The Collection of The End

Chapter 363 Losing a horse, the eagle flies to the white dragon

[Reminder: The 80,000 navy of the Heavenly Court held a military exercise in Uzbekistan. 】

[Hint: Chechi Country Zoo is full of tourists. 】

[Reminder: Jisaiguo Buddha Treasure has formed light pollution. 】

[Reminder: The Yulan Basin held at Xitian Daleiyin Temple ended successfully. 】

I originally planned to see what the opponent was doing, but he didn't do anything as if he let his doomsday elements develop on their own. When I searched around on the interface, I accidentally found some irrelevant information that reminded my sister that she would not be able to make voice prompts. After flipping through a few pages with relish, I found that monkey No. 0 opened up and ran back to the group of monkeys.

[Hint: The 'orangutan flu' has already infected hundreds of monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, and it is expected that there will be an explosive development. 】

[Hint: 'Porilla flu' has already infected thousands of monkeys and will spread faster and faster. 】

Well, sure enough, this is the normal speed of transmission between monkeys

Well, I'll give you some rewards for your hard work.

[Hint: The evolution of 'orangutan flu' has succeeded in 'cross-species transmission', and infected monkeys will be able to communicate with other species. 】

Set a small goal, first control Huaguo Mountain, as for the whole Aolai country... There will always be hunters who go hunting in the mountains and are teased by monkeys.

——Year 1——

South Zhanbuzhou, five hundred miles westward from the western border of the Great Zhou Kingdom, there is a small country named "Hami", which is one of the countless vassal states of the Great Zhou. It is "Hami Melon", which was bestowed by the Queen of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In the southern border of Hami Kingdom, there is a complex and dangerous mountain range that cannot be cultivated and cultivated. It is called "Snake Mountain". In the water, it is also called "Eagle Sorrow Stream" by the mountain people in Hami.

On this day, a man and a horse appeared in front of Yingchou Stream.

There was nothing special about the horse, it was just an ordinary yellow puma without a saddle or bridle, but the man seemed to be a wandering monk, about seven feet three inches tall, with a kind face, tender skin, wearing a gray monk's robe, with pedals on his feet. Old monk shoes, a tiger skin apron around the waist, bare hands, nothing long on the body, only a package on the back.

When he drove the horse to the water to drink, the monk started chanting the mantra to it for no reason.

"Namo Amita Poye Dotagata Ye, Dodiye Ta Amitabha Dupovi—"

Before the horses were full of water, the monk finished reciting the mantra, when he heard the sound of splashing water, a silver-white dragon poked its head out from the stream, opened its mouth and swallowed the yellow horse directly. He smacked his lips with unfinished intentions, and turned his big shiny silver eyes to look at the monk on the bank.

After the monk broke the spell, he didn't panic or run away, but just stood there and looked straight at the white dragon.

"What did I eat just now?" Bai Long asked, but his voice was as clear as a girl's.

"The foot strength of a poor monk, a yellow horse." The monk replied.

"Oh." Bai Long shook his body, threw some gold and silver jewelry out of nowhere and landed in front of the monk: "Sorry, I admitted the wrong person, according to the rules, I will pay you a hundred times."

"Whose rules?" The monk asked with interest, without touching the gold and silver.

"My father... No, it's my brother's rule," Bai Long replied, "If someone brings food to me, I will give them ten times the profit. If they accidentally eat something that is not for sale, I will pay the owner a hundred times the compensation."

"What if it eats people?" The monk continued to ask.

Bailong had a strange expression, as if he had heard some inconceivable question: "Will you eat stones or dirt?"

"If necessary, I will." The monk smiled.

"It's terrible." Bai Long blinked and decided to give up the communication: "Anyway, I'll pay you the compensation."

With a flick of her tail, she went straight back into the pool, while the monk neither picked up the gold or silver nor left, just waited there motionless.

After a while, the surface of the water boiled again. This time, a scarlet horned dragon four or five times larger than the previous white dragon came out of the water. It landed on the bank, stared at the monk, and uttered a loud voice like thunder: "Dare to ask?" Master's Dharma name? What's the point of looking for us brothers and sisters?"

He couldn't help but care about it. After his sister returned to the Dragon Palace, whenever she spoke, the monk's phantom would appear. The key point was that she couldn't see it. Although it didn't have a specific impact, it made him, an older brother, very upset. Chaos, simply float to the surface to find a way to solve this matter.

"The poor monk, Jin Chanzi, came from the Great Zhou Dynasty in the East, and resisted the decree and went to the West to debate the Buddhist scriptures." The monk responded with his hands clasped together.

The red dragon was stunned for a moment: "Not to mention what you mean by 'resisting the decree', shouldn't the purpose of going to the West Paradise be to 'worship Buddha and seek scriptures'?"

"I am the Buddha, why do I have to worship? The scriptures are wrong, why ask for it?" The monk who called himself Jin Chanzi replied.

"Hahaha, I can see it. You probably came here to find bodyguards. You are worried that you will be beaten to death on the road with your sharp teeth, right?" The silver had disappeared, replaced by a gazebo, and the red dragon walked into the pavilion in the form of a young gentleman with silver helmet and silver armor.

"I am Ao Lie, the third son of Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, and I was my seventh sister Ao Yu just now, and this is my summer palace in the West Sea," said the red dragon who turned into a son, "Although the life of the dragon family is long, it is often wasted on nonsense. But there is no reason to be easy with others, I can give you a cup of tea to convince me."

"The poor monk, Jin Chanzi, is the reincarnation of the second disciple of the Tathagata Buddha of the Western Paradise," the monk said, "Because he questioned Master's teachings at the Yulan Basin meeting, he was punished for reincarnation in the lower realm, but he did not lose any memory."

"It's not surprising, I still remember that my dragon body doesn't look like this." Ao Lie picked up the tea bowl on the stone table in the pavilion indifferently.

"Master preached at that time, saying that there was a woman who was breastfeeding her baby. She first killed the mosquitoes that bit the baby, and then drove away the old dog that ate her leftovers." Jin Chanzi said: "Master said, "The woman didn't know that the mosquito was the reincarnation of her mother, the old dog was the reincarnation of her father, and the baby was the reincarnation of her enemy." At that time, the Buddhas present said that this story meant that those who hated should be put down, and some said that it was a samsara retribution. Those who say that you should grasp the present and ignore the past.”

"Oh..." Ao Lie thought for a while, but lost the point: "What did you say?"

The golden cicada said: "The poor monk said, 'Three realms and five elements, six realms of reincarnation, nine secluded and ten categories, there is absolutely no such coincidence, it must be deliberately arranged by Master for teaching the Dharma.'"

"Pfft!" Ao Lie sprayed the tea.

"The poor monk said again, 'This shows that all saints are ants. If they encounter strange misfortunes, it must be arranged by others. You can't accept your fate. You need to find ways to improve your own realm, and one day you can get revenge.' "Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together: "Then the poor monk was slapped down by Master's big handprint."

"You..." Ao Lie stopped drinking the tea: "I don't know much about the principles in the Buddhist scriptures, but your point of view sounds completely contrary to it?"

"Master has something to say, give the poor monk ten times to return to the West, and every time he fails, he will lose 10% of his memory. If he fails ten times, he will personally take the poor monk back. Even if he recovers the Buddha body by then, that idea will be completely destroyed. Disappear." Jin Chanzi nodded.

"Your way of debating is really special..." Ao Lie picked up his teacup again: "But it's not enough to convince me."

"If the poor monk said that going to the Western Paradise together can solve the problems of the benefactor Ao?" Jin Chanzi asked.

"What do you know?" Ao Lie drank the tea, put down the tea bowl heavily, and stared at Jin Chanzi with a pair of golden vertical pupils.

"I don't know anything. As the poor monk said before, any strange things are arranged by others, and can only be resolved by improving one's own realm." Jin Chanzi picked up the tea bowl instead: "Ao benefactor's kind of 'self-ignite and burn' The strange skill of burning all pearls, crystals and jade is useless even if he hides in this remote palace. Everyone knows that the Jade Emperor likes to bestow rewards of dragon pearls. One day, those things will be burned directly in front of the rewarding envoys, violating the rules of heaven."

"If benefactor Ao protects the poor monk to go to the west, the poor monk can continue to argue with the master, and you, the benefactor, can get a Buddhist title of 'Eight Dragons'. Even if you can't solve the physique of burning things, you can use it as an excuse An excuse to refuse any reward from the Jade Emperor."

"Let me think about it for a moment..." Ao Lie folded his arms and frowned, lost in thought.

"As far as the poor monk knows, there are many mountain spirits and ghosts along the way. My daughter, the poor monk means my sister, you can enjoy them as you like." Jin Chanzi added.

"Let's go with this bald uncle! Dad—brother!" A white dragon flew out from Yingshou Stream, transformed into a pink and jade-carved girl, jumped into the pavilion and threw itself on Ao Lie's back.

"Hmph, it seems that you know me very well," Ao Lie snorted, "I told you in advance that I will only protect your safety, and you don't want to order me to do things. In addition, it is absolutely impossible to use the dragon body or transform become a horse for you to ride."

"If you need Ao benefactor to take the poor monk for a ride, just use the current form." Jin Chanzi is good at everything, but Ao Lie always feels that there is something wrong with this sentence.

"The most important one," Xihai Third Prince said: "Although I promised to protect you, my sister Aoyu's thoughts are above all else. Even if she said that she would leave you and go back to the Dragon Palace, I will do so."

"That's natural," Jin Chanzi nodded, "There's absolutely no reason why Master Ao turned against his family just because he wants to be with the poor monk."

This sounded more and more weird, Ao Lie frowned: "Anyway, you stay here for a while, I will buy some horses and come back, and by the way, I will notify those merchants who deliver food here all the year round to suspend."

"Would they be in ruins if they lost the business of Ao Benefactor?" Jin Chanzi asked.

"Hmph, the goods I threw to them are enough to make them rich for five hundred years." Ao Lie stretched his arms around Ao Yu, flung his sleeves and flew away.

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