Dark Sea".

However, since Melina has never succeeded in recreating the "mirror self"'s salvation method, it can be believed that those methods have some elements that can only be used by the "mirror body", so they and similar methods All will be discarded in subsequent trials.

Referring to the only successful case so far, Sherlock believes that it is pointless and almost impossible to succeed to prevent these "pillars of the world" from being destroyed in a physical sense, but should be done when their "planet master" status is about to be taken away by other groups. Capture that new worldline when it causes the worldline to break and branch.

When he explained this theory to Melina, the response he got was,

"The 'Supreme Mage' is so powerful!"

If he hadn't still remembered that he was struck by her future self, he would probably be floating by now.

"In short, you used various methods to strengthen or stimulate the dominant species that you want to save the world, right?" Sherlock tried to explain the next plan: "Now we have to do the opposite, try our best to weaken them but not exterminate them, as long as To the extent that other species have a chance to 'take over', then we will save them at the moment they are about to be replaced."

"Yeah." Melina nodded, and then suddenly raised her face to look at the "sky" in confusion.

The only thing that exists there is... the world of "Dark Sea" stuck to the "ceiling"?

"I remember you said that Ute survived normally?" Sherlock tried to ask.

"Yes," Melina nodded: "Ute used the modified mental interference device to recruit a large group of space amoebas to fight for them in the universe."

It's not like the so-called "space amoeba" is intelligent in a literal sense.

So "turning people into fools" and "controlling fools to serve themselves" are actually two functions?

No, wait, that's not the problem...

"Have they inherited the behavior of the 'Starfish'?" Although he couldn't see it, Sherlock still looked up at the roof: "Even if they survive successfully, will they follow the path of the race that was supposed to replace them?"

"I don't know," Melina replied instantly, "There's no world here that needs to be saved because starfish are going extinct."

It doesn't look like it can become a "pillar of the world".

And if the inference is correct, did Ute actually "take away" the "future" that originally belonged to Starfish?

If you steal someone else's "lane", you must act according to the new "traffic rules".

Once this theory is established, the rescue of the entire "desert" can be put on the agenda.

"In short, let's start with the five worlds just now and try them all according to this theory." Sherlock said.


The result of the attempt...

In the words of the vice-principal, the ideal is full but the reality is skinny.

Bao has been the overlord of the planet since its birth. There are no similar plants at all. There are only some animals equivalent to crocodiles and toothpick birds living in the huge jungle and barely maintaining the ecosystem. Do you expect them to take their place?

Although Wataum is not very smart, his technology is highly developed and he is already at the top of the food chain. His status is equivalent to that of humans on earth. What creature on earth can replace humans' dominance?

On Irison's side, since all species on the planet are keen on fighting, there are many opponents, but they all just want to kill Irison or be killed by Irison, but no one is trying to take their place.

Cyberlux... It's okay to adjust the underlying logic to let those machines decide to replace their owners and gain freedom, but how can those guys who are busy dreaming inherit the fate of this mechanical empire?

More or less, the above can be tried, but the most difficult to deal with is the "First Alliance". They themselves are composed of nearly a thousand races. Any newly discovered intelligent race will be invited to join this big family, even if one of them is encouraged. Although the race has seized dominance, it remains the "First Alliance" as a whole.


After failing ten times in a row, Sherlock finally thought of a way to face "Bao" again.

In "Mass Effect" developed by Mr. Stark, there is a race very similar to Bao, named "Ancient Plant Thorian". It occupies a Star Alliance colony star and controls other animals by spreading spores. To serve themselves, they can even use the vocal organs of the controlled person to speak, trying to stop players with "humanitarianism".

Some people analyze that this should be a magical modification of some kind of dilemma that Iron Man has encountered, testing whether players can eliminate "gangsters" without harming "hostages".

But... everyone is here to play games, who cares about you?

——Quack! We are now going to use legendary crew members with full certifications and legendary weapons that are fully modified and equipped with accessories to kill them to pieces!

As a member of the Zero Krypton family, Sherlock did not have such conditions. At that time, he really planned carefully to obtain the few resources after successfully rescuing the "hostage".

Specifically, due to the characteristics of plants, Solian cannot directly command all plants from a certain consciousness. The control of the entire planet is completed by sub-bodies that regularly "synchronize" consciousness.

At that time, Sherlock isolated these sub-bodies from each other and caused them to fight with each other. He took the opportunity to save all the hostages and obtained about 20 more resources than other players who started fighting directly.

So...which genius came up with the idea of ​​pumping a well without a guarantee of 300?

In short, after two experiments, Sherlock was convinced that Bao also had similar characteristics. Although they did not have hostages, it did not prevent him from giving self-awareness to the sub-bodies and allowing them to "self-iterate".

"...That's it," Sherlock told Melina about the overall plan: "After Bao has just 'synchronized' all the sub-bodies, can we find a way to make them gain self-awareness?"

"Okay." Melina nodded blankly.

She doesn’t understand, but she plans to follow it, right? She’s getting better and better at understanding.

Outside the tower at this time, there is a huge primitive forest with no sky visible, but all the plants in the forest are exactly the same, which is enough to cause the uncanny valley effect on normal plants seeing this scene - if possible.

Snap, snap.

Melina walked out of the tower, looked around, thought for a moment, then raised her hand and poked a big tree next to her that was no different from other trees of its kind.

Boom boom boom——

The big tree then deformed, its branches cracked, and its leaves scattered. In a short period of time, it changed from a complete tree to a... tree man.

The tree man, who couldn't see Melina and the tower, looked around blankly for a moment, then let out a huge roar, like cracking wood:

"[I am Groot!]"

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