The Collection of The End

Chapter 477 The Biography of Dong Zhuo (6)

——AD 178——

Bingzhou and Wuyuan County.

"A plague breaks out in Luoyang, and the entire Sili is under martial law. People are only allowed in and out. It can be said that this is a God-given opportunity to raise troops!" In a fortress of the Lu family, Li Ru, wearing a scribe's robe, was hanging in a room. In the conference hall with a huge map of the Thirteen States of the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo and his subordinates were explained the current situation.

With a disguised fanaticism on his face, he looked around at the generals, waiting for them to say something like "Then raise an army!"

However, many generals just looked at him blankly, as if waiting for him to continue speaking, and seemed not to understand the meaning of this sentence at all.

Lu Bu was wandering around, as was Guan Hai, who was recruited by him. Gao Shun, who was poached from Ding Yuan by Dong Zhuo, was taciturn. As for Niu Fu and Hua Xiong, who followed from Liangzhou, they looked completely incomprehensible. , however, there was a young man named Zhang Liao who was eager to try, but unfortunately he was underage and not qualified to speak.

Why are all my father-in-law’s men so stupid? Li Ru thought rather depressingly, if Jia Xu, who was said to have outstanding intelligence and scheming, was here, he wouldn't have to play the piano to others.

"Wenhe," Dong Zhuo saw that his son-in-law was putting on airs and could not stand up, so he said: "If you want them to do something, just say it directly. If they need to use their brains, it will take more time."

"That's right!" Lu Bu was the first to respond this time: "You just need to tell me where to go, who to kill, and how many to kill."

"...Hey!" Li Ru stared at his brother-in-law for a moment, then finally sighed and decided to break the original plan into pieces and explain it in detail.

"As you all know, Yue..." Li Ru almost bit his tongue. Because Lu Bu was present, he subconsciously brought out the private name and could only temporarily change the title: "...My lord once served under the general Zhang Huan. , fought against the rebel Qiang invaders in Liangzhou."

"But this time Tanshihuai invaded in a large scale, why didn't General Zhang go to war? Without him, he was withdrawn because he had no money to hand over the money needed for mobilization." Li Ru found that in order to explain his plan clearly, he had to start from When the story started, I almost wanted to give up, but because of Dong Zhuo's slow nodding, I persisted.

"Don't think you are very strong just because those three paid 'Zhonglang Generals' defeated Tan Shihuai like a beast. That is our victory!" Li Ru's words instantly shocked everyone in the hall. The military generals were reminded that this was the most glorious result of Dong Zhuo's Bingzhou team in recent times.

If they hadn't defeated Tan Shihuai's forward, causing his army to have no fighting spirit, it would be a matter of doubt whether the so-called three-pronged army could win.

Especially Lu Bu. Under his planning, domineering titles such as "Thousand Killer" and "Flying General" were all given to Lu Bu. In the later period, as long as the banner with the word "Lv" was raised, all the barbarians Will look for the wind and run away.

Lu Bu's [Wushuang], which happens to be called "Wushuang", is an active activation type. When activated, violent black and red lightning will fall from the sky, knocking out all enemies within close range. Those who are blocked or further away will be knocked unconscious. After being shocked, the lightning will wrap around Lu Bu's body, greatly enhancing his lethality while also blocking any damage.

So far, the only shortcoming is that after Wushuang ends, Lu Bu's weapon will instantly collapse. Unless he finds a truly epic weapon, he will have to find a spare weapon every time he activates Wushuang.

"We defeated the barbarian invasions twice in a row. The latest one has severely damaged the vitality of the Tanshihuai tribe. It is said that the tribe has been divided internally. Therefore, it is impossible to invade again without recovering its vitality for decades," Li Ru continued to explain: "...In the eyes of the money-grubbing emperor, Hu's troubles have been eliminated, and adding additional titles has no effect except a waste of money. Therefore, the soldiers of the border army who risked their lives to fight have nothing but a false position - and maybe a civilian job - - There is absolutely no other compensation possible."


So we should raise an army to seek justice for them? Lu Bu bared his teeth and said, "Very good. I have long disliked Ding Yuan." "

Even if they really raise troops, they will not pass by Ding Yuan's jurisdiction! You just want to vent your anger at how he almost made you a civil servant!

"'s not us who want to raise troops, but the Bian family and the Han family. In these two battles to counterattack the Hu invaders, only the Qiang people were unscathed, and as other Hu people's forces began to weaken, their willingness to expand It's getting stronger." At this point, Li Ru had almost explained this simple plan completely, just waiting for someone to understand and answer the question.

But it is a pity that the expressions of the generals in front of them have not changed at all from before.

"That's it, Wen You, I'll do the rest." Seeing that his son-in-law looked like he wanted to vomit blood, Dong Zhuo waved his hand to ask him to step back, and the bewildered generals instantly became energetic.

"I, Dong Zhuo and Dong Zhongying, have good friendships with many Qiang tribes, as you all know. Therefore, I deliberately preserved their strength in the two counterattacks against the Hu people," Dong Zhuo said loudly: "However, among these tribes, , there is a group of ambitious people who have betrayed their trust and colluded with the powerful families of Xiliang, Bian Zhang and Han Sui, and are planning to take advantage of those fools in Luoyang to invade, occupy Liangzhou, and break the soil to become king!"

"Beat these separatist grandsons!" "When are we going to set off!" "Give me the order! Lord!" This time the generals reacted very quickly and started making noises one after another.

You shouldn't reason with them... Li Ru pressed his forehead and directly stated the speculation based on the intelligence as facts. The effect was unexpectedly good? By the way, doesn’t anyone question Luoyang’s idiots?

"No hurry," Dong Zhuo pressed down his hands: "This group of rebels is short of troops, so they will launch an attack together with the rebel Qiang, but in this way, their own rear area will become very empty. I have already sent a letter, please Jia Xu contacted the Qiang people who had not rebelled and cut off their escape route."

"Close the door and beat the dog, but catch the turtle in the jar!" Li Ru blurted out.

Because it was so vivid, Li Ru's words won unanimous approval from all the generals this time.

"Finally, to answer Fengxian's question," Dong Zhuo nodded to Lu Bu and raised the "Shura" on his waist, "We will go to Liangzhou's Meiyang' and launch a full counterattack against the rebels when they arrive. As for the number, ...Those who don’t surrender will die!”

"Oh!" all the generals shouted.

Meiyang is where the former Han emperor's tomb was located. If it were lost, the princes of Luoyang would ignore the emperor and the plague and directly send troops to suppress the rebellion. At the same time, its deep enough position also ensured that the rebels would have separated out near the area when they arrived. Half of the manpower was used to manage the occupied city, and since their purpose was to break up the soil and become king, they would not cause too much damage to the occupied land. In addition, the father-in-law had been operating in Liangzhou for many years.

Although it was his own plan, Li Ru still shuddered slightly when he thought about this.

If this plan succeeds, the lord will become the lord of a state without any effort!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Han Dynasty is in a precarious situation at this time. Being able to obtain an entire state far away from the Central Plains where military strategists must fight will have immeasurable benefits for the future.

It is said that when Qin lost its deer, all the heroes chased it away, but at this time the deer of the Han Dynasty... haha.

Moreover, according to the intelligence coming from various places, it seems that there are quite a few demons and monsters who are interested in this.


"Wenyou, you have to work harder."

"Yes! I will do my best!"

Li Ru, who was distracted, immediately responded loudly after hearing Dong Zhuo's words.

"Uh...that's not necessary."

"And your small body, tsk tsk."

Hearing Dong Zhuo's slight embarrassment and Lu Bu's obviously sarcastic words, Li Ru realized that the military meeting had ended and that he was returning to the back house with his father-in-law and a certain brother-in-law who was outstanding in martial arts.

As for the topic they just discussed, Li Ru just wanted to facepalm when he recalled it. They were discussing the fact that Dong Bai and Lu Lingqi were already three years old, but there was no movement from Li Ru's side...

At this time, the three of them were sipping tea in the pavilion in the middle of the lake in the garden, while looking at the two young ladies playing by the lake from a distance. Of course, they were all under the care of a group of servants and maids.

Dong Zhuo's granddaughter Dong Bai is a plump little girl. Perhaps because of the Hu blood in Dong Zhuo's ancestors, she has a delicate and cute appearance, her round eyes are a little blue, and her hair color is faintly pink. Although she can't walk very well. Not stable, but likes to run around in the courtyard on his short legs.

The only problem is that, except for rocks, soil and wood, she wants to stuff everything in her mouth whenever she sees it. At this time, the maids have to snatch it away in a hurry and replace it with pastries, fruits or something.

As for Lu Bu's daughter Lu Lingqi, she is relatively slender and has been quiet since she was a child. She doesn't cry or make trouble. Her expression is very serious at a young age. When Dong Bai would call Dong Qing "Dad", she would bow to Lu Bu in a mocking manner. , calling him "Father".

It is said that Lu Bu was furious at that time and went around to find out who taught him the title, and dared to deprive him of the right to be called daddy.

When the two little girls met each other for the first time, it was not accurate to call them like old friends at first sight - when Lu Lingqi was about to salute, Dong Bai jumped on her and kissed her face.

"First," Dong Zhuo looked at the two little girls and a group of maids from a distance, and said to his son-in-law: "It is said that you awakened the 'Wushuang' at the age of five. I don't know how long it will take Lingqi to do it."

"Women themselves are not easy to awaken, I guess-" Lu Bu stood up suddenly in the middle of his words.

I saw Dong Bai picking another flower by the road and trying to stuff it into his mouth. When the maid behind him hurriedly tried to stop her, she accidentally slipped and fell into the pond, causing a huge splash of water to hit the two girls. go.


At that moment, Dong Zhuo seemed to see the majestic Great Wall that he had seen on the border between Youzhou and Bingzhou. The vision flashed past. When he looked again, it was Lu Lingqi who opened a transparent, huge round shield in front of the two of them. The water splash was firmly blocked outside.

Could it be that destiny is really on my side?

Dong Zhuo ignored Lu Bu who flew over, and the servant girl who had just crawled out of the pool and was kowtowing. He just stared at Lu Lingqi, whose face was not red and breathless, and seemed to have no energy, and thought seriously.

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