My name is Elijah,

It seems to be playing pretty hard over there (tea)


Diarmuid believes that the magician named Tosaka Tokiomi is a bit overconfident. As a leader, he should think twice before making any decisions, especially when even the slightest mistake may cause serious consequences. .

Perhaps he thinks having three servants is a great advantage, and regards the allied side as a threat that needs to be eliminated, but no matter what, it is not wise to rush into a magic field guarded by the master.

Archer, who has not shown up so far, may be a hole card, but the lord and the queen have already set up multiple responses to long-range attacks. Only those Assassins who only have a numerical advantage and Berserker who has a special ability cannot win .

Especially when the special ability of that black berserk warrior seemed to be completely restrained by him.


The twenty-eighth floor of the Hyatt Hotel has comprehensive functions of cinema, restaurant, and song room. Of course, all the facilities are empty. At this moment, following a certain roar, Berserker with an ominous posture is accompanied by billowing black fog in the ballroom. Show up in the corner.

"It's over here, you don't want to destroy any magic nodes set by the lord." Immediately after him materialized not far away, was the extremely handsome and charming Irish first warrior in tight green leather armor.

"Quack quack quack!" Berserker didn't mean to respond, maybe he couldn't? With a roar, he picked up two fire extinguishers placed in the corner and threw them at Diarmuid.

The two originally normal fire extinguishers turned into a strange shape mixed with pitch black and dark red the moment they were thrown, and they were just sundries, so they produced a lethality comparable to low-level Noble Phantasms.

This is Berserker's special ability, which can turn anything that can be used as a weapon into a treasure. Before that, he even controlled a ball launcher in an indoor court on a certain floor. Diarmuid, who knew how to deal with it, was in a hurry.

But the situation is different now. Facing the two "treasures" flying towards him, Diarmuid just raised his hand slightly, and the demon-breaking red rose drew a beautiful arc, brushing past them like a dragonfly. Touching their surfaces, the two "treasures" instantly lost their black and red magic power and turned back into fire extinguishers, and fell to the ground after losing power.

That's it, Diarmuid thought, Berserker can turn anything into a treasure, and he can restore them. Assassins exist in plural, but their number is far less than that of the King's Army under the King of Conqueror Iskandar .

So, if the magician from the Tohsaka family had no other backers, more than half of the Holy Grail War has already been won. Diarmuid raised his guns and charged at the berserker who jumped on the stage and transformed into two microphone stands and go.


"Mythrines, report the battle."

The twenty-ninth floor of the Hyatt Hotel is a huge banquet hall. The original dining tables and beautiful decorations have been completely removed, and the entire floor looks empty, and the Conqueror King Iskandar is driving his ox cart. In the middle of the hall.

"All Assassins trying to go up have been intercepted, my king," as a gust of wind and sand rolled up, a spearman in light armor appeared next to the bullock cart: "But they seem to be familiar with our fighting style and cannot easily Annihilation is currently at a stalemate."

"Well, although the commanders are a bit arrogant, it's good that they know how to be flexible." The burly King of Conquerors waved: "You should also join the battle."

"Of order." The spearman disappeared with a gust of sand.

To ordinary people, there is nothing in this hall,

But from nowhere came the sounds of weapons being exchanged, low voices, leather tearing and metal rubbing.

But for Iskandar, this is an extremely fierce battlefield.

Being fully materialized and fighting enemies who are also fully materialized is more intuitive, and the damage caused is clear at a glance, but that is not a prerequisite for combat.

In the hall at this time, dozens of Assassins who maintained their spiritual bodies were engaged in a strange battle with the "Army of Kings" who were also not in this world.

Due to the big loss last time in the seaside warehouse, the Assassins had no intention of fighting Rider at all, but whether they were trying to bypass Iskandar to go upstairs or taking the risk of suddenly appearing to assassinate him, they were all accompanied by The soldiers who appeared in the wind and sand intercepted it.

Fully materialized will be attacked by the fighters who appear in front of them, and the spirit body will be closely followed by those fighters. If they take the risk of a sneak attack, even a solidified dagger will hit the shield waiting for them. If Assassins have overall consciousness You must have been mad.

"Hmm..." After watching for a while, Iskandar suddenly began to give instructions to his soldiers, but the Assassins couldn't understand them at all, and couldn't respond to them, no matter if it was a brief order or a strange gesture. One's own front is constantly being compressed.

Military strategy, this inherent skill comes from Iskandar's invincible road of conquest across Eurasia. It has a huge bonus to judging the situation and commanding in front of the battle. It doesn't work in a single-player situation, but subordinates who obey orders The more there are, the stronger the effect will be. If the opponent does not have a commander of the corresponding level, the final battle will become a one-sided crush.

Soon, the stalemate between the two parties ended in the fact that most Assassins had to show up and then be surrounded by soldiers. Even if they wanted to escape in spirit form, they would be driven back by the same spirit form spearmen.

Seeing this situation, Rider laughed loudly. He pulled the reins, and made the bullock cart with lightning flashes face the group of Assassins. , obviously intending to trample all the enemies in front of him under his feet.

The Assassins who were not going to sit still began to desperately try to escape, while the imperial soldiers who besieged them did not intend to let them go so easily, and the encirclement circle was a bit scattered for a while.

"[Remote Ravaging Hegemony]—!" Before the Assassins fled, Iskandar had already driven the wheel of Shenwei to gallop with the rolling thunder.



When the Shenwei wheels were about to crush all the Assassins who hadn't had time to escape, the wall on one side of the hotel burst inward, and the flying stones and building materials slowed down Iskandar's progress slightly.

And at this moment, a figure taller than everyone else leaped out from the crowd of Assassin, his arms were thicker and longer than twice that of ordinary people, and he just punched Rider on the bullock cart , while the other guarding soldiers did not react at all.

"The timing is good!" Iskandar responded without hesitation, drawing his sword, sparks even appeared when the dagger collided with the fist of the burly Asssassin.


Even though this Assassin has extraordinary strength because of those strange arms, he is nothing more than an incarnation of a heroic spirit, and the result of recklessly fighting against Rider who has a genuine job and is on the wheel of Kamui is to bring a The scurrying electric current flew backward far away, before landing or even in mid-air, the spirits disintegrated and disappeared, but the result of the battle was only to make Iskandar take a small step back.

Although it was only a small step, Rider was standing on the speeding bullock cart at this moment, holding the dagger in his right hand and just fighting Assassin, this small step made his left hand let go of the rein, thus temporarily losing the match Control of Shenwei Wheel.

Originally, with Iskandar's superb riding skills enhanced as a Rider, it only took him a moment to regain his balance and regain control of the bullock cart.

But this moment was all Berserker needed.

Under the horrified gaze of the Assassins who were about to be crushed, billowing black mist suddenly appeared on the bullock cart that was supposed to pass over them, not only knocking down its original owner Iskandar, but even The lightning also changed from blue-purple to an ominous blood-red.

It even turned its spearhead suddenly, crushing and destroying the light armored soldiers besieging the Assassins one by one. Only then did the people present notice that suddenly appeared in the driver's seat, the man who was holding the rein tightly, his body was full of scars and looked abnormal Miserable Berserker.

"Sorry, Rider, I didn't expect him to detonate the natural gas pipeline and climb up from the outside after blasting the wall." At this time, Diarmuid, who was originally blocking Berserker from the lower floor, also jumped up on the outer wall, and understood the situation immediately.

"Well, I can do this with just that momentary opportunity. It seems that I underestimated the other party's master," Iskandar was riding on a newly summoned tall black steed, and he carefully Looking at Berserker, who was trying to subdue the Kamui wheel, and the Assassins guarding him, he turned his horse and said, "Temporary retreat."

"Why? They're obviously not strong enough." Lancer looked at Berserker who was struggling to prevent the weird black-red mist from enveloping him, Berserker, who was trying to control it, and the Assassins who were surrounding him. The red and yellow guns are a little eager to try.

Just looking for a chance to stab a little...


A golden thunder slashed straight in from the outside of the blasted wall, hitting the ground where Lancer wanted to take a step with incomparable accuracy. After the golden light disappeared, Lancer saw that it was a strange weapon called a "halberd" with a crescent hook and double inverted blades. It was undoubtedly a legendary treasure.

"I guess, that Archer has a very arrogant personality." Rider looked out the window: "It should be because he didn't want to fight in a narrow building, so he never made a move, but now the broken wall provides him with a long-distance attack. Due to the conditions, we cannot fight against three Heroic Spirits at the same time, even for the purpose of getting Archer out of the battle line, we can only retreat now."

"Damn..." Diarmuid gave the black-armored berserker a hard look, and followed Iskandar to the stairs leading to the upper floor.

"Oh cluck cluck——" Berserker, who finally managed to calm down the two divine bulls, let out a celebratory roar.

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