The Collection of The End

Chapter 458 The Biography of Lu Bu (1)

——A.D. 170——

After Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne, General Dou Wu led the forces of his relatives to severely damage the eunuchs and captured nearly a thousand people in prison. This was called the "Party Rebellion". Later, fearing that the scholars were powerful, many of the eunuchs who were also among the "Ten Gentlemen" were imprisoned. People were released, promoted openly and secretly, in order to monopolize the government affairs.

In order to consolidate his power, Dou Wu aggressively placed cronies in important positions in Luoyang, regardless of whether they were qualified or not, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

In the first year of Jianning (166), the Hu people invaded, and the later general Zhang Huan led three armies to suppress the rebellions. It took one year to pacify them all. After the troops returned to the court, Dou Wu ordered Emperor Ling to confer all the meritorious generals with civil servants. , wanted to take the opportunity to install relatives and cronies in the army, but Zhang Huan's mediation was fruitless, so he resigned and returned home angrily.

At this point, General Dou had offended all the eunuchs, scholars, and military generals, but he was proud of his "disciples and former officials throughout the government and the public".

In the third year of Jianning (168), the remaining eunuch forces counterattacked, and many scholars and generals responded. Dou Wu's subordinates and the "unparalleled warriors" he recruited were outnumbered and fled Luoyang in panic. Dou Wu himself was defeated and killed, and his relatives The power immediately collapsed, known in history as the "Second Party Rebellion."

After Dou Wu's death, due to the struggle for power among eunuchs, nobles, and generals, Luoyang fell into chaos for a time. Government orders were issued randomly and changed day by day. Officials from other places did not know which order to follow for a while, so they ignored them all and handled local political affairs on their own.

In the fifth year of Jianning (170), the almost ignored Ling Emperor swept Luoyang with the help of ten eunuchs who understood "unparalleled" such as Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong, Cao Jie, and Hou Lan, and took back all their power overnight. These ten people are all appointed as "Zhongchangshi", also known as "Ten Changshi".

Some who were dissatisfied tried to fight back, but were killed by the sword master Wang Yue. The rest did not dare to act rashly, and the "second disaster of party imprisonment" was over.


In the northwest of Bingzhou, there is a county named Wuyuan, and the most famous family in Wuyuan County is the Lu family.

According to legend, this Lu family is a descendant of Lu Buwei of the former Qin Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Zhang, the Northern Huns who refused to accept the civilized rule often attacked the Southern Huns who had surrendered to the Han Dynasty. Lu Hao, the Yue Cavalry School Captain, was ordered to station here.

Lu Hao believed that this place was worthy of development, so he moved his family here, built a lot of construction projects, built cities and castles, cleared wasteland for grazing, weaved and made pottery, and stabilized the border. As a result, the people of Wuyuan and even the surrounding counties all looked up to Lu's family.

After Ma Yingjie's death, he was succeeded by his son Lu Liang. Lu Liang married the daughter of the Huang family, a local wealthy family. His position became more stable and the Lu family became more prosperous.

In the first year of Yongshou (155), the Huang family had not given birth for fourteen months, so they ordered their servants to go to the White Horse Temple in the suburbs to ask for fortune-telling. The abbot was shocked after the divination. He did not explain, but ordered the Lu family's servants to leave.

Huang was weaving and hearing the reports from his servants. When he was confused, he suddenly saw a nine-color rainbow appearing in the southeast sky, which was dazzling. Then it turned into a colorful phoenix and flew straight down. Huang was surprised and fell down, suffering from unbearable abdominal pain. Immediately a baby boy was born on the cloth.

Lu Liang was overjoyed when he heard this and named his son "Bu" and also named him "Fengxian".

Lu Bu was able to ride a sheep at the age of three and mount a horse at the age of five. At the age of seven, he dared to hunt alone in the forest and captured wild foxes and mountain deer. When he was nine years old, when he went to visit his grandfather with his mother, he saw the sheep accidentally escaped and chased him on foot. One in each hand, he went back and forth several times to catch all the sheep. Grandpa praised him very much and gave Lu Bu a red Dawan horse. Lu Bu was very happy and named it "Hongyun". He took good care of it and never left his body.

When he got older, he became dissatisfied with the name "Fengxian" and changed it to "Fengxian" on his own.

By the first year of Jianning (166), when Lu Bu was eleven years old, his figure was almost that of an ordinary adult man. At that time, the Northern Huns invaded again. Lu Liang and Nanxian Military Academy Lieutenant Ding Yuan jointly sent troops to resist, and Lu Bu also went with the army.

Ding Yuan was a rebellious man and was not on good terms with many of his colleagues and subordinates, so he had almost no subordinates to command. He would rush into the enemy's formation at the head of every battle. He was evaluated as "although he has the courage of generals, he has no commander-in-chief."

One day, Ding pursued the enemy too deeply and was surrounded by Huns who set up an ambush.

Lu Liang led his army to rescue them, but the Huns were so powerful and geographically advantageous that they could not be rescued for a while.

After Lu Bu observed the battlefield, he asked Lu Liang for 500 cavalry, and asked him to lead the army to lure the enemy in the front, while he would take a long way to attack the Xiongnu rear army, kill the Xiongnu general in formation, and the siege of Ding Yuan was resolved.

Ding Yuan was very grateful and wanted to reward Lu Bu with an official title. When Lu Liang told him that Lu Bu was only eleven years old, he was shocked.

In the fifth year of Jianning (170), after the "Second Party Rebellion" ended, Emperor Ling began to gradually restore the authority of the royal family. However, in the past two years, Luoyang fell into chaos and the decrees were blocked, which also caused the decline of the majesty of the royal family. , various places, especially the borders, have turned to some traditional selection methods, and complete recovery will not happen overnight.

At this time, Bingzhou, like other frontiers, had few literati, and the situation was everywhere. A slightly talented scholar could get an official position by just chatting with the government officials for a few words, while those with self-reliance and courage had to break into the official posts established by the government. If you can take the lead in the "Martial Arts Examination", you can hope to become a military leader in the army. Otherwise, you can only be a soldier after joining the army.

On this day, the school grounds on the outskirts of Taiyuan, where Bingzhou was governed, were crowded with onlookers. Military officials from many surrounding counties and counties were present to watch. There was no other reason - Lu Bu was sixteen this year and wanted to participate in the Bingzhou martial arts examination.

Originally, in the name of Lu Bu's years of eradicating thieves and fighting against Hu, no one would complain if Lu Liang directly arranged a military position for him in Wuyuan County. However, Lu Bu's participation in the state election in Taiyuan meant that he was unwilling to do so. He was just working under his father, or in other words, his ambition for an official position was still higher than that of Lu Liang.


"I am Wuyuan Lu Bu! Who dares to come and fight with me!" Lu Bu, who was wearing a short bat and only a light helmet, jumped onto the stage and shouted loudly: "If no one can defeat me, I will be the first in this martial arts event." Got it in the pocket!”

When all the officials heard this, they looked at each other in shock.

This martial arts competition includes horse racing, archery and many other events to test one's own strength. The "martial arts arena" is not very important, but at this time Lu Bu has jumped up and made a big statement about looking down on the heroes. Folk customs, it is too late to stop it at this time.

"How arrogant!" "How dare you look down on us!" "Could you still be able to defeat us all on your own?" "Even if you are Lu Bu, don't even think about leaving standing upright after saying such things!"

Lu Bu's reputation was originally limited to the area around Wuyuan. Even if other counties heard that he was good at fighting, they wouldn't take it too seriously - who in Bingzhou can't fight? After hearing such declarations, people immediately started to make noises.

Immediately, a warrior wearing light armor jumped onto the ring: "I am the superior party——"

Snapped! Before he could finish his words, Lu Bu casually took out a wooden gun from the weapon rack next to him. With a wave of his hand, he swung out the gun tail and hit the unknown party member, knocking him out of the ring.

Because it was a competitive test, all the weapons prepared by the government were unsharpened, and the weight of blunt weapons was severely reduced. However, after someone from the upper party was whipped away with a stick, he still fainted and was then carried away by the school medical officer. .

"You don't have to tell me by name!" Lu Bu shouted: "No one will give you this chance on the battlefield! You can attack me directly when you get on stage!"

"Xihe Chen Ai! I'm here to learn from you!" Another strong warrior stepped onto the ring, but he announced his name under the ring, causing a burst of laughter.

When this man came on stage, he carried a wooden shield and a wooden sword. His lower body was extremely stable, covering most of his body, and he slowly approached Lu Bu.

"Huh, opportunistic!" Lu Bu turned the tip of his spear and sneered: "If you think you can use the shield to block it for a few more rounds, you are wrong!"

Lu Bu flicked his wrist, and the wooden gun made a blast that penetrated the air, and the tip of the gun pierced Chen Ai's shield without evasion.

Snapped! Boom!

The wooden gun tip could not withstand the huge force and exploded on the surface of the shield. However, the shield also burst into several pieces. The subsequent huge force from the gun barrel blew Chen Ai directly into the ring. His defeat took the same time as the " "Shangdang Anonymous" is almost the same.

"Wuyuan Lu Fengxian is indeed worthy of his reputation," a group of Bingzhou civil and military officials on the viewing platform marveled and commented: "However, although his offensive is fierce, he has almost no effort to defend. If the challenger attacks, there may be a chance."

While they were discussing, several more people were knocked out of the ring, and Lu Bu didn't have a single general under his command.

Seeing how powerful Lu Bu was, many warriors around the ring had no intention of backing down. After all, he was "defending the ring" without rest. As long as there were enough challengers, there would always be a moment when his strength would be exhausted.

"They're all just trash! Aren't there any more powerful guys?" Lu Bu used the wooden long-handled knife in his hand to slash away a warrior who had just jumped onto the ring before he could speak, and looked towards the viewing platform where Bingzhou officials were sitting.

Lu Liang knew what his son meant, but he could only shake his head. He could not encourage the Bingzhou generals to compete. If he won, he would bully the small ones. If he lost, which might not be small, he would never be able to do anything in the army again. Can't hold my head up.


While Lu Bu was distracted, a young warrior who stepped onto the stage suddenly stabbed him with a wooden spear, causing a scream that broke through the air.

Lu Bu dialed it randomly, but failed to deflect it and had to take half a step back to avoid the tip of the spear.

"Oh——!" "Well done! That brother!" "Work harder! Knock him off the stage!"

Although it was a sneak attack, it made Lu Bu, who was as steady as a rock after taking the stage, move his steps, and all the warriors in the audience cheered as if they had done it themselves.

"You have done well and you are worthy of being remembered by me." Lu Bu looked at the spear-wielding warrior.

"I'm Guan Hai, keep your strength, but unfortunately, I'm still not your enemy," the young man in his twenties replied, then his arm shook violently, and the wooden spear in his palm fell to the ground with a snap: "This kind of profound spiral 'The skill is just a casual move..."

"Want to learn?" Lu Bu looked Guan Hai up and down and said a few more words: "If something happens to you here, you can go to Wuyuan to find me."

After a brief interlude, Lu Bu resumed the cycle of knocking off anyone who came. As the morale of the onlookers dropped again and again, it was only a matter of time before he won the first place in this martial arts competition.

On the viewing platform, many civil and military officials began to discuss how to continue the assessment of warriors "other than Lu Bu". Among them was a man who was over his age, with a ferocious face, a strong build, and a flaming red serrated long knife on his waist. He looked at it from a distance. Lu Bu showed a satisfied smile.

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