The Collection of The End

Chapter 454 The Biography of Cao Cao (2)

——AD 160——

Naturally, Cao Cao did not inquire about the rumors about the "very fierce Miss Cai family" himself, but listened to what his younger brother Yuan Shao said.

Yes, that’s right, little brother.

The first time Cao Cao met Yuan Shao was in the Luoyang market. They were each escorted by a group of healthy servants. The little fat man said arrogantly: "I, the fourth and third prince of the Yuan family, you must salute me!"

At that time, there were two major aristocratic families in Luoyang, the Yuan family of Runan and the Yang family of Hongnong. They avoided the general Liang Ji and his party. After the emperor got rid of the Liang family, they obtained many important official positions. Among them, Yuan Shao's biological father Yuan Shao Feng and his uncle Yuan Wei served as "Sikong" and "Situ" respectively, and they were both ranked among the "Three Dukes". In addition, their father, grandfather and great-grandfather all served as three Dukes, so they were known as the "Four Generations and Three Dukes".

Cao Cao could think of a hundred ways to deal with this little fat man, but at that time his "stand-in" muttered "Four generations and three males? Only one mother?" All anger disappeared immediately.

If you think about it carefully, unless you are young and smart like yourself, how can ordinary children understand what "four generations and three masters" mean? Most likely he just remembered it hard because of repeated instructions from his family.

So Cao Cao responded that day: "My family's 'Three Generations and Four Dukes' are more powerful than yours."

Although it sounds like childish talk to others, if you think about it carefully, it is true. Cao Cao can be called "Cao Gongzi", Cao Song is called "Cao Gong", and Cao Teng is called "Cao Gonggong" - "Three Generations and Four Dukes" .

Yuan Shao obviously didn't know that one of the "three males" was not the other three, but there was no doubt that four was bigger than three. He counted it on his short and fat fingers for a long time, and finally ran away with a cry.

When Cao Song learned about it, he couldn't laugh or cry, so he took Cao Cao to visit. Therefore, the emperor trusted the eunuch very much. For Cao Teng's sake, the Yuan family would not care about the children's playful remarks, but Cao Song had to show that he did not look down upon him. The meaning of "Three Lords".

After this incident, Cao Cao learned the identity of Yuan Shao: he was originally the eldest son of Yuan Fengshu, and he had a legitimate younger brother Yuan Shu. Because his uncle Zuo Zhonglang, General Yuan Cheng, had no children, he adopted him.

Cao Cao couldn't imagine what it would be like for Yuan Shao to call his own father his uncle, so he felt that he had bullied him a little too much. Later, he softened his attitude towards him and gained a loyal younger brother.

Yuan Shu was still young and could not go out, so when Cao Cao was arranged by Cao Song to study with Cai Yong, he took Yuan Shao with him on the pretext that he needed a companion to study.


"You said Miss Cai's family is very cruel. What kind of murderous method is used?"

When riding a carriage with Yuan Shao to Cai Yong's house to study, Cao Cao couldn't help but ask Yuan Shao.

At this time, Cai Yong's "long history" for Qiao Xuan was similar to that of a staff member. Whether the work was busy or not was only related to Qiao Xuan's own responsibilities, while Qiao Xuan was in charge of civil affairs. Unless there were festivals or disasters, ordinary work would not be included. Not to Cai Yong's head.

Cao Cao once heard that Cai Yong was good at music, versed in classics and history, and was good at poetry. After being recruited, he was dissatisfied with his position and wanted to resign. However, because his wife gave birth to a daughter for him, he could not travel far and stayed in Luoyang. At times, he also taught young people who came here because of his reputation, but he did not accept disciples. It was similar to a private school or a family school.

"Yeah," Yuan Shao blinked and made a big circle with his hands: "Super-ferocious."

"Pfft!" The "substitute" on the side laughed, but no one except Cao Cao noticed.

"Okay," Cao Cao said helplessly: "Tell me what you did the day you found out she was 'super fierce'."

Yuan Shao thought for a while and then said: "That day, I followed my father to Cai's house to meet Mr. Qiao, and I met her while wandering around."

It was a business matter disguised as a private matter. Both parties were very careful not to meet the guests at their own homes. Instead, they met at the home of a subordinate of one party, and they brought their children with them. Who were they trying to... avoid?

The two three princes met secretly, if not to avoid the emperor's eyes and ears and plot a rebellion, or... to deal with the eunuchs?

Cao Cao raised his eyebrows slightly, but then he thought about it. His grandfather Cao Teng could be said to be a veteran of four dynasties.

They have almost no contact with the now domineering "Five Lords". If those aristocratic families want to deal with eunuchs, they will not embarrass such a mainstay.

"Oh, so, what did you say to her?" Cao Cao's thoughts changed rapidly, but his expression remained unchanged as he continued to ask.

"I said, 'The fourth generation and the third prince of my family, you must salute me'..." Yuan Shao said without confidence.

"Then?" Cao Cao had some guesses about the next development. Perhaps Miss Cai scolded him because of her profound knowledge?

Yuan Shao replied: "Then she picked up the monkey and beat me."

Cao Cao: "???"

This Cai Changshi still keeps monkeys at home? No, what is the posture of "picking up the monkey"?

"What kind of monkey is it?" Cao Cao asked confused.

"It's... Miss Cai's family has been holding and playing with it. It's about the same size as her, smaller at the top and wider at the bottom, a golden monkey..." Yuan Shao gestured.

Cao Cao: "..."

Always holding a monkey? That's really fierce, but I always feel like something is wrong...

In the midst of confusion, the carriage arrived at the Cai Mansion. Since neither Cao Song nor Yuan Feng came this time, Cai Yong did not come to greet them. The person who welcomed Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's carriage into the mansion was the housekeeper of the Cai family.

Next to the housekeeper, stood a girl who was about the same age as Cao Cao and Yuan Shao. She was wearing a small emerald green dress, her soft hair was tied into a bun on the back of her head, and each of them was tied with a silver Bell, holding a gilt twenty-four-string [harp] in her hand that was about the same size as herself.

"That's the 'monkey'!" Yuan Shao pointed immediately.

Cao Cao felt that his previous thinking was completely wasted, so he reached out and flicked Yuan Shao's forehead: "I think you are the monkey!"

"At least... he pronounced the pronunciation correctly," the "substitute" said, holding back a laugh.

Cao Cao corrected his somewhat distorted expression, got off the carriage, thanked the housekeeper for his hard work, and then turned to the girl and said, "Cao Cao has met Miss Cai's family."

At present, although the status of women has been greatly improved due to the recovery of spiritual energy and the awakening of Wushuang regardless of gender, most people still do not want to let their female relatives show up, but Cai Yong directly asked her daughter to welcome guests. Combined with what Yuan Shao said, "being beaten "After a meal", this young lady was either born with divine power, or she had awakened some kind of "unparalleled power" - most likely inseparable from the konghou.

"Cai Zhenji has met the young master of the Cao family," the girl saluted to Cao Cao. Although her movements were a little deformed due to her young stature, there was nothing wrong with her etiquette.

"Cai Changshi actually named you Zhenji?" Cao Cao asked with some envy.

Children are not as polite as adults when interacting with each other, and it is common to call him by his first name or nickname. However, Cao Cao has no characters and refuses to let outsiders call him by his nickname, so he and Yuan Shao always call him by his first name.

"Father... has prepared names for his children in advance to save them for a rainy day," the girl hesitated before saying, "My little girl's name will be Cai Wan, also known as Zhenji. If she has another sister, she will be called Cai Tan, also known as Zhaoji."

"Hahaha! Vegetable bowl, vegetable altar!" Yuan Shao happened to jump out of the car and laughed when he heard this.

Cao Cao felt a chill all over his body. The Miss Cai family blew past him like a gust of wind. The little fat Yuan Shao was still giggling, but she had picked up the harp and knocked him to the ground.

"Huh..." Cai Wan put away the unharmed harp, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Cao Cao: "Young Master Cao will laugh."

"It's basically certain that she has also awakened the 'Unparalleled'" the substitute said: "But it's different from my type."

Nonsense, among all the "unparalleled characteristics" that have been actually recorded, I have never heard of anyone who can speak.

Cao Cao slandered and said to Cai Wan, "It's okay. I think he should be beaten."

When Cai Wan raised his eyebrows and seemed ready to discuss the topic of "beating Yuan Shao," Cao Cao quickly changed the subject: "But regarding your sister's name, Zhenji probably got it wrong. It should be Cai Yan." (yan) rather than Cai Tan.”

"Could it be that Mr. Cao thinks this name is not good?" Cai Wan fiddled with the string of the konghou.

"No, no, it's just that if Cai Changshi has already chosen the name, it will not be irrelevant," Cao Cao said: "The word "Wan" means a beautiful jade with depressions, and the word "Yan" means a beautiful jade with bulges. If it is The names of sisters have the meaning of hoping that they will support each other. Zhenji and Zhaoji also have similar allusions, but if they are used in words, it is a bit inexplicable."

Cao Cao tried his best to explain to prevent Cai Wan from smashing the konghou over if he disagreed, and even felt a little sweat on his forehead.

"What a coward." The "substitute" made a face in front of Cao Cao because others could not see him.

"Hehe~ You are different from others~" Cao Cao couldn't wait for a response. Just when he thought it was going to be bad, he saw Cai Wan blinking his eyes and showing a smile: "Other young people who came to apprentice after hearing this name , often try their best to praise the name as good, and forcefully find connections, only you insist that it is wrong.”

"Huh..." Cao Cao breathed a sigh of relief: "So, it is really wrong?"

"How is it right or wrong for parents to name their children?" Cai Wan shook his head and said, "Even if my father really named his sister Cai Tan, who has the right to refute it? This is just a test from my father to you. If you directly If you are praised or if you change your words under a little pressure, you will be brought to the front hall with ordinary students. If you argue with reason, you will be brought to the back house for the apprenticeship ceremony."

"Apprenticeship?" "Apprenticeship!?" Cao Cao was quite surprised. Even Yuan Shao, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, jumped up.

"Cao Gong and Yuan Gong asked each other for help. My father would not refuse, but he set up a small test." Cai Wan glanced at Yuan Shao: "Although he was ridiculing him just now, he also expressed his disapproval of the name 'Cai Tan' There were objections, so it counts as passed.”

Believe me, he is just stupid... Cao Cao said silently in his heart.

"Now, follow me to see father," Cai Wan led the way and said with a smile, "two 'junior brothers'~"

"What, what should I do, Cao Cao?" Yuan Shao said with a bitter face: "I heard that 'once a teacher, always a father', after becoming a teacher, wouldn't she, the elder sister, be able to fight as much as she wants?"

"Don't worry, no one will treat a monkey as a younger brother." Cao Cao looked back at him and shook his head.

Yuan Shao: "???"

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