The Collection of The End

Chapter 328 Zela and Joan of Arc

My name is Akatosh,

...not Haruhi Suzumiya!

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 26th, 19:03—

In the late afternoon, I was reading in the Wizard Academy's Arcane Hall library in the Zerra Pesh vest—for show, of course.

It stands to reason that all the quest branches are currently being carried out perfectly. Even if there are some deviations in details, they are still steadily approaching the expected ending. Although they will not fly around and laugh like a stupid system, at least they should be in a good mood. right.

But I have been very depressed all day today, and I can't find the reason.

The name of the doomsday element "evil in this world" kicked by Alduin's avatar?

It doesn't matter, but this kind of "original sin" will always appear in a world with gods. It takes an unusually divergent imagination to think that it is actually some kind of "additive".

Can't find Alduin?

No, I have basically determined the location of that guy, and the inability to catch it is purely a technical problem rather than a problem of strength.

For example, a well-known paradox "Can God create a rock that He cannot lift?" Now I can casually create a large rock weighing several hundred catties, and then I can't move it. This question is actually expressed in a practical way A concept was secretly changed, that is, people who heard the question deliberately thought that "creation" and "lifting" are two different things. What this sentence really asks is "Can God create a stone that He cannot create?" People can only call a mental retardation.

To put it simply, the "Alduin" and I are both in Songgarde, but the reason why we have no connection with each other is the "dungeon difficulty". If Alduin's Songgarde is normal, then my Songgarde is a hero. If Alduin's Songgarde is a hero, then mine is an epic. Even if it is also an epic, I am at least 15 floors higher than it.

Even if Arthur finally enters Songgard and defeats Alduin, and comes to the current location of the courtyard, he will only see a wasteland, because I am not there at all.

[It's like a rare BOSS that is only spawned in high-difficulty dungeons. ] said the stupid system.

"Hmph, the point is that after defeating Alduin, the main story is over. After leaving Songgard, he can't come back again. There is no key for him to insert here." I looked at the live broadcast screen, and Arthur was discussing "soul Wells" question.


"You mean, the 'Well of Soul' is in Brasilian?"

"To be precise, it is the 'Shalidor's Labyrinth', and there is more than one well of souls. Otherwise, what do you think the souls of the dead in other places should do?"

"Oh, the founder of the Academy of Winterhold, does he want to study the secrets of the soul to achieve longevity?"

"What secrets can the soul have? It is powerful and has the blessings of gods and demons. After death, it can be kept by itself. The weak ones can wait to dissipate naturally or be imprisoned in soul stones for enchanting."

"I can absorb dragon souls to enhance my strength."

"...Do you believe that I will bite you to death right now?"

After Arthur uttered the name of "the evil in this world", Audaweiying, a warm man like a central air conditioner, oh no, the image of a warm dragon collapsed, and he began to discuss with him how to enter the Well of Souls to deal with Oda Du Yin's method, and then, as expected, they quarreled from time to time without making any progress.

In the words of Ao Daweiying, because Alduin has been exiled for thousands of years, although it may be just a moment in his own eyes, the power has been dissipated under the influence of time in sevens and eighties, and can only be in the soul. The inner side of the well rests and gradually recovers through the dissipated souls.

Since the strength of creatures like dragons will grow with time, thousands of years are enough for Alda Viying, who does not belong to the Dragon Empire and has not fallen into a "dead" state, to suppress Alduin to a certain extent, so it directly seals The well of soul prevented the sleeping Alduin from recovering his strength, but he didn't expect that it could control other dragons through incarnation.


The Alduin in Helgen back then was an extremely degraded version. After finding that he couldn't kill Arthur with his strength at the time, he simply ran to resurrect the dragon and prepared to win with more.


The so-called "well of souls" is the "gate of the underworld" in terms of other worlds. After the death of a living being, if it is not important enough to be directly taken away by the demon god or the holy spirit, it must be used to drive away the annihilation of the demon god and the holy spirit. In the realm, non-believers will go to the soul stone tomb, and if they are lucky, they can retain their self-awareness for a period of time until they finally dissipate.

After all, it is a European and American worldview, there is no so-called reincarnation, and the job of Akai, who includes "reincarnation" in his priesthood, is only to collect scattered souls and reshape them into new lives. It is similar to "Luohong is not a heartless thing." , turn into spring mud to protect flowers" such a simple cycle.

The most important thing is that the "soul stone" that absorbs and eliminates souls is widely used in this world. The strict ban on the use of black soul stones is just a rule made by everyone to avoid the same fate after death, and if the soul can Reincarnating between different species...that's a lot of fun.


"Hey... rest for a while, Zela." Wearing a worn-out robe, Toftdir sat down beside me, took the book in my hand and flipped through it: "Elder scrolls can't bring the dead back to life." .”

Ok? "Application of the Elder Scrolls"? I just picked it up at random.

"Father, what are you talking about?" I asked him after sitting upright.

After completing the perfect curtain call of Jeanne d'Arc's vest, since she didn't have to run back and forth between the two places, she might be a little lazy for a while, but how did she come to the conclusion that "you need to rest"?

"We are all very sad about what happened to Miss Dalk, but it wasn't your fault, Zela." Tovdir looked more kind.

No, wait? The image of Joan of Arc was created by me with phantom magic to deal with the Sommer envoy back then. Later, in order to get some things for Zela that she should not have - such as the staff of Magnus, I deliberately installed another one. The identity of the "Hino Scholar" was basically not kept secret during the period, and there should be quite a few people who know about it, especially Father Toftil, who watched me transform into the image of Heizhen and was summoned away, and I usually see it occasionally My outfit would also call Zela directly, what does it mean to come to comfort me now?

"You are a saint, but not a holy spirit, Zela, you can't save everyone." Tovdir continued.


I am the Holy Spirit, okay? It's still Akatosh, the head of the Holy Spirit!

"Hush——" Tovdir interrupted what I couldn't continue: "If it wasn't for the news of Miss Dalk from Artayum, are you going to keep it a secret? And tell us that she will return to the island up?"

Do you have to notify the whole world if you give up a vest? And what news can be passed on Atayum Island?

'Stupid system! Explain it quickly! '

[Uh, this is a long story. 】

'Long story short! '

【You were saddened by Joan's 'death', so you inadvertently triggered Long Po, confirming Joan's existence. 】

'...why should I be sad for the arrangement I made? '

[The problem is that she is the only one who died 'unfortunately' among all the people related to you, which seems to be a fly in the ointment in your plan to 'save everyone'. 】

‘Why didn’t I know I had OCD? '

[Otherwise, why do you think you have been depressed today? The subconscious just feels uncomfortable. 】

Well... what did I say then? I am willing to bear all the pain and misfortune in the world, no matter it comes from the past, present or future.

Although I was very happy to imitate Madoka, but the consequences...

So I have to save "Joan who disappeared in flames" now, right?

Simply nice.


"I have asked all the people you rescued these days. Even if they are not human, I have gone to Sattar and consulted Mr. Pirion..." Tovdir probably thought that I had nothing to say, So he continued: "Although it's not long, you must have formed a deep friendship with Ms. Jeanne Darc, and worked together to accomplish many things. Occasionally, when your identity is inappropriate, you are willing to give your identity to the other party. Borrow, we didn't find out at all."

No matter how you look at it, it looks like two identities of the same person, daddy!

[Coincidences, misunderstandings, and miniature dragons with key points, um, you know. 】

'Understood hell, this is not to say that the current [fact] is that there is a Miss Jeanne Darke from the mysterious Atayum who has a good relationship with Zela Pesh and is saving the Brotherhood group Is it time to hang up, and Zela is heartbroken over it? '

【Because of this, I have been depressed for a whole day, and I am being persuaded by my father. 】

How to save this fait accompli? And even if he can be saved, what kind of personality should he be? What memories?

"Take care of yourself, Zela," Toftil concluded at the end: "If Miss Dalk sees your depression, she won't go to the kingdom of the God of Wisdom with peace of mind."

Julianos, the god of wisdom and logic, is a rather sad holy spirit. Although he is believed by all mages, what mages believe in is magic, wisdom and logic. He, the incarnation of wisdom, didn't think of him until now, and he had to hold his nose to pick up the mages who had only a little bit of faith.

Huh? The words of the demon god... the night mother?

"Thank you, father." I stood up and straightened my dress and hair a little: "I will rush to Brasilian now, go to the Well of Souls and ask her what she is thinking, if she has any thoughts on the mortal world I still have something to love, I will definitely bring her back—even if I am against the Demon God and the Holy Spirit!"

[Terrible, I can't afford to provoke you, I'm sorry, I'm leaving. 】

'... If I laugh, I will beat you to the ground. '

When I sent a short distance to my dormitory to pack up and make a show, I saw Ms. Larina coming out of a corner of the library from the live broadcast, and she and Tovdil's father looked at each other and smiled. Can not bear to look.

You are really enough, you still play this game at a very old age.

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