The Collection of The End

Chapter 308 Battle and Siege

My name is Akatosh,

Huh? The ancient scrolls also have the function of opening and hanging?

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 23rd, 20:01——

Black drop, Zacka Tower.

Arthur was looking at the dagger in his hand suspiciously.

Catching a projectile weapon is different from entering the sword with bare hands. The latter is tantamount to courting death when the two sides have similar combat power. It can only be used to deal with opponents who are weaker than yourself. After the projectile weapon is out of the attacker's control, its lethality will continue. The decay eventually goes to nothing, at which point even a small child can easily catch it.

But this dagger is different, it has just been shot, even after a rebound, it is still equivalent to a blow of nearly 90% of Moser's strength, but it was accurately caught by himself, and the power and speed attached to it seemed to not exist in the first place .

Arthur raised his eyes slightly, and saw that among his "constellations", "two-handed weapon" had already lit up the ninth star, while the others who had grown were "heavy armor" and "heavy armor" with the sixth star lit up. block".

Perhaps because of the two-handed weapon "Super Undead Creature" jade in front, Arthur easily understood the new features, "Heavy Armor" had a new feature "Piercing attack damage is greatly reduced", and "Block" appeared The characteristic is "when successfully blocking or parrying, ignores attacks with a certain damage or less."

Very well, the spear or the dagger is still up for debate, but at least the flying arrows can be ignored. Those omelet-like things eaten in "dreams" actually have this effect. Arthur stood up and patted Sophie He gestured for her to lean back, then stretched out his palm upwards towards the middle-aged man in black armor who inexplicably appeared in the room, and then ticked off.

come again.

Abducting or killing the Demon God's "pet" would not work, and Mercer had planned to retreat, but at this moment, it seemed that Arthur's actions aroused a little anger, so he handed the dagger to his left hand, and his right hand slowly pulled out his waist. The ice-blue elf sword in the middle.

As far as the weapon strengthening technology of Skyrim Province is concerned, it can be roughly divided into three grades. The most common is to sharpen the weapon with a whetstone or a tool table, and thicken the armor. There are various magical functions that could not be realized by the previous means. For the most advanced ones, the enchantment itself is more valuable than the weapon, so after the enchantment, it will be renamed according to its enchantment effect, such as Mercer's "Cold Crack".

As for the artifacts, artifacts, and magic artifacts such as Wusrad, Dawnbreaker, and Nightingale Sword, they are not within the scope of the discussion.

"Zha!" Mercer Frey yelled, and rushed towards Arthur with the dagger in front and the long sword in the back, and a gust of frost whizzed towards Arthur before he could move.

No... how could it be so slow?

Arthur's expression became more and more strange. He moved half a step to the side briskly, just to avoid the frost. At the same time, he did not draw his sword, and met Mercer with his bare hands.

Although Moser was a little surprised by this, he would not voluntarily give up his advantage, and the attacking action was more swift.

Ding ding ding ding——

A series of rapid metal impact sounds came out. This was not Mercer's attack, Arthur's block and parry, but Arthur's actions to counter the dagger and Hanchuang, by hitting the blade and the handle before they completed their attack actions. Even the hand holding the sword prevented this attack from being completed. If Moser tried to open the distance to regroup, he would step forward and pursue the attack without hesitation.

After a fierce battle for a while, Mercer got nothing but adding a few streaks of frost to Arthur's armor. Arthur attacked with both hands at the beginning, but now only one hand completely suppressed Mercer's both hands. Weapon offensive, the most annoying thing is that he also showed a "so boring" expression.

"You—" Angry and angry, Moser suddenly activated the "Cold Crack" enchantment, completely ignoring the fact that he himself was also within the range of influence. If there were no accidents, the two of them would become ice sculptures at the same time.


Arthur instantly swung the "Sword of Oath and Victory\

,"Moser and the imminent explosion of ice magic power were directly drawn away, and he fell far into a place similar to a utility room. The sudden cold air completely froze the entrance of the room together with the metal door.

Hmm... Arthur looked at his hand, there was a small piece of frost left there, it wasn't that the opponent's movements were too slow, but his own thinking, or soul was greatly strengthened, and he could act very efficiently, but the upper limit was still Limited to the current physical fitness.

After a moment of silence in the room, the ice lifted, but Moser did not come out of the room. Babas, who was watching the play, laughed suddenly: "Wang ha ha ha! He ran away!"

"Are you still laughing?" Arthur turned and stared at the dog: "You must have tricked him with some weird trading terms before?"

"That's none of my business, Wang!" Babas said, "Why do they think that the demon god will definitely fulfill the transaction conditions in the way they expected? If they need to limit it, just ask them. At that time, they said, 'You can figure it out. 'Looking back, I came back to Xingshi to inquire about the crime."

"Go on." Arthur put away the golden two-handed sword.

"Wang! To be specific," the earth dog raised its paw and pointed at the metal door that was thawing: "The father is an elf, and the mother is a human. His mother proposed to live longer than her husband, but she couldn't touch her husband's lifespan. Maybe she thought it would prolong her life, but what Vail did was freeze the lady until her husband was old enough to die."

This malicious wish-fulfillment practice seems a little familiar...

"What if she offered to extend her life until she was equal to her husband?" Arthur continued.

"First of all, she can't afford the price, not to mention the extent of life extension will attract the 'Akai' who is in charge of death," Babas replied: "The simple and easy solution is to let her share life with her husband, but She doesn't want to, it's just troublesome."

"In that case, she—" Arthur was about to say something, when his expression changed suddenly, he rushed over to pick up Sophie, and then rolled and hid in the corner of the room.

In the next second, the wall of the dwarf's bedroom twisted and melted like butter meeting fire, and a black breath swept across the room, and then explosions and flames began to appear. Although the process was lightning-fast, it seemed to Arthur Extremely slow, he could even see Babas scrambling to escape the breathing route.

"[choke——]" A huge dragon roar sounded, and after the "vertical chop" of the up and down breath, there was another "horizontal chop" of the left and right. Although Zak Tower has not yet collapsed due to its compact structure, the interior However, mechanical alarms and vibrations kept coming out, and Arthur immediately jumped out of the gap created by the dragon's breath with Sophie in his arms.

As for the dragon that caused all this... Arthur took a moment to look up when he rolled and fell to the ground, and it really was the tattered ghost dragon Duneville.

Floating beside the giant dragon was a shriveled vampire lord—undoubtedly, this was the unlucky vampire who was ignited after rushing to read the ancient scrolls. This time, he came here for revenge. By the way, the ghost dragon that just deepened the knot was summoned.

Fortunately, Jane Lasse was not around, so Arthur didn't need to think too much about transforming now, and he could just try to see how the current soul strength could control the dragon's body.

"Hey! Stupid big bat-"

Hearn was commanding the ghost dragon to breathe up and down on Zakta, as if intending to destroy it completely, when he heard a call suddenly, when he turned his head to look, he saw a big claw head-on, followed by a swatter like a fly The same was fanned directly to the ground.

He struggled to get up, but another, smaller paw pinned him down again.

In mid-air, Duneville, who was originally complacent, was being beaten up by the red dragon incarnated by Arthur, and his tattered body became even uglier. On the ground, Hearn, who would not grow into a giant, stood in front of Sophie. , or in other words, Sophie Lanier has no resistance at all in front of her power.

"I've always wanted to say this and try it out," Babas said with a rabbit on his head, "Wow! Terrible!"


Hei Jiang, 【The Twilight Saga】.

"Enemy attack—"

Due to the slow mechanical movements of the dwarves, they could not avoid detection after nearly two days of trekking, so [Twilight City] has long been prepared for their arrival. For example, now, scouts are still far away from the city It was detected early and the alarm was issued.

The "Snow Elf Adjuster" with combat effectiveness, the controlled adventurers, and a large number of ordinary Snow Elf scouts and fighters all rushed towards the direction of the dwarven mechanical army, but the archbishop and the mage did not show up, maybe they thought There is no need for on-site command in such a small scene.

"Enemy, enemy, the enemy is coming!" Compared to the mechanical army, the city wall in the opposite direction had no decent defense at all. The only guards at the gate were until those mutated snow elves wearing dwarf heavy armor climbed up the city wall and appeared in front of them. After they were in front of them, he screamed in panic, and was directly punched unconscious.

"Gaha——" Aured made a mocking sound, and flipped the switch next to him to open the door.

"The situation is better than expected, and most of the defense force has been used to deal with those dwarf machines." Paladin Galeb led a group of adventurers and walked in through the door.

From the outside, [Twilight City] is a clean, tidy, well-planned city of light that spreads out from the center of the cathedral. All prove that it is not simple here.

"I still remember where they locked up the new adventurers and those disobedient snow elves." Jane Lacey seemed a little uncomfortable about returning to the city, but she still restrained her fear and said, "I can take you Go get them out."

"Let's split up," Gelleb thought for a while and said, "The heavily armored soldiers and I went directly to attack the cathedral. Even if they found that the army was a feint attack, they didn't dare to call back too many people. These people should be killed by us." If you don't go underground to investigate, then you will only have to deal with the guards that are still left."

"Okay." Ella nodded.

Although it seems that there are too many people operating underground and it is a bit wasteful, if the "archbishop" finds out that this is not a unilateral attack by the "palaval", things may become very troublesome.

Moreover, the snow elves called "adjusters" on the surface are all Gelleb's compatriots. They want to change back to their pre-mutation behavior, which cannot be questioned by outsiders. Only the "Paladin" has the qualifications to reprimand and stop them.

"Then, let's go too." Lydia opened a door leading to the ground, stepped in first, Ella and Jane Lasse followed closely behind, and Septim looked in the direction of Zakta tacitly, After thinking for a while with doubts on his face, he walked into the tunnel.

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