The Collection of The End

Two thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, inheritance of the underground world (14)

——? ? ? ——

Fried, the head maid, quickly cleaned the dusty "Melina Mansion".

— by turning that dust into servants and maids.

The mansion that originally looked like a haunted house now has bright windows. Sherlock and Melina could see servants repairing or decorating at any time as they followed Fried to the terrace.

As for the huge former "Father of Iredell" and now "Steward of Iredel", it seemed that he was so ashamed that he rushed in so aggressively and was instantly killed by a wand. After reshaping his body, he hid somewhere.

In this regard, Sherlock could only say that if he were smaller, he would not be able to eat up the pile of non-directional meteors of destruction.

By the way, when all the servants and maids in this mansion were "shaped" for the first time, they were all affected by a certain "subspace evil god", and the number of individuals affected the head maid's "World's Ghoul" At most, "Instrument of Desire" comes second - for example, Mr. Butler, those affected by "Whisper of the Void" and "Weave of Life" are very rare.

Obviously, for a pile of dust, it can barely be related to "swallowing" and "shaping", but "being fooled" and "mutating"? Just like the relationship between cows, horses and wind.

Sherlock had to suspect that before this world was buried by the "corpse" of countless worlds, it might have been riddled with holes by the "evil god of subspace". Even his own residence was not immune, so Melina's "mirror body" "He ruthlessly destroyed all the affected individuals in his world, and then locked himself in the tower, trying to clear out all the worlds in the multiverse that were distorted by the interference of the "evil god of subspace".

This conflicts with the previous speculation, but overall it is not much different - mainly because Melina can't explain things in this world clearly.

She knew the names, personalities and responsibilities of all the "dusts" in the "mansion", and also knew how to get along with them and give orders. At the same time, she was familiar with everything in the mansion, and she never got lost or couldn't tell the purpose of a room.

But it is unclear about "her" daily life and how the "dust" became like this.

It was as if... her perception of the world in her memory was just a dream, and people would not question their environment when dreaming.

Or, Melina's knowledge of "her own world" is also "common sense acquired out of thin air", so she won't be confused about the omissions in it.

Is it really because she is just someone's mirror image?

In addition, according to Sherlock's own experience, the influence of the "subspace evil god" cannot be eliminated by "breaking up the dust and reshaping it". Either this superficial influence is suppressed by the personality, or the reality of this world It has already gotten rid of its influence, but there is only a slight remnant.

"Here we are, Miss [Ai■■■G■], and this guest." The head maid Fried opened the front door, bowed slightly, and then said.

Look, this vague name has nothing to do with "Melina".


Although he had seen some from the windows on the way here, it was not until he stepped onto the terrace of the mansion that Sherlock could fully see the scenery around the mansion.

This is a green-gray European-style mansion with a towering tower in the middle. It is "embedded" like a castle on the stone wall of a hill with lush plants.

A deep river winds down from the mountain, half-circling the house like a "moat", and then flows to lower ground.

At the main entrance of the mansion is a suspension bridge across the river, and the accompanying gravel road leads to a village built along the river on the other side of the river.

The houses in the village were generally low-rise and homogeneous, but Sherlock could still tell from certain features that they were some buildings that were probably blacksmith shops, merchant houses, taverns, mills and docks.

As expected, the village was deserted, and most of the area was covered by a thick layer of "ashes." If they were converted into people in proportion, this settlement might be quite lively.

Of course, they might want to have a fight before they become them.

"Its name is [Like Honey]," Melina said, "It means that life here is as sweet as honey."

The taste is worrisome... This name should not be given by the "mirror body".

"[The world has accumulated 2,147,483,647 deaths.]" Melina added in the tone of reading a manuscript.

Is this appropriate to follow "sweet as honey"?

This amount... seems to be the same as the total number of "sands" mentioned before, perhaps some extreme value.

It would be fine if it represented the number of grains of sand falling, but if it meant the accumulated death of a single world...

What is 2.1 billion times 2.1 billion?

441...Sherlock couldn't think of the unit behind the number.

Melina looked around aimlessly, Sherlock was lost in thought, Fried stood beside him with his hands folded, and the terrace became quiet for a moment.

At this time, a servant stepped onto the suspension bridge and followed the subtle creaking sound towards the dust-covered "Rumi".

"There are some supplies missing in the mansion, so I asked him to go to Rumi to purchase them." Fried explained.

The mansion with only ashes was missing supplies, and then he sent people to buy them in a village with only ashes. Sherlock couldn't decide which one was more outrageous.

Unlike Melina, whose logic is a little weird but her communication is normal, the servants in the mansion, including the housekeeper and the head maid, all seem to be living in the moment when they turn into ashes. They are shaping up and going crazy. Defeated and reshaped, he turned a blind eye to this strange situation and continued to complete his "life" work very smoothly.

Perhaps, helping Melina remove the "grains of sand" is just the beginning. He must save this world, her "original world" before it ends.

To be specific...

"Huh! Huh!" "Moo!" "Woof!"

At this time, the servant walked across the suspension bridge and stepped into "Rumi".

At that moment, the sharp screams of pigs, cows, dogs, chickens, and various other animals rang out, and then the animals that matched the sounds transformed from ashes and attacked the servant crazily.

The servant was stunned, found that he couldn't resist, and tried to turn around and escape. As a result, he was thrown to the ground by a group of "ash animals", who pecked, bit, kicked and stepped on him, and soon turned into a pile of ashes again.

After the victory, the animals turned from ashes neighed and roared triumphantly, and began to wander around Rumi Village, as if they were patrolling their territory.

"[Mutated under the influence of the 'Weave of Life', they are extremely aggressive towards any living creature that steps into their territory.]" Melina watched the animals finish reading the manuscript, then turned to look at Sherlock.

"Leave it to me. Eliminating the influence of the 'Evil God of Subspace' is the responsibility of the 'Supreme Mage'." Sherlock added to the drama with the idea of ​​"I am not the Supreme Mage anyway".


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