The Collection of The End

Chapter 323 Awakening and Return

My name is Akatosh,

It's time for the show to start, and there should be thunderous applause at this time~

-- 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 25th, 20:36 --

Due to Alduin's interception halfway, Arthur's plan of "going back to Hothgar for dinner as soon as possible" was ruined. In addition, because of Viel's elimination, Babas' information about the original destination became blurred, and he finally found the "Dark Land" By the time it was time, it was completely dark.

This crypt is one of the various strange tomb customs in Skyrim. There is a sacrificial fire place in the middle of it, surrounded by densely packed graves and tombstones. According to the explanation on the stone tablet next to it, if the fire in the fire place goes out, all The dead will fall into a restful sleep, and when the flames are reignited, they will be "resurrected".

Wow, Arthur lit the bonfire in the middle of the fire, and then there was a sound of "caracalla" from around.

"It's really a good anti-theft measure." He looked at the skeletons crawling out of the graves around him and said.

"Wow!" Babas responded, "Such a slow movement is enough for the grave robbers to escape, but then they would not have time to search the tomb."

"That's why we have to knock them all down." Arthur swung his sword with both hands, golden light flashed from time to time, and many skeletons were reduced to ashes.

"Wow!" said the native dog who had no chance to intervene, "After the fight, put your hand on the small pillar by the campfire."

Ding! Click!

When Arthur did so, a spike popped out from the top of the pillar trying to pierce his palm, and it hit a dragon scale and snapped off.

"..." The scene was strangely quiet for a while, the pillar withdrew its spikes, and began to descend slowly. At the same time, a vertical iron coffin rose from the ground.

"This thing originally belonged to an ancient vampire lady, who transferred it to Will in some transaction, and Will used it to hold another lady." Barbas said, "Open it, woof!"

"Even if you say that, I don't know how to [open]-uh." Arthur said halfway, he saw the iron coffin slowly opened the lid, a man dressed in very classic, with slightly wrinkled eyes but still Beautiful lady standing inside with folded hands on chest.

"...Huh?" "Be careful."

The lady slowly opened her eyes, then staggered and almost fell, Arthur hurried forward to support her.

"Hey, cute little boy~" After the lady stood firm, she looked around and looked at Arthur: "Tell auntie, what era is it now?"

little boy?

"Hmm...Fourth Era, 201?" Arthur replied dumbly.

"Really?" The lady straightened her hair: "My name is Maria Frey, do you know who the current dean of the Bard Academy is? Frey' the bard's name?"

"It seems to be called Viamo?" Arthur replied uncertainly: "As for Mercer Frey, he is not a bard. He came here to assassinate me not long ago, and his skills... are not bad."

"Is that so? Hehe, judging from what you can find here, the child really found the wrong person," Ms. Maria covered her mouth and chuckled, "Now, can I trouble you to take me to the nearest city? I will Pay you what you are absolutely satisfied with.”


Sowad King has managed the western outpost like a miniature town, with taverns, hotels, workshops, barracks and other functional buildings. If there is no way to produce food and residential areas for ordinary people to live in, This place may have been included in the village list by Lord Balgruuf.

However, in special moments, it can play a better role than ordinary villages-for example, receiving those noble caravans from the Rift Valley.

After all, it is an enemy-occupied area in name. If Lord Balgruf received him with formal etiquette,

Others will say that he is leaning toward Stormcloak, and if he is negligent, he will be accused of leaning toward the Empire. Therefore, no one can say anything if he is thrown into a military stronghold and given a grand reception under the condition of maintaining monitoring.

As for why the princess who has been missing for many days is with her nominal in-laws... Since there is no harm to Xueman, don't get into it, or do you think your head is stronger than a dragon?

What he needs to consider now is the contact battle between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks at the border of Xueman, who was smashed by this convoy. Even if they have no intention of attacking, once the conflict escalates, Xueman cannot stand by.

In contrast, the fact that the sharp-eyed eagle had quietly contacted the princess was not so important.

"Eddie?" Even though other people may not be able to tell the difference, the members of the Royal Guard, the Sharp-Eyed Eagle, will never mistake the protection target and the stand-in. The tall, simple-looking Sharp-Eyed Eagle scout asked suspiciously.

"Ahaha... hello, Mr. Instin Fulvo (instant·forever)." Eddie, who was reading a book, waved to him awkwardly.

"Where is Princess Emilia herself?" Fulvo looked around the living room of the temporary residence of the "Princess", but found no trace of other people: "Could the news about the 'Princess' refer to you this time?"

"No, no, no," Eddie knew that intelligence agents would be punished if they passed on wrong information, so he waved his hands again and again to clarify: "When there was a conflict on the eastern border, it was indeed the princess who shot, but she said she found someone planning to assassinate the emperor, so she decided to stay in the Xueman, hahaha, how is that possible, His Majesty should still be in the capital province."

"Your Majesty was assassinated," Fulvo said expressionlessly, and added after the book in Eddie's hand fell with a thud: "...But it's safe and sound, the sharp-eyed eagle is tracking the murderer, and I'm here to help protect the princess of."

"That... I should..." Eddie looked at a loss.

"It's okay to perform like this," Fulvo nodded: "A princess who hasn't experienced much setbacks, panicked because of an accident with her elders, but still has great confidence in the guards, and is ready to seek comfort from her fiancé."

"This is not a performance!" Eddie forced a blank look at him in a panic.

"Then, I will be in charge of protecting you for the time being, 'His Royal Highness'." Fulvo ignored the white eyes.


"There is no doubt that we have lost track."

Near Falkreath, Astrid was monitoring the camp by the lake from a distance. She had previously created the illusion that there were two people resting in the camp, and then led Ein Boyorn to lurk quietly away from the camp. From evening to late night, there was no sign of being investigated at all.

"It should be so," Ein Boyorn nodded, "According to uncertain information, the trackers have sent most of their personnel to Markas City, thanks to Joan of Arc and the others who left many traces there. "

"You are too careful," Jeanne Darc appeared next to them, with a usual disgusted face: "I said that the tracker has been completely distracted. Even if you don't believe in yourself, you should believe in me."

"You... don't you have any opinion on our assassination of the emperor?" Astrid looked at the black-armored girl in front of him. Regarding this obviously catastrophic behavior, she not only invited foreign aid from the Mage Academy, but also followed her all the way. Not afraid of being regarded as the assassin's accomplice, this level of trust is incredible for a newcomer who has just joined the Brotherhood for about a month.

"Opinion? Hmph, the only opinion is that you have failed." Joan of Arc gestured to the north: "If I remember correctly, an emperor was once assassinated in the palace, and the 'Morag Gang' who did this 'Having grown to fame over the decades, you managed to lose without the emperor's protection."

"I thought you should agree with Cicero and the Night Mother's theory of 'controlling life and death', and the emperor obviously has no reason to die." Einboyorn interjected.

"I agree very much." Joan of Arc glanced at Astrid and Ein Boyorn: "'Night Mother' said that you two cannot die yet, so I will save you."

"She... No, He already knew that we were bound to fail?" Astrid instantly felt that his so-called "competition with the Night Mother for the right to speak" was a joke, and he almost lost his and his lover's lives because of it. Mention, if the husband died under the siege of the sharp-eyed eagle, even if he really killed the emperor, what's the point?

"I don't know exactly how the Night Mother achieves them," Joan of Arc's words paused: "But any actions of the members of the Dark Brotherhood that are not under His instructions cannot succeed, and, because some actions fail, it will be obvious Threat to the life of the executor, in which case a rescue mission is issued."

"It is indeed much more convenient to get a quest from a listener than to find and contact it yourself, but..." Astrid said with difficulty: "I just don't want to follow the instructions of a corpse,"

"Then, if you let Cicero hide the iron coffin and claim to be the 'listener' of a demon god named 'Night Mother', wouldn't you feel better?" Jeanne's eyes narrowed, as if Got on the sarcasm, and then asked.

"This..." Astrid was taken aback for a moment, and then began to think.

"For the existence that can be seen directly, human beings have always been difficult to feel awe, and always try to surpass or even control them, but for the real mystery, they will bow down in an instant," Joan raised her delicate chin: " And we 'Hino Scholars' have long since gotten rid of this superficial reaction in the process of studying various mysterious events."

"So, you just want to study [Night Mother]?" Einboyorn asked for his wife.

"If I want to gain power, money or status, wouldn't it be better to go back to 'Shawl Blonde'?" Joan of Arc helped her forehead ornament, a strand of light golden hair streaked across it.

"Well, thank you..." Astrid seemed to have figured something out, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly: "If I can go back safely, I will change my approach."

"..." Joan of Arc frowned, and suddenly said something inexplicable: "There is nothing to be afraid of."

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