The Collection of The End

Chapter 432 Monkey King

"What is that? Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace? How did it fall? This is Huaguo Mountain, not Flame Mountain. You got the wrong person!"

The sight of the huge thing occupying more than half of the field of vision breaking through the clouds and falling steadily and slowly with blazing flames was so amazing that I was a little incoherent.

[Tip: Since the 'Purple Gold Gourd', 'Muet Fat Jade Purifying Bottle', 'Golden Rope', 'Seven Star Sword', 'Banana Fan', and 'King Kong Zuo' are all in the 'used' state, 'MonkeyKiller' has reached the consecutive If hit, the 'Bagua Furnace' can be thrown into the lower realm. 】

OK, the other party's "Patient Zero" must be "Tai Shang Laojun" and has no time to run away.

The true ancestors and saints of human religion will naturally not be affected by this mere "doomsday element", but in the original Journey to the West, the man couldn't take care of children and mounts, and he didn't have any magical powers. The monkey stole his elixir and kicked him over. The "Tai Shang Lao Jun" whose furnace is useless is probably the worst. More than 90% of the time, that guy is probably an incarnation of a saint who was placed in heaven as a liaison, and who only occasionally comes to him when something happens.

Similarly, it can be proved that the "Yuanshi Tianzun" who occasionally appears to make soy sauce is probably not the real thing. Throughout the entire journey to the west, the leader of Tongtian or Lingbao Taoist, who are both one of the Three Pure Ones, have not appeared at all. Obviously It is because this behavior of releasing the avatar for communication is not used - the saint will not come out until he comes out. I disdain this method of exploiting loopholes in the rules!

"It seems that the target is not Yuan Hong but Huaguoshan? What is the opponent going to do?" It was useless to think about the situation in the sky at this time. I quickly rummaged back and forth on the evolution panel, but the "orangutan flu" of the apes in "Simian Flu" was not helpful. The "Special Ability" options have all evolved, but the "Method of Transmission" and "Symptoms" are obviously not helpful to the current situation.

[Reminder: Huaguo Mountain is the ancestral vein of the Ten Continents, with dragons coming from three islands. If the Bagua furnace falls on it, a volcano that will last for five hundred years will be formed. The impact will wipe out all life in a thousand miles around, and the ashes of the furnace will take off and cover it. The sky has created long nights and cold winters for thousands of years, and the spiritual power in the furnace has dissipated, even if it takes thousands of years, it will still make the residents of Dongsheng Shenzhou violently demonized. 】

"What? I don't understand it at all. Can you please re-explain it in words that I can understand?" I pointed my "departure command" in the sky, but I couldn't hit the stove at all.

[Tip: Fusion strike on the way detected]

Concise and concise! Clear and clear!

No time to complain. Anyway, let’s evacuate the monsters from Huaguo Mountain first... uh...

I saw that Yuan Hong, who was originally disturbed by the Golden Rope and the King Kong Zhuo, ignored them and the attacks of Nezha and Yang Jian. He jumped on the somersault cloud and flew under the Bagua Furnace in the blink of an eye. He used his back to hold it, and tried to push it with his hands. It lifted up, but due to the huge disparity in strength, the Bagua furnace's fall was only slightly slower.

"Ape Demon King, don't hold on. This is the action of the [Saint]. Either you surrender to the heaven, or you will perish together." Yang Jian and Nezha followed and advised Yuan Hong as they descended simultaneously, while the other Taishang Laojun also The magic weapon had already fled long ago because of fear of the Bagua Furnace.

"Huh?" Because he was a little burnt by the flames wrapped in the Bagua furnace, Yuan Hong's voice was intermittent: "Do you think this guy who kills countless living beings at will is called a 'saint'?"

"Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs," Nezha said: "These are the words of the sage. He has never targeted anyone in particular, but if a certain unfortunate outcome is derived from that person's own actions, he will not Stop it."

"Hey, it sounds so stupid," Yuan Hong was still trying to resist the whereabouts of the Bagua furnace: "How do I know a 'sage' who will save others from misfortune no matter what, and make it impossible for mortals to die except to die? ?”

"Are you talking about Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?" Yang Jian said: "He may be able to protect you from death, but if you are suppressed by this Bagua furnace and can't come out for thousands of years, even if you don't die, what's the point?"

"Haha! Hahaha!" Yuan Hong laughed,

He tried harder to resist the falling Bagua furnace, but had no intention of escaping.

Although most of the options for evolution have been taken care of, even if he is suppressed by the Bagua Furnace, it won't matter if he suppresses him for five hundred years like Five Elements Mountain suppressed Brother Monkey. However, the problem is that his "Patient Zero" is suppressed by his opponent. , maybe it will be unable to degenerate like it died before, and if it develops any symptoms for mortals, the priority of the "Simian Flu" that has almost completely infected the four continents will definitely surpass the "Monkey Killer" and be developed Antidote.

Moreover, the most important problem is that even if I issue countless "move" commands in an instant, the monsters will be fine, but it is impossible for mortals to leave the affected area before the alchemy furnace falls. At least the kings and people of Aolai Kingdom will definitely Total destruction.

There is no way to stop it with conventional means, so you can only resort to cheating...

"Reminder sister, is there any way to prevent the Bagua furnace from falling? No matter how harsh the conditions are, any method will work." I asked my sister who had grandly "embedded cheating clips" as a reminder.

[Tip: The fall of the alchemy furnace is the effect of the ‘Doomsday Element Combo’ and cannot be stopped]

I know a little bit about this "Sister Reminder" who only has a voice but no image, but seems to have a lot of authority. Compared with the stupid system like a naughty child, she does not respond to any instructions directed at her "person", nor does she know how to do it. Tucao will respond to any formal instructions, but similarly, if something is in a mental blind spot and she doesn't ask, she won't remind her, just like now.

"Then, can we not prevent the fall and impact of the alchemy furnace itself, but eliminate other derivative effects when it falls?" I feel that Huaguoshan itself is not very important. Monsters can escape, but the key is "a thousand miles around" "Mortal within.

[Tip: You can give up the opportunity to ignite the divine fire in this world and consume all the collected divine power to summon a heroic spirit that can achieve the goal. Are you sure? 】prompted my sister to say.

Also, it’s really cheating, and there is no need to use any conventional means such as DNA points, but when did you collect this opportunity and divine power...

Unfortunately, seeing that Yuan Hong was about to be pushed to the top of Huaguo Mountain, I had no time to ask if he had any of these, so I quickly said: "Confirm the summons!"

Phew - at this moment, time seemed to have stopped, and I transformed into that "ubiquitous" quantum state. Then I saw three blazing white spherical lightnings flying from the Bull Demon King, Cuiyun, and Nezha respectively. came out, merged and circled in the sky above my "globe", golden light shone everywhere, and finally a golden Lancer card was generated in the center.

Make a wish for the little sun! Enkidu! Sister Bu, Qiandai and Shijiang are also fine! Don’t want Dragon Lady and her uncle! In ancient times, directors dared to tear things apart if they dared to come!


The golden light on the card faded away, revealing its true appearance.

Hmm... This handsome guy in a tight black leather outfit, a red windbreaker, slightly dark skin, and white hair looks a bit familiar?

Boom! The Eight Diagrams Alchemy Furnace hit the top of Huaguo Mountain hard, but it was only firmly embedded in the top of the mountain. There was no so-called volcanic eruption and the scene of thousands of miles of red ground.

Although I haven’t confirmed who I’ve hired yet, I still want to say: Well done!

——The 10th year——

At the top of Huaguo Mountain, at the bottom of Bagua Furnace.

"[Yo, 'Bodhisattva's pet'~]"

In the darkness, Yuan Hong, who could not move, heard the fairy stone, no, the laughing voice of the Great Sage.

"Grandpa Great Sage, I believe it..." Yuan Hong sighed and said: "There is really a Bodhisattva paying attention to me. If I had just escaped from the Bagua furnace to protect myself, it would have probably razed the entire Huaguo Mountain to the ground. And most of Dongsheng Shenzhou will also sink, and then I will lose all favors and spend the rest of my life as a fallen demon king or a minor official in heaven."

"[Hehe, you are wrong. If you dare to leave Huaguoshan alone, I will dismantle the stove, then flatten you with a stick and clean the door. Don't think that the 'Netherworld Barrier' given to you by Ksitigarbha can stop you. .]" Immortal Stone said.

"Grandpa, can you dismantle this stove?" Yuan Hong said in surprise.

"[It can be dismantled, but it cannot be dismantled casually.]" Xianshi replied.

"I don't understand." Yuan Hong rolled his eyes.

"[Bah, bah, after staying with those bald guys for a long time, I started to fight unconsciously,]" Xianshi pouted twice and continued: "[I can certainly dismantle this stove, but after dismantling it, I have to When you leave this world, do you remember the spell I taught you not long ago?]"

"Oh... Grandpa means that your current state is like a monkey hair on your body?" Yuan Hong tried to understand.

"[It's not bad,]" Xian Shi said: "[If you had never appeared, I would have transformed and practiced step by step, learned from my teacher, and I would have grown close to my true form, and I would have returned to my true form with my memories after the events in this life have come to an end. ]"

"Then...Grandpa, you..." Yuan Hong seemed to have realized something.

"[However, since I am Lao Sun himself in every world, if he encounters interesting people or worthwhile things, he can forcefully use the power like his own body, but if he does so, he will return to this world early. There will be no more Sun Wukong.]" Immortal Stone said.

"No, grandpa, wait! I'm not interesting! The messy disputes between heaven and monsters outside are not worth it!" Yuan Hong said in a panic.

"[Hey, on this point, what you said doesn't count.]"

Yuan Hong was about to say something when a fire suddenly exploded in front of him.

In the darkness, Yuan Hong saw the strange fairy stone that he had become familiar with over the years suddenly burst into flames. In just a moment, the entire boulder melted, revealing one of them, which was covered in hair, had a thunderous mouth, a face like a human, and a tall figure. Skinny monkey.

The monkey grinned at Yuan Hong, and saw many molten rocks surrounding it. Golden light shone everywhere. In just a moment, a suit of armor condensed around him. The great sage could be seen wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, and Wearing golden armor with a chain and walking on lotus root silk, he waved his right hand back, and the flames that were still not extinguished gathered into an elegant and flying red long hood, which automatically made a hunting sound in the absence of wind.

The Monkey King has lava as his armor and flames as his robe. Yuan Hong was stunned.

"[How?]" Immortal Stone, no, Sun Wukong said with a smile: "[I learned this outfit from another world, is it quite heroic?]"

"Great Sage," White Ape asked, "Where are we going from here?"

"[Tread on the southern sky, shatter the sky]" Sun Wukong took out his ear, took out an embroidery needle, waved it in the wind, and turned it into a golden and bright red Ruyi golden hoop.

"What if you never come back?" Yuan Hong didn't want this master to disappear.

【I will never come back! 】

Boom! Sun Wukong, who was no longer in the posture of a fairy stone, didn't seem to like to talk too much. He smashed the Bagua furnace above his head in half with a stick, and then shot up directly into the sky with a golden light.

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