The Collection of The End

Chapter 451 History of the Eastern Han Dynasty (3)

[Tip: Dong Zhuo completed the 'Caravan Rescue' commission and received 300 supplies, 2,000 money, 300 troops, and his benevolence increased. 】

After all the Hun horse thieves escaped or were killed, my sister refreshed such a reminder in the "Intelligence History Area".

This was an important way for me to have fun when I couldn't come to the world of Journey to the West. After arriving in the Three Kingdoms, I couldn't get used to it, so I asked my sister to set this "Intelligence Resume Area" as a regular display.

"Damn the rise of benevolence, does it mean that he lured a group of rangers or did he trick the friendly forces to achieve a complete victory?" I sat in the "House of Saints" and looked at the surveillance screen instructing a group of rangers to search. Dong Zhuo's eyes twitched as he found the body of the horse thief.

[The theory of consequentialism is used here. He saved the Central Plains caravan and attacked the Hun horse thieves. Unless he turned around and robbed the caravan, his benevolence must have increased this time. ] The stupid system said.

"What's the use of this 'benevolence'?" I think about Liu Bei, he is probably full of it.

[Mainly in terms of compatibility, people with high benevolence and low benevolence generally dislike each other, while those with similar benevolence values ​​are more likely to make friends, and it will also affect their reputation and so on. 】

However, now it is Dong Zhuo who has become more benevolent... Forget it, he is still just a young boy after all, and now there is a more important problem.

"What are those black smoke-like things? The evil in this world?" I pointed at the thick black mist on those Xiongnu horse thieves and asked the stupid system. Those things lingered even after they died.

[The evil in this world will cry, it is not such a low-level thing,] The stupid system replied: [That is one of the doomsday elements, the fragments of 'death'. 】

"Don't you dare to breathe loudly when you speak!" I mentioned the white-haired creature next to me and wanted to knock its head, and then I remembered that this was a "primate killer", not a stupid system that became like this. It must have been intentional!

[Since most doomsday elements will lead to death, there are not many opportunities for 'death' to appear alone. In most cases, it appears in conjunction with others. However, there is a series of movies that you may have seen.] The stupid system continued: [' Death is coming'. 】


"So it's a story about a bad player who uses the doomsday element of 'death'?" I remembered that in this series of movies, there will always be one or two lucky people who escape in each movie.

[If we follow the settings in the series of movies, it would probably be a 'challenge' level game world. There are only so many people to kill, but a few of them ran away, and the 'players' could only follow and chase them.] The stupid system said Author: [Because the movie itself is fake, you can’t tell much from watching the movie, but if you go to that movie world, you will find that all the various instruments used for death are wrapped with black hair like these Hun horse thieves. cigarette. 】


[Let’s put it this way, if you change your mind and want to use doomsday elements to kill all humans in the world, then you will be the one emitting black smoke, but the extent is different. From the outside world, it is probably a black hole that swallows all light. . 】

"Haha, that's impossible. This shape is really stupid." I looked at the corpses of nearly a thousand Xiongnu on the screen, each one perfectly mosaicd due to the rising black smoke. "But, having said that, they actually Not considered a person from this world?"

Although there is no doubt that nearly a thousand Huns died in this battle, the death toll in my "world statistics" is still 0.

[Have you forgotten that your ‘world’ only includes the territory of the Three Kingdoms period? It is limited to the Thirteen States of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and beyond them are the 'Nanman, Beidi, Dongyi, and Xirong', which are outside the map, have tens of thousands of city defenses, cannot be occupied, zero population, small food, and a fixed army of 300,000 to guard the home. There is a natural disaster level existence. Even if any prince uses the power of the whole country to destroy the city, it will be reappeared in a year. 】

...This setting seems to come from Romance of the Three Kingdoms 9? Later, due to being beaten and exploited by players,

Subsequent works directly abandoned the alien setting, but I still have it here.

"Well...if the invading alien race brings doomsday elements and is not included in the total population, then there is nothing to say, just kill them."

【Shock! A certain famous Virgin reveals her true colors! What on earth is this——]

"It's you!" I "collapsed" back to my small courtyard, grabbed the stupid system by the back of the neck and started to beat him: "I don't want to see - Lu Bu died at the Baimen, Sun Jian was defeated by Huang Zu, Guo Jia died young , Dian Weiwan died, Sun Ce was assassinated, Zhou Yu was shot by an arrow, Guan Gong escaped from Maicheng, Dingjun killed Xiahou, the phoenix chick fell on Luofeng Slope, Wolong rested in Wuzhangyuan - as for the Xiongnu Wuhuan, let them die as they please!"

[Ouch, ouch—] The stupid system yelled: [Ding Yuan and Zhang Fei have something to say—]

"Tch...I haven't talked about Pan Feng, Chen Gong and Cao Ang yet." I threw away Fu Fu, the incarnation of the stupid system, and continued to study the battle on Dong Zhuo's side that was basically over.

Just now, Dong Zhuo and his father respectively used the command ability called "Combat Skills". Based on the last duel with fake Lu Bu, the standard of defeating 200 people by one person as an "unparalleled general" is still very reliable. It's amazing. After all, because of the "revival of spiritual energy", ordinary soldiers are not as difficult to command as real ancient soldiers. No, they can even be said to be able to use their fingers like arms.

But in this case, such soldiers who refuse to retreat even if their strength is reduced by more than 50% can easily be wiped out. The battle damage caused by this will probably be more serious. When the three countries are unified, if the population loss is even greater than before, Even if those famous generals survived, it would be meaningless.

One solution is to allow the soldiers to escape on their own. For example, Dong Zhuo's attack on the horse thieves just now was not without losses, but those rangers were all good at saving their lives. They fled as soon as they were injured, and now they slipped back to receive treatment, showing that they had done something good. They look like humans, but this method is limited to small-scale battles. In a decisive battle between large armies, there is no place to escape even if you want to.

Another solution is simple and crude. As long as these soldiers die in battle, I will directly recruit them and take them away as heroic spirits, and then throw them to their respective hometowns for resurrection, just like what Heavenly Court did in Journey to the West. However, in this way, the "law of cause and effect" will probably It would be exhausted, if it could die.

Another way is to limit any battle to only cause disability rather than death, and those who lose combat effectiveness can only be sent back to their hometowns. The overall situation is not too abrupt, and the pressure of the law of cause and effect is relatively small, but the overall look is still very strange.

This time the horse thieves attacked the caravan. Because the caravan leader handled it very well, no caravan guard died. Although the loss of goods caused could not be compensated, the merchants were very grateful to the cavalry who came to the rescue with food and wine. They were worried about the scattered The horse thieves returned, and Dong Zhuo's father ordered his men to clean up the battlefield and decided to guard the caravan here for one night.

Among the rewards Dong Zhuo received, 2,000 yuan was naturally a bounty. After confiscating the horses and other goods carried by the horse thieves, 300 supplies was not too much, but the 300 troops were strange. These 300 cavalry were clearly Dong Zhuo's. Did you borrow it from your father?

"Young man from the Dong family!" In the temporarily established camp, the rangers who were engaged in a fierce battle were drinking and drinking. Suddenly, several rangers stood up and walked over to toast Dong Zhuo: "Brothers and I have been in Liangzhou for many years, and we have never admired anyone. Today you opened our eyes!"

"Haha." Dong Zhuo also responded to them: "It seems that you are quite satisfied with the results of this trip?"

"If nothing else, if the young man from the Dong family is of any use to us, just say hello and he will come to help immediately. Do you think it is—" "That's right!" "We are willing to listen to the young man from the Dong family. Dispatch!" "Next time if something good like this happens, be sure to call me!" All the rangers clamored.

...these 300 troops refer to them?

Although it seemed that Dong Zhuo had used his personal charm to recruit a large number of troops, those shrewd knights obviously thought that his father could be worthy of the Liangzhou governor's younger brothers. In addition, in this battle, hundreds of soldiers were captured with almost no danger. Horses and a large bounty, they would naturally be willing to do it again, but if it was a very dangerous or useless battle, it was hard to say how many people could be gathered.

[Although you shouldn’t have the opportunity to lead troops or anything like that, I’ll tell you the approximate proportions.] The stupid system jumped on the globe and moved the screen to the supplies screen: [Whether it’s weapons, war horses, food, or materials for setting up camps. Tools and materials are collectively referred to as supplies. Generally speaking, one unit of supplies can supply a soldier with 30 days of fighting outside. It can be increased or decreased according to specific circumstances. If the proportion is different, it will be rounded up to the grain. For example, 10 soldiers bring 20 units of supplies. Food and 100 units of weapons and horses will still be counted as 20 units of supplies, which can only last them 60 days of fighting. This team will be regarded as a baggage team. If the ratio is reversed, it will be a food transport team, although it can travel for 300 days. , but after 60 days of fighting, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced due to insufficient supplies. 】

"Hmm... So, this battle was actually a reckless act of attacking directly without carrying any supplies? If the horse thieves were not defeated quickly because of their lack of combat power, but had a stalemate with them for a day, this group of rangers and cavalry would have Retreating without food?" I looked at the rangers who continued to feast and brag and show off to each other, and I just thought it was quite ridiculous.

[That is an ideal situation. If there is a stalemate for one day, Wuwei will definitely send reinforcements, and the horse thieves themselves do not carry enough supplies.] The stupid system said: [Although it is just a game in our opinion, the things in the game are People don't play around. 】

It's rare for this guy to say something reasonable. Could it be the effect of the upgrade?

"Fu-fu?" After looking at the fake Fufu over there several times, I finally chose to go back to the "House of Saints" to hug the real one. "Primate Killer" looked confused.

[Hey hey hey, the plan works. ] The stupid system chuckled: [I should have turned into a similar cute creature, so I wouldn't be beaten so easily. 】

"Then I strongly recommend you choose Kyubey." I rolled my eyes.

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