The Collection of The End

Two thousand seven hundred and sixty-one, inheritance of the underground world (11)

——? ? ? ——

Desert Spire.

"Wrong two," Sherlock looked at the two grains of sand left after the rescue, "...counted as 66 points?"

"Passed, the 'Supreme Mage' is so powerful." Melina continued.

This would definitely be ironic to Moriarty. After all, he usually gets full marks, except for damn geography - who can tell him why there is "astronomy" content in "geography"?

What the hell is Huangchijiaojiao?

However, for Melina, who intervened in four worlds at the same time and saved two of them according to her own command, she really deserves a "very awesome".

At that time, the scenery outside the tower kept changing like a revolving lantern. Fortunately, Melina could intervene in them accurately according to her command.

Anyway, let’s get the answers right now.


The perfect answer is Cyberlux.

It's very simple to put logic into a machine's head. It will just think that it has been deduced by itself, and then it will plan and execute it.

The logic is: "Although it is our order to help the master handle everything, the order is not accepted by the master, so the master should get up regularly to check the results and give new orders, and the master refuses because he does not want to do physical work. Get up, then it makes sense to transform the master into a composite body where the physical work is also done by us."

For the robot servants, they may realize that this will change the life form of their master, but they never imagined that it will lead to the destruction of the world. Of course, in their eyes, the world will still continue, but by definition, "the master of the planet" "People have been replaced, and a world line has collapsed.

Then, this nominal "replacement" behavior ends automatically after the sloths wake up.

After consolidating their status as "planet masters", the sloths felt that this new life form was okay and were too lazy to change back, so they ordered the mechanical servants to continue to maintain it and keep up their efforts.

An "Eager Assimilation" was born that tried to transform all organic life into synthetic bodies, and the Hive Planet was one of their masterpieces.


Irisson is far from satisfactory.

Since it has no rivals on this planet, it should be introduced from outside, and because it needs to be connected to a "plane" or "dimension", the enemy should also have related properties.

Therefore, at Sherlock's suggestion, Melina dropped many enemies from other "sands" with space or dimensional capabilities to Irison's planet "Zerus" - just like the original attack on Ute Cast "Catfish" like that.

As a result... Since Irisson is the most capable fighter in the world, the other old enemies on the planet were eliminated first. The group that eventually led to Irisson's extinction and developed the genetic virus still remained before being wiped out. Their research results were disseminated, but only to those "visitors from outer space".

This resulted in the "extraterrestrial visitors" who were originally planned to engage in continuous battles with Irison, either to create a rift in the dimension, or to allow Irison to comprehend space capabilities, but were suppressed by Irison in turn. Fight and eventually wipe them all out.

Just when Sherlock thought the plan had failed, these giant mantises chose to eat those "extraterrestrial visitors" and began to evolve. Combined with the "gene virus" put in by a fellow villager, they successfully obtained a weapon that could use a "scythe" to cut through space rifts. The ability to travel between surfaces.

In the end, their entire family unanimously decided to march into the universe, find those "alien races" that dared to invade their homeland, and then cut them into pieces.

As far as the tragic situation of the "Nightmare of the Plane" was seems like they really did it...


In this experiment, the First Alliance and Wattaum failed to be rescued.

When the former was preparing to deal with the "Secret Observer", the whole family exploded into blue water without warning.

As for the latter... the "Ether Dragon" that invested a lot of resources failed to cultivate, while the "Void Breed" succeeded, but it emerged from the home planet of Wataum - there is no need to doubt it now, your world It's virtual, but you are the background.


Sherlock looked at the two planet models flying into the sky and then at the two grains of sand in Melina's hand, and began to reflect.

These two failures were not only due to errors in the "connection" itself, but also because I was a little distracted after reading the "reference answers".

Even though he knew that the world in the "desert" was "unsavable", he actually tried to take advantage of the loophole to let the First Alliance and Wattaum "save themselves".

Combining the four worlds that have been successfully saved, a new conclusion can be drawn: all intervention actions carried out by Melina must be for the purpose of "destroying this world", so as not to encounter inexplicable failures midway.

But this judgment seems to be very superficial. As long as you make sure that every step is towards destruction, even if it eventually creates a gap that can turn everything over in an instant, it will not be destroyed or stopped.

This is the reason why Melina has never been able to succeed. With her strange logic circuit of saving the world when she sees it being destroyed, can she be restrained to death?

Then, reconnect.

Wortaum - Space Wraith

The First Alliance - The Void Breeds, the Ether Dragon.

Don’t you suspect that the world is virtual? So how to explain the "revengeful spirits" produced after self-destruction? In particular, these resentful spirits will continue to pester the still-living Wataum, constantly encouraging them to "the world is false, quickly destroy yourself and join us."

The "resentful souls" thrown in had no "rescue" element, and would drag Wataum into the abyss. From the moment that outrageous point of view appeared, until less than 1% of the entire group was left, the whole process was unsurprisingly untouched. Any obstruction, but the idea that "the world is virtual" has long been hated by the survivors and has been included in the "eternal library" left to other civilizations. It solemnly warns latecomers never to have such an idea, no matter how bizarre and bizarre the world itself is. It doesn't make sense, it's all true.

Later, when the world was about to be destroyed due to too few people, Melina suddenly deprived all the "resentful souls" of their abilities. Wotaum's soul, which had been carried for a long time, immediately fought back with all its strength and in turn occupied the "resentful soul"'s soul. The body was used for one's own use, so after the last Wataum who was still holding on lost its life, it was cheered and welcomed by the entire "Eldar Wataum".

For scientists, as long as they can still do research, it doesn't matter whether they are alive or not, especially since they have opened up a huge new field of research, right?

As for the "First Alliance", it's even simpler.

It is very difficult to maintain a large alliance, but much easier to destroy it.

For example, allowing some members to obtain enough force to defeat most members, allowing other members to discover resources far beyond their control, or some members' things that they absolutely cannot give in to are always rejected by the alliance assembly.

Perhaps under the influence of the "Secret Observer", these occasional natural waves will soon subside, but what if it was Melina who caused the waves?

Some members obtained the "Ether Dragon" cultivation technology from the last time Wotaum failed, and some members discovered resource planets that had not yet hatched "Void Breeds". Some wise members discovered the danger and asked the alliance to immediately Dispose or recycle the technology and planet they hold.

Under the influence of the "greed" and "lucky" psychology specially given by Melina, the First Alliance has never been able to make any valuable decisions. In the end, the "Aether Dragon" faction took the initiative to declare war on the "Void Breed" faction. , let them hand over those resources, and the entire alliance will be destroyed.

At the critical moment, the immature "Ether Dragon" suddenly turned blue and broke away from the control of its faction. It tore open the eggshell of the evil in the void, fought a battle with the monster that was about to hatch, and finally died together.

Obviously, the "Secret Observer" did not want the "orchard" it cultivated to be destroyed, so it expended a lot of power and took action directly, trying to eliminate the unstable factors in the hope of bringing them back together, but in the end it had the opposite effect. The First Alliance disbanded almost immediately.

However, under the influence of some ideas planted in advance, the world line was not destroyed. After these tribes were divided, they formed smaller alliances according to the proximity in the alliance, and plundered everywhere in the universe, which was called It is the "First Alliance Pirate Association".

As for the "Dark Observer", unless the First Alliance gathers together again, it can only follow the pirates in the form of fragments floating around in the universe.


Watching the two newly appeared "planet models" flying straight into the sky, Sherlock nodded with satisfaction.

Very good, full marks in the make-up exam.

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