The Collection of The End

Chapter 286 Rabbit and Blood Thistle

My name is Akatosh,

Well, unsurprising development.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 18th, 7:47 —

Since the predecessor of [Twilight Saga] was called "Eltenfold Cathedral", it is obvious that it is not too far from the ruins of Eltenfold. As the "adventurers" team marched, it was easy to see that the city was gradually approaching.


"That's a group of grazing Zerus. They will dig moss to eat and drive other underground creatures by themselves, so there are no!"

Far away from the road and in the dark field with few shimmering mushrooms, there are a large number of yak-sized creatures chasing and fighting each other, but they are all dark, and it is difficult to distinguish the chaser from the chased at first glance.

Sophie's rabbit shook its ears, jumped out, and then ran back with a scarlet nirn root that was brought from nowhere by those subterranean beasts in its mouth.

The Snow Elf was very pleasantly surprised and wanted to pick it up, but Rabbit looked at him, moved his three-petal mouth a few times, and swallowed the grass.

Art was dumbfounded.

"This thing doesn't look very rare." Ella picked up the rabbit and handed it back to Sophie.


"This is a border checkpoint, although it's just a formality...damn it!"

In front of the road, there is a very abrupt, dwarven-style checkpoint with a towering sentry tower and a solid and heavy fence gate. However, there are no walls or guards at all. If you want to, you can go around it.

Before everyone could comment on this weird building, Rabbit had already rushed out, opened the fluorescent mushroom bushes on the side of the gate, and ate the red plant in it.

Art began to tremble.

"Wow?" Babas slapped the Rabbit who was running back, sniffed carefully, and then let go of the scared and trembling rabbit with nothing.


"There are many delicious blind fish in this lake. They are not dangerous. Adventurers in the city often... rabbits!"

After passing through the checkpoint, as the city gradually approached, large mushroom fields and scattered stone dwarf houses with obvious artificial traces began to appear on the side of the road. Turned around the lake shore.

Then, as expected, Rabbit pulled out a scarlet nirn root from the lake, shook off the water on it, and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls.

"Little your rabbit for sale..." Art said to Sophie in a sleepwalking tone.

"Do you know where there are more red grasses?" Sophie held the Rabbit to look left and right: "If I feed it enough, will it become so-so big?"

"..." Snow Elf silently turned and left.

Perhaps the scout thought the little girl was expressing rejection, but Arthur knew very well that Sophie probably really thought so-if the Rabbit got big enough, she could play with it in dragon form.

"Unbelievable," Septim hinted, mentioning the rabbit and throwing a series of inspection spells at it, "If the research is correct, it should have been poisoned ten times, demon god? Holy Spirit?"

"Wow!" Babas shook his head vigorously.


"The entrance of the city is in front, but no one will come in or out if it is not necessary. If any [Blood Thistle] starts to grow near here, they will be discovered immediately and immediately harvested." He stared at Rabbit with slit eyes and said.

"Hey?" The hare was being hugged by Sophie obediently, with no intention of jumping out at all.

Although we can somewhat understand the snow elves' desire to see the light and regain their sanity, it's not enough to get mad at a rabbit.

Arthur shrugged,

Look at the [Twilight City] that is already close in front of you.

The most eye-catching thing is naturally the huge fireball floating above the city without any support. At such a close distance, its outer restraints can no longer be seen at all, and only the black core inside can be vaguely seen. If you look at it, you will even feel the dazzling heat like the real sun.

Below the black sun stands tall, the upper part of a giant dwarf building that can be seen even outside the city walls. Unlike the Nords or elves who like to build spires, all the tops of that building are hemispherical, and the outer wall as a whole has the shape of a spire. Yellowish white, the door and windows are quite in the style of the Holy Spirit Temple, narrow and high,

Further down, the middle and lower part of the cathedral was blocked by other buildings that were not too low, and at the top of those dwarf buildings, the connecting bridges between them, and the thick city walls, the group finally saw other snow elves.

Although the distance is still far away and their faces can't be distinguished clearly, Arthur can confirm that they are not as stooped and thin as the snow elf scout Art who is with him. That the king really found a way to turn the snow elves back?

At the end of the road, under the tall city wall, is a huge brass-colored, very dwarven-style door. The door is half-open, and there are no guards outside.

"One day..." Art looked up at the snow elves and muttered to himself.

"Baron, we are surrounded." While the leading scout was lost in thought at a distance, Lydia walked behind Arthur and whispered.

"That's right, those who gradually gathered after we passed the 'checkpoint' didn't seem to have any intention of attacking, but they seemed to intend to confirm that we would enter the city." Ayla also came over and echoed in a low voice.

"Wow! Are you two stupid?" Babas said suddenly.

"Speaking in a low voice in front of the snow elves who are famous for their hearing?" Septim interjected lightly, "I've already set up the barrier of silence when you walked towards Arthur, and you still have some time to pretend to be surrounded by that building." Shocked by the beauty of the city, five sentences."

"It won't take that long," Ella patted Arthur on the shoulder: "Advance, or retreat?"

Enter the city, adapt to the situation, or just retreat and fight the unknown enemy that surrounds you.

What is there to hesitate about? With the strength of this "adventurer team", even if all the elves in the city come to kill them together, there is no pressure. Just go into the city to see what they are going to do, and then decide whether to do it or not according to the specific situation.

"Of course—" Arthur was about to make a decision, but suddenly remembered some doubts.

If it is said that this snow elf kingdom has long been established and warmly welcomes all surface visitors, then why are there no rumors about it at all on the surface? Instead, Blackfall is still considered a dangerous underworld that no one wants to explore.

Others don't know about the information about an underground city. At least Satya is very happy to buy it. Hasn't any adventurer entered [Twilight City] and returned to the surface for so many years? Or, as long as you go in, you can't leave?

If Art, the snow elf, intends to invite adventurers to be guests, why would he come secretly in the middle of the night? If the Underground Kingdom communicated with many adventurers, they should know that this period is the rest time for surface creatures.

Finally, when I just looked from a distance, there were only snow elves in that city. Where were the visiting adventurers and those snow elves like Art who failed to transform?

While Arthur was thinking quickly, the five-sentence time ended, the barrier was revoked, and the snow elf scouts turned around.

"Come into town, His Majesty will be delighted to see you," he said.

"We..." Arthur just said half a sentence, but saw a somewhat familiar woman walking out of the city gate: "Jane Russell?"

Jane Lasay is a dark elf archer and mercenary. Although Xueman does not discriminate against dark elves, curiosity is unavoidable. She is very disgusted with those eyes that look at rare animals, and finally gave up the "mare banner" and Stay in "Drunk Hunter" all year round.

Because of Satya, the tavern Arthur most often went to was Mare Banner, so it is not clear when Jane Russell accepted the commission to go out and how she appeared here.

"Hi, Jane~" Ella, who is also an archer, went up to greet her: "You also came to Heijiang for an adventure? How are you doing?"

"Very good, but [Blood Thistle] grows outside the city, and I'm about to harvest it." Jane Lasse looked sane, her movements were natural, and her eyes were focused. When she looked at Ella's speech, she answered irrelevant questions.

"Jane? What's wrong with you?" Ella asked with some doubts.

"[Remove the magic]." Septim raised his hand slightly, and several ice-blue light spots circled the dark elf twice, scattered and disappeared.

"It's okay, but if you can't find [Blood Thistle], you have to harvest fluorescent mushrooms and feed them to Zerus." Jane Lasse nodded to Ella, bypassed her and continued walking in the direction the crowd came from.

Delirious, answering irrelevant questions, preoccupied with some kind of "task", but everything looks normal? Arthur looked at the snow elf scouts who seemed to be completely unafraid of the exchange of information between the old gods, frowned and raised his hand to catch Jane Lasse.


Arthur felt as if he had burst something like a bubble and grabbed the dark elf's arm.

"Arthur... Baron?" Jane Lasse's expression became more real in an instant, and doubts were clearly revealed in her eyes.

"Don't rush away, do you need our 'help' for your 'work'?" Due to Septim's hinted reminder before, Arthur didn't make it too clear when the snow elf was still paying attention here, But while turning his back to the guy, he winked and hinted.

"...You will get 【Blood Thistle】for your work, even if you help, you won't be given it." Jane Lasse said, maintaining the attitude of answering the wrong question before.

Fortunately, she is an archer who tends to be rational. If she is some muscular barbarians, she will probably have already started fighting.

"No, no, Jane, we are a little nervous about entering a strange city, why don't we help you finish this job, just tell us what kind of jobs are available in the city and how are the salaries." Ella also came over to talk , but it looks a bit too much.

"Okay, but I want to harvest [Blood Thistle] as soon as possible." Jane Lasse forcefully threw her hands away and walked towards the wilderness. Obviously, her original mode of action did not allow her to stop chatting. Even though she was awake, she still had to pretend Be like that.

"Hey? Wait?" Ella chased after her.

"Thank you for leading the way, Art," Arthur pretended to turn around and greeted: "We will go to the city together after we help our friends finish their work, you go back first."

"Wow woof!" "Oh~work~" Babas and Sophie acted in their true colors, while Septin kept aloof and followed him, and the snow elves who were quite afraid of him did not dare to stop him.

"I'll be waiting for you in the city~" Art waved goodbye, and then lowered his voice so that an ordinary person couldn't hear it: "... [stare at them]."

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