The Collection of The End

Chapter 316: History and Illusion

My name is Akatosh,

History class is so boring~

-- 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 24th, 19:22 --

"Ah, Rabbit, over here~ quickly pick it up~" "Gee~"

"Fly higher, good boy, good boy~" "Hey!"

After confirming that "Rabbit" was not a disguise of a certain demon god, nor was it a latent plan planned by other forces, Sophie completely ignored its weird shape and played with it happily.

"He actually regarded the 'rabbit' as a dog..." Babas gritted his teeth watching the interaction between the girl and the blue dragon.

"【I've never seen this kind of dragon, could it be that it's a new one in these years?】" Thalokneil asked Patunax with a bit of disinterest.

The skin is smooth without scales, the overall skeleton and posture are not right, the position of the head is too low and the limbs are too high, and the wings are so small that they look like decorations. On the whole, it is very close to the "big lizards" that "dragon slayers" nicknamed ".

"[Of course you haven't seen it before,]" Patunax shook his head: "[This is Oredua, the ancestor of the primordial dragon, belonging to the first dragonborn.]"

"The first dragonborn? Isn't it Tiber Septim?" As the current dragonborn, Arthur naturally couldn't ignore these words.

"[Hehe, Ismir? Although he created Dupa and the Septim Empire, the history of mankind did not start with him,]" Patunax laughed: "[Even Sgramer can't do it. .]"

"Uh... I would like to hear more about it." Only then did Arthur realize that the person in front of him was an ancient dragon who had lived for an unknown number of years, and he must have rich historical knowledge.

“【Tiber Septim, Dragon of the North, he is well-known because he created an empire that continues to the present, but before him, there were several empires that perished due to various reasons. This period of history can be traced back to the earliest Going back to the northern kingdom established by Sgrammer, although you call him the ancestor of mankind, he is not, he is just the ancestor of 'now humans'.] "Patunax introduced with many treasures.

"Hmm..." Arthur couldn't speak at all.

"[Sgrammer drove the elves from the continent of Tamriel, and the period when the elves ruled is called the 'Era of the Elves'. As for Mirak, he lived earlier, and that period was called the 'Era of Mythology' by humans. ', at that time human beings were just slaves, and the dragon race was the ruler of the continent,]" Patunax straightened his body slightly: "【I was, no, I was—the emperor.】"

"..." Arthur had nothing to say, he was surprised, but he really didn't pay respect, after all, he didn't know how many years ago it happened.

Apparently Patunax was unwilling to continue that topic, so he went on to say: "[At that time, the person who managed the human race for the dragon clan was a person who was given power and called the 'Dragon Priest'. Since it is not the power of the blood, so They cannot yet be called Dragonborn].”

"[And Mirak, as the assistant of the dragon priest, found a way to successfully steal the dragon power of the dragon priest and integrate it into the blood. At this time, he became the first 'Dragonborn', and then, Led his men to launch a rebellion and escaped from Tamriel.]" Pathunax shook his head, turning his gaze to Thalocnir.

“[Because his behavior broke the legend of ‘the dragon is invincible’ and ‘the dragon priest is the strongest human being’, resistance forces from all over the Dragon Empire have sprung up, and we have to go to war with humans in an all-out way,]” Sarock Neil sprayed Breathing out a dragon's breath: "[As a result, both sides were hurt, and the elves took advantage of it.]"

Hmm... The old human empire perished, and the ancient dragons all entered the dragon tomb.

"[Before the collapse of the Dragon Empire, Alduin the Eater of Worlds appeared, wanting to end the world and recreate it, but was wiped out by three human heroes with 'Dragon Break'.]" Patuna Kex continued.

"Wait? Dragon Break? Destroy?" Arthur was startled: "Didn't [Akatosh] show up because of the 'Millennium Dragon Break' at that time?"

"[Millennium Dragon Break...]" Patunax's body seemed to tremble a bit: "[That's just separating 'Akatosh' and 'Ali-E' forcibly,

The Holy Spirit and Demon God existed from the beginning of the world. 】”

"Hmm... so, what I have to do is to watch the battle between the three heroes and Alduin through the 'Elder Scrolls', and learn how to break the dragon?" Arthur pointed to the huge metal scroll.

"[I must explain in advance, Duvakin,]" Although there was no expression on the dragon's face, Arthur felt that Patunax was serious: "['Dragon Break' was done by hurting 'Akato What's to achieve the purpose of changing the time, the longer the time, the more drastic the change and the greater the damage, but the strength and cost of your dragon roar will not change, so when you want to change something, don't worry about it. Don't just act for your own convenience, maybe, when you cheer for the perfect solution of a certain matter, Lord Dragon God is already covered in scars.]”

"Is this...impossible?" Arthur felt that the old dragon's statement was a bit exaggerated: "Will [Akatosh] Lord refuse?"

“[You are a good person],” Patunax said.

"Huh?" Arthur didn't know why.

"[Think about your style of action all the time,]" the ancient dragon added: "[Save Helgen, clean up the surrounding area of ​​Xueman, track down the Silver Hand, fight the blood lord, and even go deep into the dangerous black fall, but the purpose is to What? Was it for yourself any time?]”

Uh, in fact, I was just looking for someone, and I felt that these actions would bring me closer, but Arthur didn't believe it when he said it.

"[If your purpose of changing time is still to continue this style, 'Akatosh' will not reject you, so you must think carefully when you actually use 'Dragon Break'.]" Patunak Si nodded and raised his wings: "[Go.]"

Among the scattered snow flakes flying on the top of the mountain, a vertical beam of light appeared not far away.

"Let's go, Babas," Arthur picked up the ancient scroll, and called the earth dog to the beam of light.

"【Call me Lord Vile.】" Babas said dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, Barbas."

The beam of light itself was just an illusion used by Pratunax, and Arthur didn't feel anything special at the designated location. He nodded to Pratunax, and pulled the scroll straight down so that Babas could see it too. .

The scroll began to emit white light just like the last time I read it in Zakhta, and the magic circle pattern on the scroll gradually showed an image. It was vaguely a small garden. Could it be where it was last time?

Forget it, if you can watch it again, it will be worth it even if you pass out again.

Arthur was thinking this, when he suddenly heard Babas beside him yelp in surprise, and when he subconsciously turned his head to look, he found that he was no longer at the peak of Krothgar.

——? ? :? ? ——

Although it is surrounded by gardens, it is not the backyard of that house. It is more like the space deliberately left between the houses of the nobles in some cities to distance themselves, and then some flowers and plants are planted casually for the sake of beauty to block the view. .

Babas was nowhere to be seen, and the ancient scroll in his hand had also disappeared, and the surroundings were quiet. Arthur stood there and waited for a while without any change, so he tried to walk outside.


While stepping out of the garden, a lot of noisy voices came at the same time, making Arthur stay there for a while, and it took a while to finally distinguish what it was.

It was a mixture of battle roars, weapons intersecting, magic, screams, flapping wings, dragon breaths, roars, etc. At the same time, what caught Arthur's eyes was a city at war.

The war between humans and dragons.

Countless giant dragons glide and swoop over the city, destroying everything within their range with scorching or icy breath.

The human beings in the city were naturally not to be outdone, relying on the cover to fight back with various weapons, and occasionally shot down a giant dragon, and a group of people around immediately swarmed up.

Arthur is located in a monastery on a hill in the outskirts of the city. From his point of view, apart from occupying a larger area, it has neither defensive value nor offensive value, so it was abandoned by both sides at the same time. .

Could it be that the Dragon Break that defeated Alduin happened here? But there is no fighting here.

Arthur was thinking about whether to try to approach the city, when he saw a black dragon sneaking away from the battle group and flying towards the monastery.

Thalok Neil? Although the appearance of dragons is roughly the same, Arthur is quite familiar with this dragon.

The black dragon flew to the door of the monastery and landed with a bang. Although it stirred up a gust of wind, it didn't even blow Arthur's hair, which made him sure that he was indeed observing the phantom of the past through the ancient scrolls.

"Sinestra?" Thalokneil lowered his voice and called into the monastery: "[Alduin] has awakened, the human race is finished, come with me."

"I said, I won't leave." The door of the monastery opened, and a woman in a pure white robe walked out. Her hair, skin and eyes were all white, like an unpainted plaster statue. Soft and maternal.

"So what if I go with you? Did [Alduin] say that he would let you go?" The woman pointed to the sky: "You can't think it's really a dragon just because it looks like a dragon, it's" The Eater of Worlds, who wakes up because it thinks the world where dragons enslave humans need to end, no matter what you do."

"Then it's useful for you to protect these human children?" Thalocnir raised his voice a little, and when he saw Sinestra's snow-white eyebrows slightly wrinkled, he immediately lowered it again, "Listen to me, Dragon King My lord has decided to destroy all humans, so that the premise of 'the dragon enslaves humans' is no longer true, then [Alduin] should fall into a deep sleep again..."

The black dragon stopped talking halfway through, because several human children poked their heads out of the monastery behind Sinestra and made faces at him.

"Damn it!" Thaloknir was furious: "You are a dragon who can turn into a human, not a person who can turn into a dragon! They are just food and slaves! Find out where you stand!"

"Really? Then you eat her." Sinestra pulled out a little human girl with pale pink hair, blue eyes, and wearing a pink and white fluffy short skirt from behind and pushed towards the black dragon.

"Do you think I dare not?!" Thalokneil was probably stunned, opened his mouth wide and swallowed the little girl directly.

"Oh, that's terrible." Sinestra covered her mouth.

"I said you - um!" Thalokneil was about to say something, but suddenly opened his mouth uncontrollably, and then saw in horror that the little girl just opened his mouth and walked out, and kicked it off by the way. One of his fangs.

"Father, I hate it." The little girl ran back behind Sinestra, throwing such a sentence at him.

"My daughter?!" Thalokneil said in surprise, regardless of the half of the tooth: "Then you have to come with me, I will definitely find a good place to hide from [Alduin] and put you , Those, tsk, human cubs can also be together."

"Hmm..." Sinestra tilted her head and raised her finger to the city in war: "How do you avoid it?"


As if to match Sinestra's words, half of the huge city was missing, and then an extremely huge black faucet slowly poked out from the edge of the cliff on the other side of the city.

[World Devourer] Alduin.

When everyone was stunned, only Arthur had time to wonder: Why does it feel like it is a little smaller?

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