The Collection of The End

Chapter 441: 500 years flew by in the blink of an eye, just like a dream

Strange...did I accelerate too much?

After exiting the quantum state, the comparative statistics originally suspended in front of you have disappeared, replaced by a row of rather festive red letters: "Congratulations! You have won a cultural victory!"

I also conquered victory, diplomacy, space victory!

It felt like hanging up for twenty minutes, thinking that I was about to be struck by the Scythe of Judgment, only to come back and find two huge words "Victory"... No! I never hung up!

"Tip sister——" [Alaya! I miss you so much! 】

Just as I was about to ask my sister what happened during my acceleration, a somewhat familiar red cube rushed over from the corner of the yard like a cannonball.

Snapped! After slapping it on the floor with the palm of the Five Elements Mountain Sakyamuni Tathagata, I remembered, wasn't this the stupid system that had been overloaded before?

"Have you finally finished digesting 'Breath of Alduin'? What's going on with this standard Allegro accent?" I hugged my knees and squatted down, poking and poking because I couldn't tell the difference, but I didn't know whether I was lying down or lying down, so it was embedded in the ground. Red cube in the pit.

[Before I became the system, I was a crosstalk talker...] The stupid system replied angrily.

"I still drive an excavator." I raised my hand to dig out the soil from the side and was about to bury it.

【I am so sorry! ] The red cube jumped up and fluttered to shake off the soil: [I want to say that it will be difficult for you in these five hundred years. 】

I always feel like it seems to be a little more polite after this upgrade? Illusion?

[It must be sad to be five hundred years older again. 】

"Breath of Fire!"'s really an illusion

After letting out a dragon roar to burn the stupid system black, I tried to click the "Victory" button on "Earth" to check the time. Although it took five hundred years for the stupid system to upgrade, it shouldn't have been that long.

[Tip: The Annihilation Domain is integrated and merged into the ‘Hall of Valor’. 】The voice prompting my sister sounded.

Oh, by the way, this seems to be a summary of the old scrolling world that was interrupted halfway through last time by a stupid system crash and did not continue.

[Tip: When upgrading the 'Hall of Heroes', you can designate relevant groups as 'heroes', allowing them to rebuild their spiritual foundations in the palace after death. 】

Well, I didn't say it, those heavenly soldiers must have this attribute.

[Tip: Successfully recycling the world trait ‘Dragon Roar’ can be given to dragons as a natural trait. 】

Speaking of the dragons in Journey to the West, they all seem to be water dragons that manage rainfall. I don’t know what the consequences of giving them the breath of fire will be.

[Tip: ‘Self-evolution’ merges with ‘God’s Creation’ and is upgraded to ‘Law of Cause and Effect’. 】

This is good. To put it simply, if I suddenly build something and throw it away, it will evolve on its own, and no one will doubt where it comes from. If the first world has this ability, I can interact with it. Shining faced Wang Cai.

[Tip: Many priesthoods have been updated. 】

"Hey, sister is actually lazy when you remind her?"

[Not to be lazy, just because it needs to be slightly adjusted to fit the world, but saying it one by one is meaningless. ] The stupid system cleared the black ash on his body and flew over: [For example, 'Doomsday elements can affect monsters.' What is the value of such a clause in informing? 】

"At least it proves that I can encounter monsters in the mission world, right?" I thought of the mountain of monkey monsters and twitched my lips.

[Monsters are not a specialty of the world of Journey to the West. Even a map the size of a ‘ring arena’ is full of monsters like ‘A Chinese Ghost Story’. 】Stupid system arguing about meaningless things.

"Well, let's not mention that. I'm sure it didn't take as long as five hundred years in the Journey to the West arena." I didn't answer the question and continued to press the "Victory" button.

[Tip: Settlement has been carried out. 】

[Tip: Number of people infected by ‘MonkeyKiller’: 0,

Scope of influence: None, death toll: 0]

[Tip: Number of people infected by ‘Simian Flu’: 140 million, scope of impact: 98%, death toll: 0]

[Hint: It took 10 years and 3 months for ‘Simian Flu’ to achieve cultural victory. 】

[Tip: Obtain the doomsday element: ‘Primate Killer’. 】

Fufu! ?

Shouldn't it be "PrimateMurder"? Why is "MonkeyKiller" translated into this?

[Monkeys are primates, there is nothing wrong with them. ] The stupid system said, conjuring a box of... "animal crackers" out of thin air?

The box seemed to be full of monkey-shaped biscuits. It obviously had no mouth, but it kept eating one bite at a time.

[It can - creak, creak, creak - set a certain primate as a target in advance - creak, creak - after entering the game, it will gain a great advantage against that primate group to start the game. Humans can also do it. ~] The red cube said while eating.

"Hmm..." To deal with the monkey demon, starting in the Heavenly Court does have a huge advantage, but who knows how he can destroy a good hand of cards. I haven't entered the Journey to the West world this time to cause trouble.

[Tip: The gained faith points have been converted into ‘free DNA points’ and can be used in other worlds. 】

[Tip: Since you gave up the opportunity to ignite the divine fire, you cannot continue to obtain faith points from this world. 】

Prompt my sister to continue to display lines of text on the empty globe.

"That's strange. Forget it when I was Akatosh, I didn't enter the world of Journey to the West at all this time? Where do I get the faith from?"

[Akarin this time? 】Silly System came to the side of the globe.

"You really know how to complain like that!" I turned around and grabbed the red cube and shook it vigorously.

[Wait a minute...I thought of it...listen to my explanation...] Stupid System struggled.

"Say it." I let go.

[You see, although you did not incarnate in that world, the many evolutions of 'Simian Flu' must be beneficial to the monkeys. Otherwise, how would a group of wild monkey monsters fight against the heavenly soldiers? 】Silly System said.

" what?" I thought about it, and it seemed like this was the case. If I hadn't evolved "Simian Flu", and I was just a great sage who didn't know what state he was in, it would be just a dream to fight against the heavens.

[Any creature with a mind will often make up some gods or something out of primitive worship of natural or astronomical phenomena, and there are obviously gods, Buddhas and demons in the world of Journey to the West.] The stupid system shook: [So, those monkeys If you find that your tribe is benefiting for no apparent reason, even if you don't know your existence, you will make up a god or bodhisattva to worship. 】

"Uh... what about when I use commands such as marching, moving, or dispatching?" I felt a little guilty for no reason. Although those related commands were completed by various coincidences and the monkey's own intentions, they were somewhat different in terms of purpose. Too deliberate.

【Of course the effect is outstanding! 】


For example, someone is walking down a high-rise building and suddenly hears a very rhythmic song. He follows the melody and sways two steps to the left. As a result, a flower pot falls from the sky and hits where he was. At this time, no matter how atheist he is, he must Say "God bless you" in your heart.

[Oh~ You finally evolved the ‘Monkey King’? Hehehe...] The stupid system smiled in a weird tone.

"So what..." I moved the rocking chair that had wandered into the corner back to the fountain.

[Although its function is to enhance the sensitivity between monkeys, after you hit this trait in a combo, you will also be counted as a 'monkey'~] The red cube circled the globe twice: [If you are here If you continue to perform various command operations after evolving this, monkeys with relatively keen senses will be able to see your image~]

"..." It shouldn't be of much use, I thought as I prepared to sit on the rocking chair.

[At most, it’s just a vague outline similar to that detected by infrared rays, and you can’t see the face clearly, so you don’t have to worry about ruining your image without makeup—ouch! So dangerous! 】

He used a rocking chair to hit the stupid system, but missed it. In order to prevent it from shattering into parts, he forcefully summoned it back.

"I'm not worried about that at all!" After sitting down in the rocking chair, I continued to dial the message on the globe to remind my sister.

[Tip: The cheating clips have been recovered: Ao Lie (???), Bai Jingjing (???), Yuan Hong (Babas), and Pearl. 】

Is that so? From the beginning, I felt that this Yuan Hong was quite abnormal. He had surprisingly good luck and seemed a bit like the protagonist of the world, but he didn't look like Ryuunosuke.

Ao Lie... Xiao Bailong, this one is relatively normal, but this time is a thousand years before the journey to the west. He should still be the third prince of the West Sea. I only followed the group of ocean-going monkeys to see the four princesses of the West Sea and confirmed it. The look in his eyes is not someone I know.

Bai Jingjing... When I first saw Chun Shisanniang, I doubted her. As expected, her identity was robbed by Emil. At first, many people pointed at the Hassan clan and shouted "White Bone Demon", but there was no such thing as Zi. Xia or Zhizunbao or something - nonsense, Brother Monkey is still here.

Pearl...the name suffix in the brackets disappears. Does this mean that there is no longer any sense of identity for that identity? Sure enough, the mere twenty years of life experience of ordinary people in Lao Gun's world has been diluted by hundreds of thousands of experiences here.

[Tip: There are nine people who tried to leave the world, but due to following the wrong target, they could not be recovered and were placed. If they failed to follow them in the end, they would be sent back to the main world of Journey to the West. 】

What the hell?

[Huhuhu~ It seems that your followers are more charming than you. 】Stupid system is still eating "cookies"

"...I remember you said that you could consume a doomsday element to let me go back to my original world, right?" I looked at the last piece of "monkey biscuit" on its "mouth".

With a click, the last cookie disappeared next to the cube, and then it began to play dead.

"Although I accidentally forgot, you must have done it on purpose, right?" I started to clench my fists.

[Fu——Fuwu——] The stupid system instantly transformed into a soft and cute creature with long ears and snow-white fur, like a puppy.

...Huh, what did you do earlier?

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