According to the original work of Journey to the West and the arguments of various scholars, the so-called "Thirty-six Transformations of Tiangang" are not higher than "Seventy-two Transformations of Disha".

The failure of Bajie's various transformations is impressive, but Brother Hou also made a mistake once. When fighting Erlang God, Brother Hou changed into a temple and wanted to bite him, but the tail turned into a flagpole but couldn't change its position and was seen through.

Therefore, Tiangang's changes tend to be extensive, while Earth Sha's changes tend to be subtle. If you make changes that you are not good at, it will be easy to pass through.

If you look at it based on the standard of "every change is a life", the choice of Disha is actually not bad, but then again, if Contra can pass the level with one life, there is no point in calling out thirty lives, isn't it?


Well, there should be a stupid system jumping out here to complain about "but you didn't pass the level after using up 30 lives", and then I was shot flying.

Wait, that guy Yuan Hong seems to have used the invisibility technique after transforming with the Tiangang Thirty-Six Transformation?

With a pop, a red dot appeared in the depths of Dongsheng Shenzhou on the big map, and a DNA bubble popped out at the same time.

[Reminder: The 'orangutan flu' has spread to 'Ju Ku Chau'. Due to the suppression of spiritual power, when the 'drug resistance' has not evolved, the spread speed will be slower. 】

Well, I know where he is going.

【Juku Chau (Country)】

[Population: 1.98 million, number of infections: 0]

[Apes: 39,000, number of infections: 42]

[Characteristics: Hot, wealthy, urban. 】

The so-called Juku Island, as its name suggests, has many mountains, rivers, and cliffs, so there are many caves. Ordinary people only build cities in the plains where they live, so the population is smaller than other Jiuzhou.

The "Macaque King" and "Lemur King" live here. Just like other monsters, when there are only fellow monsters around, they often show their original shapes to express their kindness.

So when Yuan Hong's invisibility failed and appeared directly in their cave, the macaque king was the first to react. After changing out of the cloak, he picked up the iron rod beside him and stared at the white ape vigilantly, while the lemur, which was relatively large and dull, was still gnawing on the fruit in a daze.

"Hey, brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time, so you are here." Yuan Hong scratched his head and raised his hand to say hello.

"Who is your brother! Stupid Dabai!" the macaque king shouted.

Probably because of the breed, compared with Yuan Hong who is seven or eight parts like a human, this macaque king is at most three parts like. His teeth are sharp and his mouth is sharp, his face is like a monkey, and his voice is as sharp as the roar of a wild monkey.

"This...Brother Yu didn't develop his intelligence back then, so he couldn't understand what you meant by 'Huaguo Mountain is a research site for immortals'." Yuan Hong continued to scratch his head: "Do you think I'm here to find you now?"

"As a successful experiment!?" The macaque king sarcastically said, "And he shamelessly considers himself a brother!"

"Why is it a successful experiment?" Yuan Hong was stunned.

"Look at your scrap metal~" The macaque king stretched out his paw and pointed at Yuan Hong: "It's all man-made, only the pair of sticks can still be seen. Most of them were thrown to you by the gods for fun. Tell me, how many compatriots have you killed under the hands of the gods?"

"Do you have any misunderstanding about the 'immortal'?" Yuan Hong frowned.

"There is no misunderstanding!" The macaque king gritted his teeth: "You are too late to develop your wisdom, and you don't even know what those guys did on Huaguo Mountain!"

What have you done? It's probably the experiments on the records found in the Water Curtain Cave, but I don't think it's anything serious.

"Hey, friend, if it's really you, please say hello~" The huge lemur finally put down the fruit, straightened up and made a series of weird movements with his "hands", then stretched out his fist towards Yuan Hong.


friend. "Yuan Hong also made a series of gestures like sign language and seal seals, stretched out his fist and touched the lemur.

"Well," the Lemur King withdrew his fist, walked back to his original position and continued to grab the fruit and began to chew: "I've confirmed it, he is Dabai."

"Eat yours!" The macaque king shouted, "If he is controlled by a fairy, he won't forget the stupid code between you two!"

"Uh, I'm actually—" Yuan Hong raised his hand to try to explain.

"Shut up! Don't listen!" The macaque king raised his iron rod and pointed at the white ape: "Leave quickly, or even if I recognize you, the iron rod won't recognize you!"

"Okay, it seems that you won't listen to me if you don't have a good fight..." Yuan Hong shook his head, took the evil-breaking red lotus stick from his waist, and asked the Lemur King, "Fatty, what is Xiaoqiang's most precious thing on him?"

Dabai, Xiaoqiang, Fatty... Well, calm down, don't laugh, Brother Hou called him "Stone" for a while.

"Hey, the iron rod is the rarest thing for him, and all other clothes are taken from ordinary people." The lemur king called "Fatty" said.

"Since that's the case, it's okay to burn them all." Yuan Hong spoke, bursts of flames rose from the "Red Lotus".

——Year 5——

But it is said that Jin Chanzi and his party left Xiliang Nuguo and headed west, and they never met the empress golden chariot along the way, thinking that the monster who stole the chariot had really gone far away.

Bai Jingjing was quite annoyed by this. Although she couldn't respond to the empress' affection, she couldn't let it go because of her friendship. She sent bone-faced servants to scout around every day, and the little demons who had opened their wits were arrested for questioning. The old demons would call the door to question.

After a long time, the rumors of "Eastern Monk Going Westward to Learn Buddhist Scriptures" have not yet spread, but "Madame Bone Goes Westward to Seek Vengeance" has spread all over the world, and there are many little monsters who follow them every day to please and enshrine. It's about food reserves.

Because of the extraordinary strength of Princess Bone, most of the demon kings dare not provoke her, but it is okay to imply that the little demons under her command will add random assassinations to test her depth. Anyway, those little monsters have never had name tags and ownership documents on them, so—— Ao Yu got a lot of extra meals.

On this day, a group of people arrived at the capital of a small country, but they saw that it was being attacked from all directions. The tragic atmosphere on the battlefield made all the little monsters who followed retreat one after another.

The four of them were about to go around the battlefield, but they saw a pavilion on the short hill at the edge of the battlefield, and an old man in the pavilion was drinking tea and watching the battle, so Jin Chanzi chanted the Buddha's name and went to ask the reason.

The old man said: "The name of this country is 'Ji Sai'. The ruler has no morals, is not wise in writing, and is not good in martial arts. A group of generals are greedy for money and like to go to villages and towns to plunder, while a group of civil servants ridicule each other, so that government orders cannot be implemented. The ruler is indecisive, but he is keen on offering sacrifices to ghosts and gods. Everything is called the destiny."

Jin Chanzi said: "How can such a chaotic country be maintained to this day?"

The old man said: "There is no other, because Gai is in the place of the Four Wars, Nanyuetuo, Beigaochang, Dongxiliang, Xibenbo, and Xiliang are self-enclosed, but if one of the other three countries occupies this festival, it will be besieged by the other two countries with all their strength, so there is no stalemate."

Jin Chanzi asked again: "Then what's the situation now?"

The old man said: "A few years ago, the lord of the country claimed that he had attained the Buddha's dream, and asked him to build a 'Golden Light Temple', which would ensure prosperity for thousands of years. Therefore, the large-scale construction was carried out, causing complaints in the country. Many civil and military officials notified their neighbors for help. After discussion, the lords of all countries decided to send troops to destroy this festival together. It was agreed that the country would be divided into three directly after the war."

Bai Jingjing suddenly interjected: "Then what's the matter here, you old man?"

"Hehe," the old man said with a smile, "I don't dare to praise people. It's just a coincidence that I learned the skill of divination. I figured out that the fate of this country should be destroyed, but I can't figure out how it will survive this calamity, so I came here to watch."

"Amitre Buddha," Jin Chanzi said, "Perhaps this country was destined to be destroyed, but since the poor monk has come here, it is impossible for it to be destroyed even if it wants to."

"Oh, could it be that you have the skills to turn the tide?" the old man asked.

"No," Jin Chanzi folded his hands and looked at the sky: "Because of the words of 'Buddha enters a dream' and 'Thousands of years', the poor monk knows what will happen, but this level cannot shake the poor monk."

"Wait a minute," Ao Lie, who had some understanding, said in surprise, "You said that the battle in front of you is...'that' specially prepared for you?"

"Ha," Bai Jingjing said with a smile, "You have blown the cow into the sky—"

The strong wind suddenly picked up, flying sand and rocks, and many soldiers on the battlefield had to stop fighting to avoid the wind, and Ao Lie also launched a restraint to protect the pavilion.

When the wind died down, everyone saw a green bull flying over the sky of Ji Saiguo, chewing grass, expressionless.

Just as I was amazed, I saw that the cow’s nose ring suddenly emitted a golden light. On the battlefield, no matter whether it was a knife, gun, sword or halberd or an axe, a hook and fork, all the objects that could be called weapons all rose into the air and were covered by the ring.

The orb broke away from the bull ring and fell slowly, landing on the top of the Jinguang Temple pagoda built before the war, shining brightly and continuing to bloom the golden light full of compassion.

"Buddha's treasure! It's Buddha's treasure——" The soldiers from various countries who were still beating their lives to death all fell to the ground, saying that the Buddha was merciful.

When he looked at the blue bull in the sky again, it was already floating and continued to fly eastward.

"It's terrible." Ao Yu said in a daze.

Snapped! The old man dropped the teacup in his hand and walked away in a flick of his sleeves: "Yuyou heaven, why are you inferior to me!"

Some mortal soldiers ran out from around the gazebo and hurriedly followed.

"Looking at his aura, words and deeds, he probably led the siege, and it's a pity that it fell short." Ao Lie shook his head and sighed.

"Amitre Buddha," Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together and said, "Master probably wants to tell his disciples that even if the destiny is arranged, it is not necessarily all bad things, and they will be opposed."

"Hmm... probably, this time the Buddha Treasure is in the world, with it ruling the country, it is indeed impossible for a foreign country to dare to invade in a thousand years." Bai Jingjing shook her head repeatedly trying to wake up because she saw the cow flying in the sky.

"However——" Jin Chanzi smiled slightly: "How do you know that the matter of offering sacrifices to the king of the Sai Kingdom is immoral, civil and military, and you are not pre-arranged by you, Master?"

Because the authority is too strong, there is no way to refute it... Ao Lie looked at the golden Buddha treasure, and felt that it had a tendency to explode.

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