The Collection of The End

Chapter 428 When I Carved in Yaochi

I was looking down at the battlefield at a forty-five degree angle.

Judging from the scene, the Erlang Shen Yang Jian and the Third Prince Nezha teamed up to beat Yuan Hong, which was a bit of a bully.

Although Yuan Hong can transform into three heads and six arms, his "Evil-Breaking Red Lotus Stick" is not like the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" that can be changed at will. You must know that when the monkey brother has more than three heads and six arms, even blowing the monkey hair can transform him into many little monkeys. There are sticks for use.

Yuan Hong, who calls himself the "Great Sage of Pingtian", can only hold two sticks in four hands, and is left with a pair of bare hands to perform monkey boxing, well...

On the other hand, Yang Jian has a three-pointed two-edged spear, a mountain-cutting axe, a demon-slaying sword, a demon-binding rope, and a golden bullet and silver bow. Whether he is dual-wielding or using both hands, he can replace them. Not to mention Nezha, he often uses Huntian Ling, The Qiankun Circle, the Fire Point Spear, the Hot Wheels under his feet, the Qiankun Bow and Sky-shattering Arrows on his back, and the leopard skin pouch also contained things that could be used as hidden weapons, such as the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield, the Demon Mirror, etc.

So, as soon as these three people met, sparks flew and jingled like iron. A small part of it was the sound of weapons hitting each other, but more of it was the sound of Yang Jian and Nezha slashing at Yuan Hong with various weapons. After all, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. Just looking at the number of weapons, this is two against eight.

However, it was Nezha and Yang Jian who were injured first.

Puff - boom!

Within three or four rounds of the fight, Yuan Hong withstood the combined attacks of the two and counterattacked. He swung out his two sticks and saw two of Nezha's arms flying off, while Yang Jian's whole body was on fire.

He was injured...probably...

The expressions of Nezha and Yang Jian looked quite shocked, but the reason why Yuan Hong caused this result was quite easy to understand.

The third prince of Nezha is the incarnation of a lotus. It can be said that his whole person is a magic weapon, so there is no doubt that he is restrained by "Bie Xie". How can a piece of ordinary lotus root resist the blow of an iron rod?

As for Yang Jian, I heard that he became a god in the flesh, so - although it may not be very likely - if he is killed by someone, he will not turn into golden light like other heavenly generals. Similarly, it will not be effective against heavenly soldiers and generals." "Red Lotus" can be said to defeat him.

Originally, even if they were restrained, it would be useless if they couldn't touch them. However, Yuan Hong's tactic of trying to counterattack twice even if they were hit by all their magical weapons made it difficult to miss.

As for the monkey himself, since he was listed as a restricted household by the underworld, those powerful attacks had no effect on him.

Yuan Hong clearly knew his advantages and only parried and blocked attacks that could cause damage to him, but were unable to trigger "Underworld Protection" because they would not cause death.

This battle may have meanings such as "counterinsurgency" and "defending freedom" for both sides, but in my opinion there is no need to fight. After all, the external colors of Nezha and Yang Jian are all neutral yellow, which proves that They are not pawns controlled by "MonkeyKiller", and there is no benefit even if they win.

My goal now is to let Huaguoshan persist for enough time until the opponent's doomsday element antidote is developed, or the "gorilla flu" spreads smoothly to all countries in the four continents.

Speaking of which, this mode where you can only watch but not participate is so depressing. It’s all the fault of the stupid system’s gluttony and choking!


——The 10th year——

Dongsheng Shenzhou, Huaguoshan battlefield.

"You monkey, haven't you tried your best yet?"

Although two arms were broken, Nezha, who was in a three-headed and six-armed state, didn't seem to care. After waving the Hun Tianling to roll back his arms and connect them, he looked at Yuan Hong excitedly.

"Oh, the 'Tiangang Fire' aimed at the physical body? There are only about seven gods in heaven who can be restrained by this move, but there are two in front of you at this time." Yang Jian extinguished the flames on his body and sneered: "It seems that there is indeed 'someone' I take good care of you."

"Hey, I'm sorry, you two are too strong together. If you don't target your weaknesses, I can't resist you." Yuan Hong was hit by all the magic weapons, although they were all ineffective.

But he also looked a little embarrassed, so he responded casually.

This kind of fighting method can only be used by surprise. Yuan Hong thought to himself, if he repeats his old tricks next, these two long-established generals will definitely be prepared to deal with counterattacks, and they will not be hurt easily. .

"In that case, take another move from me!" Nezha's arm recovered, he shouted softly and danced the Fire Spear and Qiankun Circle to kill the general, but as expected, Hun Tianling was treated as a defensive means by him and did not attack.

"Red Lotus" was almost ineffective against Nezha, the incarnation of lotus root. After he was prepared, "Poxie" had no chance to hit. Yuan Hong and Nezha fought for another five or six rounds, as if they had a tacit understanding and were just fighting each other. There was no sign of attacking the opponent's body.

If that was all, Yuan Hong was confident that he could suppress Nezha with his martial arts skills, but at this time he was not fighting alone.

"Ding!" A golden bullet flew like lightning, and Yuan Hong swung his stick to bounce it away.

Regardless of how true or false Yuan Hong's previous statement about "being unable to hold back when being besieged" was, it was clear that he was not afraid of the siege. Erlang Shen withdrew from the battle group, took his silver slingshot, and prepared to give Yuan Hong a few blows. Gold bullets to help Nezha.

This random move made Yuan Hong a little confused. The golden bullets were not powerful enough to injure him but not kill him. Therefore, they could not be absorbed by the "Netherworld Barrier". If he hit a few more, he would fall into Seriously injured and on the verge of death, there is no chance that he will be captured alive by these two guys with many magic weapons.

Nezha saw that this method was effective, and at the same time increased the intensity of the attack. Yuan Hong was miserable. After a few rounds, he even had to resist the Fire Spear or the Qiankun Circle, and also had to avoid Erlang Shen's golden bullets. In this way, If he continues, it may only be a matter of time before the other party discovers the truth about his "invulnerability".

"Yuan Hong, in fact, there is no need for you to be hostile to the Heavenly Court," Yang Jian said in a leisurely manner while holding a slingshot to block Yuan Hong's movements: "The Heavenly Court noticed that you were just besieging the Lion and Tuo Kingdom incidentally, and you have a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers. It is also because of the Peng Demon King that at least you and your monkey demon have never been reported to have harmed mortals. How about giving up here and accepting the invitation from heaven?"

"Recruitment?" Yuan Hong laughed and said: "If you seal the Huaguo Mountain and the Shuilian Cave, all the demon kings will be imprisoned, and all the little demons will be closely monitored, only I will be sealed as an official the size of a sesame seed and a mung bean. If this is called Zhaoan, let me solemnly refuse."

"What you said... Well, it seems quite possible." Yang Jian seemed to be planning to refute, but after thinking about it, he agreed with this statement.

"True Lord?!" Nezha almost missed and shouted dissatisfied.

"I don't need to speak for that uncle, and according to usual practice, this is probably how Huaguoshan will be handled." Yang Jian replied.

"Even if I starve to death, I will not eat anything from Heaven!" Yuan Hong said angrily.

"[Well said!]" Bai Yuan's ears suddenly heard the voice of Immortal Stone who should be at the top of Huaguo Mountain: "[These two little guys are still young, let me teach you a few tricks to knock them all down. .】"

"Thank you, Grand Sage!" Yuan Hong responded in his heart.

"[Hahaha... However, the taste of heaven's flat peach and fairy wine is quite good.]" Xian Shi said again.

"???" Dabai looked confused.


In the Kingdom of Tianzhu, Wangha City.

The canopy stood on the deck of "Jackdaw", his brows furrowed.

For the heavenly soldiers who come down to earth to slay monsters, it is a standard procedure before taking action to call out their true names, point out their guilt, and ask them to surrender. However, unless the scolded monster originally intended to surrender, the battle will begin after these words are spoken. The probability is as high as over 90%.

Tianpeng was not surprised by the bright moon phenomenon that appeared in the city before. After all, Taiyin Xingjun and some elderly Chang'e sang old-fashioned songs - no, corresponding illusions would also appear when they sang classic golden songs. Rather, it was this illusion that allowed Tianpeng to successfully locate the Jade Rabbit.

When he arrived at the destination, he couldn't figure out the origin of the team traveling with Su'e and Jade Rabbit. A reincarnated Buddha, three dragons, a clam spirit, and a white-bone spirit?

Tianpeng vaguely recognized one of the dragons as the third prince of Xihai, so he did not directly arrest him. However, when he had just sealed off the surrounding area and shouted a warning, the white-bone spirit came over in countless incarnations and killed him. In desperation, he had to Be prepared to take on the challenge.

"Cut, cut, cut!" However, it was Li Yingqiong who moved faster than Canopy. She jumped off the warship with a skill that did not match her appearance, and her figure shuttled around the countless bone-faced incarnations, In just a moment, all the bone-faced servants of the woman were killed. In the end, the blue and purple swords in her hands were firmly blocked by the dark dagger of the white-bone spirit, preventing them from making any progress.

After a moment of stalemate, they simultaneously withdrew their weapons and attacked again. However, their movements, body movements, and timing of attack were exactly the same, and the sound of swords and daggers striking each other was almost continuous.

"Hey! It's her again!" Yutu was with Su'e. Although he recognized Tianpeng and the colorful fairy beside him, he was frightened by Li Yingqiong's attack and hid behind Prince Long San - could it be her? Is it necessary to be in the lower realm because you are actually scared?

Before Tianpeng could think clearly, he saw the third prince Ao Lie raising an invisible gun towards him from a distance and saying, "I'm sorry, Marshal Tianpeng, these two girls can't leave with you for the time being."

"Ao Lie, the third prince of Xihai, do you want to disobey the Jade Emperor's will?" Tianpeng said, pulling the tiger's skin.

"I didn't know that the Jade Emperor would specifically issue an order to capture the two girls," Ao Lie said mockingly: "If my guess is right, you must be helping me privately in this trip. If I make the matter bigger and attract the attention of heaven, I wonder if it will be more serious to protect monsters or to deploy troops privately?"

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp," Tianpeng picked up the nine-tooth rake beside him and glared at Ao Lie condescendingly: "It seems that we can only see the real seal in our hands."

"Oh, it's just what I wanted." The Third Prince of Xihai jumped directly into the sky and flew towards the Tianhe warship.

"Amitabha," Tianpeng heard the reincarnated Buddha say: "Almsgiver Ao, don't argue with others for the sake of the poor monk."

...This monk was slapped dumbly by the Buddha who came before?

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