The Collection of The End

Chapter 392 Recruiting 9 Consorts

As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting, so Yuan Hong, the Macaque King and the Lemur King already knew each other, and then they had a fight, and their relationship would be even better...probably.

In any case, this was finally a breakthrough. The Monkey King turned around and called the expeditionary monkey army and the Jiao Demon King to the Macaque King's cave - if a bare flat land could still be called a cave.

"Dabai, cough, I'm talking about Yuan Hong, it's not because I have other people's ambitions that I can destroy my own prestige," the Macaque King asked the little monkey to bring a bunch of dried fruits for the banquet, and said during the banquet: "Although you have bold words to regain the seventy The Demon King of Erdong, but the three demon kings you have defeated so far are the weakest among the 'Demons of the Ten Directions'."

"Then you are the 'best'?" After the Demon King transformed into a human, he was a gloomy-looking middle-aged man with a thin body, wearing a suit of dark scale armor.

Unlike the monkeys who can sit at the table without transforming into a human being, he can't sit at the table even if he shrinks his body.

"Why are you telling the truth?" the Lemur King said slowly.

"Hmph! I don't have the same experience as you two!" The Macaque King snorted and continued: "When it comes to strength, the Peng Demon King ranks first. You must have seen him flying from the East China Sea some time ago, and you are completely unable to compete head-on. , but if he turns into Demon King Kun, he will leave the land and we will win without a fight."

"Go forward." The Lemur King said.

"Eat yours!" Macaque Dynasty threw a lot of fruit at the fat man and drowned him.

"The lion and camel king is a freak," the Jiao Demon King continued: "It's not ridiculous to gather all the lion demons from Dongsheng Divine Continent and train all day long, and talk about building a 'Lion and Camel Kingdom' in Lao Shizi?"

None of the monkey kings laughed. Instead, they looked at the Jiao Demon King with strange eyes.

This Dragon Demon King is probably stupid. The three monkey kings in front of him all did similar things.

"As for the Demon King Si, he doesn't have much ability," the Macaque King abruptly changed the subject: "The combat power is even lower than that of the many superior blue bulls under him. I have always guessed that he is actually one of the many blue bulls vying for the leadership position. Victory and defeat are just wood carvings and clay sculptures made for weighing purposes."

"There is also the same sect of the Jiao Demon King, the Giant Python King. I have never seen him appear in his true form or speak." The Lemur King said: "My favorite thing is to open its big mouth to pretend to be in a cave and eat the innocent things that have strayed into it. Brain beast.”

"...What else?" Yuan Hong was listening happily, but saw that several others were silent, so he asked.

"What's left?" The Lemur King frowned: "The Giant Toad King, the Scorpion King and the Centipede King?"

"Evil..." The Macaque King made a nauseating gesture: "These insect demon kings are all hiding in the swamp or underground. If you want to trouble them, Dabai, I won't accompany you."

"Hmm." Yuan Hong started thinking.

Of course I have no way of knowing what he thinks, but that doesn't stop me from making a judgment after listening to the information, and I decided it was you, "Si Demon King"!

I waved my hand and stamped the "departure order" on the cave icon of "Si Demon King", and then I heard a loud bang, and a huge green bull fell from the sky and landed directly at the banquet of the three kings.

[Tip: The Macaque King’s cave (broken) was invaded. 】

So fast? !

——Year 5——

The so-called "a day without seeing each other is like three autumns", this is exactly the opposite for the Immortal Dragon Clan.

Although they haven't seen each other for several years, Cun Xin still harbors ill intentions toward Pearl, and Pearl will still burn her clothes. In this regard, Ao Lie's own weird physique of burning things has not changed either.

Since the banquet had not started yet, there were only a few guests who came in advance, but if they were blocked by a few real dragons outside the pond, ordinary little demons would not dare to attend the banquet.

After looking around, the third prince of Xihai led the gathered people into the Bibo Pond, and found a side hall to rest for a while in the Dragon Palace, which was much smaller than Xihai.

While walking, Ao Lie vaguely heard some guests who had arrived early in the main hall pointing at him and saying that he was "very lucky".

Almost laughed angrily.

It is true that all the people traveling with him are women, but three of the four are sisters... Wait a minute, there doesn't seem to be a "sister" among them?

As for the patrol general Zhenzhu, although she was the only one among the princes and princesses in the West Sea to have a special regard for Ao Lie, she did not seem to have any personal feelings, but more like a pure minister who was loyal to her lord, so he can now be said to be " Thousands of flowers passed through it, not a single leaf touched me.”

Pearl and Bai Jingjing were looking at each other, as if they were finding fault, and as if they were confirming each other's strength, but they were silent. Ao Lie felt that if he spoke rashly, he would be in bad luck, so he waited and waited to see what would happen.

"After confirming the look," Bai Jingjing said first: "You have no idea about my brother, but why do you protect him at all costs?"

"It's my duty." Pearl replied calmly.

Why did he become a younger brother again?

Ao Lie looked around and found that there was no sound of conversation in the side hall. The fourth princess Ao Cunxin was still smiling dazedly at the pearl, while the sixth princess Ao Yu had been working hard to eliminate the snacks in the side hall.

Only these two can stop Bai Jingjing from talking nonsense, but they are of no use at this moment.

"Well, yes, do you know who the woman is who is going to marry the Dragon King of Bibotan?" Ao Lie said in order to attract everyone's attention.

"I heard that he is the master of the 'All Saints Palace', but I don't know who he is." Bai Jingjing gave up questioning Pearl and responded.

"In short, it is also a dragon palace, but it is not a natural dragon. From the palace owner to the servants, they are all carps who jumped through the dragon gate and turned into dragons." Ao Lie said.

"Carp? Is it delicious?" Ao Yu suddenly realized and asked.

"It used to be a carp, but now it is a dragon and cannot be eaten." Ao Lie held up a plate of snacks to block the younger sister's follow-up words, and then said: "Because whether it is the descendants of my Ao Dragon King clan or the descendants of the ancestor dragon, They all discriminated against these dragons who were not originally dragons. The first generation palace master gathered a group of his kind and established the 'All Saints Palace', which meant that he would house 10,000 people who jumped from the Dragon Gate to transform into dragons. Over time, although they did not reach the tens of thousands, they It has also become a climate, I don’t know how virtuous and capable this Bibotan Dragon King is, he actually wants to marry the current palace lord."

"It is said that although the Bibotan Dragon King 'Ao Feng' has the bloodline of the orthodox dragon clan, he belongs to a distant branch. When he was young, he made a mistake in transforming into a carp. When he transformed into a dragon again, he was taken as a by-law by the previous palace master 'Lian Ye' who was out on inspection. I picked up the carp that just jumped over the dragon gate. I have been childhood sweethearts with the contemporary palace master 'Xingyue' since I was a child. When I grow up, it will be natural." The fourth princess seemed to have regained her consciousness and interrupted to explain, but her eyes did not leave the pearl for a moment.

Sure enough, the woman is more interested in exploring the relationship between the characters in the story, Ao Lie thought to himself, but if he thinks about it carefully, she and Pearl are indeed childhood sweethearts... No, childhood sweethearts?

During the discussion, I suddenly heard drums and bells ringing outside, and many spiritual energy fluctuations came from the water. Thinking that it was the Dragon King of Bibotan who was returning to welcome his bride, Ao Lie took a group of sisters out to watch.

But from the entrance of Bibotan, there were thirty or forty giant chariots driving in one after another. The carriages were covered in red and decorated with colors, and they were all pulled by the "Blue Water Golden Eyed Beast", a specialty of Bibotan. The one in the front was dressed in red. The young man with a big red hydrangea hanging on his chest and a smile on his face is none other than Ao Feng, the Dragon King of Bibotan.

Logically speaking, due to the limitations of his responsibilities, the Dragon King usually shows himself as a dragon with a dragon head and beard. This Dragon King probably worked hard for a long time for this day, and actually reduced his dragon-like face to only a pair of thin dragon horns.

Amidst the music played by various fish spirits, many chariots stopped outside the Dragon Palace. The Dragon King got off the golden-eyed beast and fervently picked up a woman who was also wearing wedding clothes from the car behind him. The woman did not wear a wedding dress. Hijab, as soon as he got out of the car, he directed many Dragon Palace servants to welcome the guests, hold banquets, and clean up the palaces. The guests who arrived one after another joked that the Dragon Palace was about to change its owner.

Then, the accompanying carriages opened their doors one after another, and those who walked out were not the expected women, maids, servants, etc., but a group of charming or handsome boys and girls. Some well-informed guests marveled that they seemed to be thousands of people. Could it be that all the disciples that the Holy Palace has accepted in recent years are going to be moved to Bibo Pond?

"Fourth sister, look, there are many beautiful dragon girls over there." Ao Lie pointed to the many disciples of the Ten Thousand Saints Palace who came down from the car battle and said to Ao Cunxin.

"Stupid brother, do you have any misunderstandings about my little sister?" Ao Cunxin glanced at Ao Lie, raised his hand to hug the arm of Pearl next to him and shook it: "I am not a woman who pleases my heart, but the person I love just happens to be a woman."

The chitin armor on the patrol general's arms was thick and could not be shaken, and Pearl had no reaction to what the fourth princess said.

"Everyone, please come to the table," the Dragon King said in a loud voice, as if he had used some kind of amplification method: "Today is my and Yue'er's big day, and I will let you all eat and drink to your heart's content -"

"Oh——" Ao Yu raised her fist and cheered with the guests, while Ao Lie looked at it and shook his head.

"Wait for me!" A furious man shouted from the surface of the Bibo Pond.

At the same time, the water surface that originally allowed guests to enter and exit at will suddenly emitted a bright light, blocking some objects from the water surface and preventing them from falling.

"Damn it!" the man's voice became more and more violent: "Open it!"

Just like broken glass, the water surface of the Blue Wave Pond suddenly cracked. At the same time as the cracking sound was heard, endless dazzling white light suddenly shone down. Those who looked directly at the water surface without paying attention covered their eyes and screamed in pain.

"Third Prince," Pearl said with a cold voice, already holding the huge shield above Ao Lie and the other sisters to block the light, "We are under attack by the enemy, please allow us to fight back."

"Wait and see," Ao Lie looked at the water above his head: "That person doesn't seem to be here for us."

After the intense light disappeared, a man appeared in the sky above Bibotan Dragon Palace. He had short snow-white hair and was wearing a martial arts uniform. He had a strong physique and a cold face.

"Xingyue!" the man shouted: "Are you actually willing to abandon half of the Ten Thousand Saints Palace for this White-faced Dragon King?"

"Haha, you have a good plan," the Palace Master of All Saints Palace responded proudly, "If you think that you can force me to marry by winning the support of more than half of the palace people, it is a big mistake. Those guys who follow the rules and regard themselves as elders I have been dissatisfied with it for a long time."

"Nine-headed worm! You secretly used the palace people to test the medicine. How do we know that you have not controlled their minds?" The Dragon King on the side also shouted to him: "Previously, it caused a tide of fish in the sky, which also attracted the investigation of the heaven. If we will If the position of palace master is handed over to you, I'm afraid that many years of foundation will be destroyed in an instant."

" seems that the goldfish in the river are not edible." Ao Lie shrugged to Ao Yu.

"This Dragon King is really thoughtful," Ao Cun said in his heart: "No wonder he sent invitations to all the dragon clans. He probably already knew about this. How about it? Do you want to help?"

In a few words, both parties had finished talking and were about to take action. Among the guests, the weak ones had already hid in the palace, while the confident ones were still watching from outside.

"In that case, I will destroy your Bibo Pond and smash your Dragon Palace -" The Nine-Headed Insect was about to repeat its old trick of releasing the strong light when suddenly his face was covered in cold sweat and he did not dare to move.

"What do you mean, what are you going to smash?" Ao Lie stood in front of the nine-headed insect in the air, pointing flatly with one hand. Although there seemed to be nothing in his hand, the nine-headed insect felt that his throat was being stabbed by something sharp. Hold on firmly, not daring to breathe for a while.

"I said I……"

"I heard that the nine-headed insect has nine heads. If you cut them off, they can grow again. But what if you pierce the place where the nine heads are connected?" Ao Lie said casually, pushing the invisible silver spear forward again.

The nine-headed insect's eyes flashed, and suddenly it let out a cry, and suddenly transformed into the original shape of the nine-headed python and broke through the water, leaving only a long blood trail in the pool.

"I have to say, our brother is still very handsome when he deliberately acts cool." Watching Ao Lie calmly put away his gun in mid-air, Ao Cunxin spread his hands to Ao Yu.

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