The Collection of The End

Chapter 302 The Army and the Elite

My name is Akatosh,

This mechanized army is quite spectacular.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 21st, 10:11 —

Heijiang, the middle of Zakta, residential area.

Generally speaking, Zak Tower should be an exhibition hall, but this cannot explain the reason why its middle and lower floors are set up as residential areas. These floors have single rooms that are so narrow that they can only accommodate simple stone beds, and some In the bedroom with a lot of furniture and multiple exquisite metal beds, maybe the dwarves were divided into nobles and commoners.

After taking Arthur, who had fallen into a coma strangely after reading the Elder Scrolls, to this level of rest, everyone tried various treatments, but none of them worked, because he showed symptoms of "extreme mental and physical exhaustion and unable to wake up" Basically, he can only wait for him to sleep enough.

Out of curiosity about what caused this result, Arthur and his companions who thought they were capable watched the Elder Scrolls one by one. Ella said she saw a certain hunting ground, Sophie said she saw a lot of delicious food, and Jane Sai didn't dare to open the scroll, but Lydia only saw a piece of whiteness from the scroll.

"Although Arthur had an accident, your offensive plan should not stop. After all, we are just unexpected visitors." Lydia said to Gelleb beside him: "So, we plan to keep Sophie and Babas takes care of him, and the rest are still with you."

"Indeed, I have to stop Wilshaw before he wakes up the demon god or something worse happens," the snow elf paladin replied, "I know that person. Probably nothing out of the ordinary, but if this thing goes really well, he'll be bored enough to come up with some inexplicable developments."

"Such as counterattacking the surface?" Ella interrupted.

"It's not a small possibility," Gelleb raised his eyebrows: "There seems to be a stalemate between the three forces on the ground. If he converts enough soldiers, he may plan to get involved, but I don't think [Sgrammer] It will be ignored."

Although the lord doesn't care much about current affairs, and he doesn't have much interest in the plans of the high elves, but if the old opponent from thousands of years ago reappears, he will probably be happy to "jump down" again, Lydia looked at her shield The "relief" on the surface thought.

Squeak——The metal door of the temporary ward slid open to the side, and Septim walked in silently, with a dignified expression under the hood.

"The escaped vampire lord was not found," he said, "The burn marks disappeared after a certain distance, out of thin air."

"Well, this is another uncertain factor. Maybe he rushed to the ancient scrolls, or maybe he was just spying on us. That behavior was just a temporary intention, so my attack plan cannot be postponed, or it will change later," Gellerb said. Standing up: "I'm going to make preparations for departure. If you still intend to help, I welcome it, but someone has to stay and take care of Arthur. Isn't it wrong to only have his daughter and that dog?"

"Hmm..." Lydia looked at Jane Lasai, who still regarded them as the "adventure team organized by Baron Arthur", and decided to reveal a little information tactfully: "Actually, we have kept the strongest combat power. "

"Okay." Gelleb showed a slightly puzzled expression, but he didn't ask further: "Then, I'm going to activate the mechanical guard army. Are you willing to come and be a witness?"

In fact, that was his initial plan. Surrounded by mutated snow elves and machines who can't speak, no one can share no matter what important things he does, so even if it's not us, but any adventurer , as long as the relationship is not directly hostile, he will receive warm reception.

"It's an honor." Lydia replied.

"Why did you come forward to communicate on our behalf..." Ella muttered in a low voice.


black drop,

Zakta underground.

Although the black drop itself is located underground, it does not mean that it cannot continue to dig down. Below the surface of Zakta, there is another deeper underground space. Judging from its strange shape, it is obvious that many dwarves were once connected. The ruins, however, have collapsed a lot due to years of disrepair. The overall look is distorted and weird, but there is enough space to hold an army.

——An army composed of dense spherical guards.

And this underground space is close to Zak Tower, and Gelleb is leading several people who want to participate in this "war" through a metal corridor.

"I feel a little uncomfortable." Ella glanced at the spherical guards that had not yet deformed, and turned her head.

"You can stay and take care of the Baron," Lydia said.

"Just kidding, since you are here, why would I stay?" The huntress turned to stare at her.

"Oh." Lydia responded without any further inquiries. She participated in this operation on the basis of confirming that the Baron was very safe, and came here to complete the plan that the Baron originally planned to implement, which is completely in line with the behavior of a guard. However, Ella's reason "I will go if you go" is very puzzling.

"With so many spherical guards, could it be that you found the dwarf's mechanical control center?" Jane Lassey couldn't get into the conversation, so she asked Gelleb who was leading the way.

"Not really," the paladin replied, "If I could control that kind of place, 'Twilight' should be half destroyed by its own various mechanisms, which are just constant 'calls for help' to some guarded exits over the years the results produced."

"Then it's time to test the results." Septim expressed that he was completely unaffected by the densely packed spherical guards, and looked at them calmly: "Is the number tens of thousands?"

"About six thousand," Gelleb replied, "Because their combat power is worrying, they must be at least ten times the combat power of 'Twilight' to have a chance of victory."

"There are only more than four thousand people in Snowrun City!" Jane Lasse exclaimed in a low voice, and then covered her mouth when Galeb looked back at her.

"However, numbers are sometimes meaningless," Gelleb continued, "Like you, if I'm not mistaken, in your team, given enough time and weapons, anyone can This horde of dwarven machines has been wiped out."

"Well... indeed." Ayla thought for a while, and even admitted: "Their individual situation is not a big threat to adventurers. Even if they are besieged, there are only a few that can attack at the same time."

"Wilshaugh controlled many adventurers who strayed into the ground through [Blood Thistle]. If my estimate is correct, there are about a hundred of them?" Gelleb looked at Jane Lasay.

"When we were in the city, we could only move in the lower level, and the range of action was limited, but I have seen at least twenty adventurers." The dark elf replied after thinking about it.

"So, your main task is to control those adventurers so that they don't cause damage to the guarding army." Gelleb nodded to Ella and Lydia: "Fortunately, they can fight effectively in a controlled state." It will be discounted, but please try not to kill those people, after I destroy the cathedral and the 'black sun', they should be back to normal."

"Well, I still remember some mechanisms that can control people, which should be able to help." Jane Lassey nodded.

After a few simple conversations, Gelleb led everyone to a metal platform with a giant mechanical console similar to the one in the Stink Tower before. After observing for a while, he took out a silver-white round The disk was inserted into a groove on the console.

steam - steam - steam - click - click - click -

With the platform as the center, there seems to be an invisible wave spreading, and where this "wave" passes, all the spherical guards begin to deform, and then turn their "eyes" to the platform in the middle, thousands of guards perform this at the same time. This neat and consistent movement is like a large field of sunflowers in the flower field turning to the sun that just emerged from the clouds, which amazed the visitors on the platform.

Since there were only a group of machines in the audience, Galeb did not give a speech to boost morale, but simply waved his hand and ordered: "Let's go!"

Boom boom boom—the surrounding stone walls moved away, and several upward slopes appeared, and those spherical guards lined up in an orderly manner along those slopes and left the ground.

Click! Click! Just when everyone thought that these combat powers were all they had, more than a dozen tall centurions came out from the corner of the underground space, and every step they stepped on could cause the ground to tremble.

"These are the means I originally planned to use to contain those adventurers, but now it seems that they can be used in a more suitable place." Gelleb said.

So, he has arranged everything at all, and our arrival is just an opportunity to launch an attack, Lydia thought.

"Such a big movement can't be hidden underground. Please follow me." Gelleb watched the centurions also leave the underground space, and then led everyone to a nearby elevator.

The exit of this elevator is not the Zak Tower, but a certain cliff near the road. From a high position, you can see many metal guards coming out of the hidden underground passage and gradually converging.

"Are we going to rush outside the 'Twilight City' ahead of time, and cooperate with the army when they arrive?" Ayla guessed looking at the neatly lined up spherical guards.

"No, we must arrive early and attract as much attention as possible, especially those powerful adventurers." Gelleb waved his hand: "And they are with us."

"Gah--scare!" Dozens of mutated snow elves wearing dwarf metal armor came out of the nearby darkness and roared twice, probably to greet their leader.

"I'm going to keep an eye on Wilsheau and stop him before he makes a move, so I can't participate in regular battles," Gelleb walked in the direction of Twilight first, and said at the same time: "After the battle begins, these compatriots also please You take care of it a little bit."

"Of course no problem." Ella answered quickly.

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