The Collection of The End

Chapter 472 The Biography of Cao Cao (7)

——A.D. 177——

Obviously, Cao Cao's little plan was seen through. Although he punished Jian Shuo's uncle under the banner of Zhang Rang, which caused a lot of conflict between the two ten regular servants, it was far from breaking up. It was so embarrassing that after the two parties reached a consensus through the mediation of an intermediary, they turned around and kicked out the troublemaker Cao Mengde.

Since Cao Song was the chief minister at the time and controlled most of the Ling Emperor's income, and Yuan Shao, who had to follow Cao Cao, also had the support of the Yuan family of the Fourth Generation and the Third Duke, the Shi Chang Shi did not dare to do anything, and did not send Cao Cao to where. A small border county.

Dunqiu belongs to Dongjun. It is separated from Luoyang by an entire Yanzhou. It can be said that it has been completely separated from the political center. In addition, since Yanzhou does not have a leading family like the Yuan family and the Yang family, the division of power in the entire state is relatively uneven. Chaos, no matter what decree Cao Cao wants to issue, there will always be more than one party whose interests are harmed and will stop it.

Apparently, the Shi Chang Shi's idea was to put this "unafraid of the powerful" Wei from northern Luoyang, who had risen to power, and placed him idle for a few years in a position where it was almost impossible to achieve political achievements. After his deeds were forgotten, he would find some mistakes to make. punishment.

"Dunqiu" was renamed "Shunqiu" during Wang Mang's period. Perhaps the implicit meaning of Shi Changshi's treatment is that if you don't "follow" us, you have to stop here.

Although the escort teams of the Cao family and the Yuan family were powerful, they could not stay in Dunqiu for a long time. In fact, according to Han law, officials who were transferred had to go alone, unless they were those who did not serve and only acted as staff. So those who came with Cao Cao, besides those servants, were Yuan Shao, Ding Yi and Bian Ling who had just married Cao Cao, and... Cai Wan, Cai Zhenji, and Cai Yan, Cai Wenji, who were only four years old, had somehow sneaked in.

"Go back? Don't be stupid, Mr. Cao, who do you think our sisters had to leave Luoyang because of?" When Cao Cao persuaded Miss Cai to return to Luoyang without any hope, she said as expected: "Your 'firebreak' strategy was completed well. Shi Changshi was in a state of panic. Zhang Rang had no intention of paying attention to the fact that he had been robbed of a singer. But Jian Shuo went around to select singers in order to make up for the rift between the two. The dancer sent it to him, and she even made an idea on my head~"

Even though you should be angry, what's with that "they have a good idea" look on your face? Cao Cao had nothing to say and waited for Cai Wan to continue.

"Of course, they didn't dare to treat a censor's daughter like a commoner's daughter. They just let out word that His Majesty admired my talent and hoped that I would come to the palace to perform music, and then quietly put pressure on my father." Cai Wan said with a sneer. Said.

"Ha! Just kidding, that fatuous emperor hated strong and courageous women because his relatives interfered with politics when he was young. All the concubines he took were weak and sad. I'm afraid he would be frightened when he saw Zhenji. You have to tremble." The "substitute" laughed at him.

The "double" is now more and more capable. When he was young, he could not leave him for too long. Recently, he can go out for a day or two without being seen. This is naturally a good thing for gathering intelligence, but his personality is really - could it be Are those actually your true thoughts? Cao Cao couldn't help but be so suspicious.

"So, you were afraid that Mr. Cai would be implicated, and you were worried that he and his servants could not take care of Wen Ji, so you followed her?" Cao Cao asked.

"Humph, why are you afraid of being implicated? The old man has been upright all his life. It is almost impossible to find fault with him." Cai Wan shook his wrist out of thin air, as if plucking the strings: "I was afraid. I beat all the ten permanent servants. What should I do if Wang Yue comes to trouble me?"

Now even the sharp-tongued "substitute" had nothing to say. In the end, Cao Cao had to place the sisters alone in a courtyard near the county magistrate's palace, and sent some maids and guards to take care of them, and made Protective look.


Yanzhou government office, Chen Liu.

"Mengde, when are you going to go back to Dunqiu to deal with those officials from aristocratic families who are acting against you?" In a restaurant,

Cao Cao, who had changed into casual clothes, was looking out of the window, while Yuan Shao was busy eating. After he seemed to feel almost full, he raised his head and asked: "If you want me to say, just arrest them all and replace them with obedient people. What?" Everything is settled."

"This matter is not as simple as you think, Benchu." Cao Cao shook his head slowly, looking out the window with eyes as sharp as a falcon: "A group of mere county officials dare to disobey the orders of the superior officials appointed by the imperial court. If no one instigates it, even Ang'er won't believe it."

Since Dunqiu's work could not be carried out, Cao Cao followed the clues and found Chen Liu, but the clue was lost. It was noon, so he found a restaurant to have dinner with Yuan Shao and Cai Wan who came with him, and the Cai sisters were at this time. Another private room next to Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.

"Oh, my eldest nephew is indeed quite clever." Yuan Shao nodded repeatedly.

"I'm too clever. That kid cried when he saw on earth did he see it..." the "substitute" said dullly beside me.

Cao Ang is now half a year old and is Cao Cao's eldest son, born to his wife Ding Yi. This fact shocked all the family members who obviously knew how much Cao Cao liked his concubine Bian Ling. Only Cao Cao's mother Ding and Ding Yi themselves had no idea about this. Accident.

After that, everyone realized that the wives and concubines came in at the same time. Although the matter was urgent, Ding's mother's family must have been dissatisfied. It was probably through Ding and Cao Cao that an agreement was reached. For example, the first wife Ding Yi gave birth to the eldest son. Previously, concubine Bian Ling was not allowed to be pregnant.

Moreover, unlike outsiders' imagination, Cao Cao's wives and concubines had a very good relationship. This was probably related to the fact that Ding had done ideological work early and Bian Ling, as a singer, would not fight for anything.

As for the "substitute", he felt very embarrassed about seeing Cao Cao's wives and concubines - even if others could not see him. Therefore, after Cao Cao got married, he no longer entered the back house and only stayed in the study or guest room for the night.

But what is unexpected is that Cao Ang seems to be able to see his "substitute" since he was born. When he occasionally sees him, he struggles to be hugged by him. Naturally, Ding Yi or Bian Ling don't know how hard the young master is struggling against the air, so they forcefully carry him away. After that, there was a lot of crying, and now it has become a certain chain of conditions: seeing the "substitute", asking for a hug, refusing to hug, crying in sadness, and finally simplified to, seeing the "substitute", crying.

Cao Cao would not tell his "substitute" about this wonderful and funny misunderstanding.

"Ha..." Cao Cao's face softened slightly when he thought of his tough-headed son: "I think Wen Ji likes him quite a lot. It's good to have an older sister to 'take care of' him since he was a child."

"No, no, according to seniority, Wenji is Ang'er's aunt." Yuan Shao thought quickly this time.

"It's aunt? Are you sure? Not aunt?" Cao Cao deliberately put on a puzzled face.

"Ah... is she an aunt? Wait, let me do the math. Meng De and I are the same age. It was the first year of Yongshou, and now it is the sixth year of Xiping... So Meng De and I should be about twenty to two, and Zhenji's Approximate age..." Yuan Shao started to twitch his fingers.

"Hee hee~ You old man with a bad brain~" A cute little girl in emerald green clothes with her hair tied into a pair of buns ran in from the door and made a face at Yuan Shao: "No matter how old my sister is, I am Aang's aunt~ "

"Ah, I see, Meng De, you lied to me again." Yuan Shao slapped the table.

The same three sentences as before...Cao Cao turned away and said, "I never said that seniority is related to age."

"Lord Mengde," facing Cao Cao, Cai Wenji bowed politely, but because she was too petite and her movements were out of shape, she gave people a funny and cute feeling: "Sister said that she has noticed the clue. He is using the 'Magic of Confusion' to lead that person here, just hold on and wait for the fat man who is being chased as he runs past the hotel door."


"Don't run away, thief!" "You guys, stop him quickly!"

A moment later, as there was a commotion on the market streets, a well-dressed fat man who was obviously a rich man was running in front, followed by a strong, bald young man with a ferocious face who was chasing after him. The rich man left behind to stop him. The bodyguard who was guarding him couldn't even slow down the young man at all. He was knocked away from his position. Even if he was blocking the road, he would hit the roadside wall if he was casually pushed by the young man.

"Haha... we are really familiar with each other." Cao Cao looked at the fat man from near and far and sneered.

This person called himself Li Yong when he was in Dunqiu. He was a businessman with a semi-official status who specialized in purchasing supplies for various yamen. When many petty officials and minor officials violated Cao Cao's orders, he was the only one who delivered them as scheduled. Cao Cao requested to purchase items, but the problem was that he claimed to be going to Xuzhou, so why did Chenliu, the governor of Yanzhou, appear earlier than himself? The direction is completely opposite.

"Tsk, that's careless," the "substitute" said with a hint of annoyance: "When I followed him, I found that he never contacted any aristocratic family or officials in Dunqiu territory, but the orders and instructions must have been conveyed in the process of completing the transaction. "

"The power of the Yanzhou family is complicated. We couldn't find out whose territory Dunqiu belongs to at the moment, but now it seems that it is Chen Liu who has never paid attention to it." Cao Cao sneered: "——Zhang family."

"Huh? Isn't that Zhang Mengzhuo's family?" Yuan Shao said in surprise.

"That's why we are so clear about our preferences and styles. Zhang Miao said that he is not valued in the family. He is so humble. Their family obviously thinks highly of him and will put ears and eyes around him." Cao Cao shook his head: "If there is a chance, If so, support Meng Zhuo to come back and inherit the family business. Such a petty master's family will be destroyed sooner or later because he offends the wrong people."

"Just like you?" the "substitute" teased.

"After we capture him, we will bring him directly back to Dunqiu." Cao Cao gathered up his clothes and climbed up the window of the restaurant: "We don't need him to explain anything. If his relationship with Zhang is exposed, it will be detrimental to the current situation. We just If there is a rumor in Dunqiu that 'Li Yong has been captured from Chenliu', those little officials who can adapt to the wind will be obedient."

During the conversation, the muscular fat man had already reached the downstairs of the restaurant. Cao Cao suddenly pounced from upstairs. Taking advantage of the situation, he directly pressed Li Yong to the ground and put his sword on the side of his neck: "I haven't seen you for a few days. I miss you so much, Businessman Li who was going to Xuzhou?"

"Uh - this is, it's a misunderstanding!" The fat man's eyes turned sharply.

"Unfortunately, our plan does not require you to explain anything." The "substitute" swung the hilt of his sword and knocked the businessman unconscious.

"Hey! That's my prey!" At this time, the bald young man also chased after him: "He defrauded my fellow villagers of a large sum of money, and I am about to take him back!"

"Hey! This guy seems to be very strong! The fat man is already running out of breath, and he doesn't even break a sweat." The "substitute" circled around the bald young man, taking advantage of the fact that the other party couldn't see him.

"Oh? He only deceived one person from your hometown?" Cao Cao looked the young man up and down: "But he deceived an entire county of mine. I have to take him back and give an explanation to the villagers. What do you say?"

"This..." the young man scratched his bald head: "Of course, the people of the entire county are more important. I'll go with you. I have to make sure that the people in your county won't beat him to death, and you have to leave your last breath to me. That fellow countryman."

So the custom there is to beat the liar to death directly?

"It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. People from Chenliu Yamen should be here soon," Cao Cao looked at the people pointing around him: "We will discuss the specific situation as we go."

"Okay!" The bald young man raised his hand and grabbed the fat man by his collar, then lifted him up and carried him on his shoulders: "Where are we going?"

"Dunqiu, it's not too far from here, but we have to go to the chariot and horse station to pick up our carriage first." Cao Cao led the way: "My name is Cao Cao, Cao Mengde. Do you know the name of the warrior?"

"My name is Dian Wei. I'm a local. I don't have any Chinese characters. Just call me Lao Dian." Dian Wei carried the fat man on his shoulders and followed him all the way as if he had no burden.

At this time, above the restaurant.

"Uh-huh--it's stuck--" Yuan Shao, who originally wanted to imitate Cao Cao and jump out of the window, was stuck by the window and could not move.

"See, this is what happens if you eat too much." Cai Wan said to Cai Yan, while raising her strong and thick harp and approaching: "I'm here to help you."

"That's not called a helping hand, right?"


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