The Collection of The End

Chapter 480 The Biography of Lu Bu (3)

——AD 178——


According to Lu Bu's idea, now that the strategy of ambushing the Liangzhou rebels in Meiyang has been decided, the next step is for the two "smart people" Li Ru and Jia Xu to perform, using some methods to increase troops, reduce the number of enemies, and lure the enemy. In-depth, ambushing from all sides, and beating dogs with closed doors and other strategies that are difficult to understand but are very powerful, bring the rebels together. Finally, he will appear as the finale, activate "Wu Shuang", and directly kill those who are thousands of people. Still tens of thousands of people were beaten away, the whole process was simply perfect.

But who will tell him why, as a general, he has to go to villages outside the county to recruit troops in person?

"Village Chief!" Lu Bu stabbed the painted halberd - this one was newly cast after Kai Wushuang melted it - on the ground with a clang. The tremor caused even the nearby trees, stone tables and chairs to tremble: "Are there any warriors in your village who are willing to fight with me?"

This is an unknown village under the jurisdiction of Fuping County, Beidi County, Liangzhou. Judging from the old and new houses and the clothes of the villagers, it is not rich, but it cannot be called poor. It may have a name, but Lu Bu is too lazy to remember it.

Think about it, a state has at least ten counties, each county has more than ten or twenty counties, and each county has dozens of villages, so... write down the names of the villages one by one? If you are not a smart guy like Jia Xu and Li Ru, you'd better not ask for trouble.

"Oh..." The village chief was an old man with gray hair and wrinkles on his face. He turned a blind eye to the dangerous painted halberd and just looked at Lu Bu up and down. Finally, he nodded as if to confirm: "If it were you, general, there should be two Sixteen young people will jump out and follow you out of admiration."


When Lu Bu was trying to understand the meaning of this sentence, there were chaotic footsteps and the collision of armor and weapons outside the courtyard of the village chief's house. It sounded like there were about ten or twenty people.

When I walked out of the gate, I saw exactly twenty-six young and middle-aged men standing outside, loosely lined up in two lines. Most of them were wearing thick cloth and carrying hoes, logging axes, hunting bows, etc. The equipment was more like farm tools than weapons. Only the one who looked like the leader was wearing light hard leather armor and holding a single pig iron sword.

"Well, that kid is hiding something secret." Lu Bu was frowning when he heard the village chief say to him: "Twenty-five peasants, one militiaman, a total of three hundred coins, the general can take them all away."

"Too little!" Lu Bu said in surprise, ten dollars per person?

After saying these words, Lu Bu felt that the "peasants" looked at him with much more eager eyes, and the village chief also looked quite surprised - could he have said the wrong thing?

"Well, if the general has never gone to the village to recruit troops in person and has always taken the lead when charging into battle, he may not know about this." The village chief smacked his lips and gave up on taking the opportunity to raise the price: "These three hundred dollars are actually for me. Yes, those young men can’t get it at all, and the money they have to spend far exceeds this amount.”

"...I would like to hear the details." Lu Bu chose Li Ruhui who would speak in response to this situation.

"If I guess correctly, the general must have come to form a new army. Otherwise, just post a recruitment notice in the county. There is no reason to deliberately recruit 'new soldiers.'" the village chief said.

"Are they recruiting 'veterans' in the counties?" Lu Bu asked.

"That's right," the village chief said: "Meteorites fall from the sky, spiritual energy is revived, and those who have awakened 'Wushuang' may work for the court, or become lone rangers. However, will the little soldiers who have not awakened Wushuang remain unchanged? Not necessarily - —Their ability to escape has been greatly strengthened. After escaping from the battlefield, those who do not want to return to their hometowns will gather in the county and county offices to wait for recruitment, and are naturally regarded as 'veterans'."

"It's better to call him a 'deserter' than a 'veteran'." Lu Bu laughed.

"The general really charges forward and never looks back." The village chief shook his head: "If he is seriously injured and on the verge of death,

If people who have to crawl away from the battlefield are also called deserters, then the threshold for a 'warrior' is much higher. "

"Wait a minute? Those officers and generals don't rescue the wounded?" Lu Bu asked again in surprise, and once again felt the eager eyes of more than 20 "peasants".

"The wounded? They have been judged as 'killed in action'," the village chief paused. "Could it be that the new army that the general wants to establish has doctors and is willing to use the 'talisman water' that costs a hundred dollars a piece?" ?”

"Yes..." Lu Bu thought about the logistics reserves: "Is it that kind of yellow paper with strange patterns written on it?"

After once again feeling the almost admiring looks of the "peasants", Lu Bu finally settled the score: "In the minds of those generals, instead of spending a hundred dollars to treat seriously injured soldiers, it is better to spend twenty to fifty dollars to recruit new ones." of?"

"More than that, as I said just now, in addition to the equipment that is equipped for them, the money that the soldiers themselves have to spend also includes 'military pay'," the village chief said: "The longer the war, the stronger the soldiers are, and they can be equipped with more sophisticated weapons and equipment. The more soldiers will be paid, the more military pay they will be paid. If he is 'killed', not only can he give his equipment to other soldiers, but he can also save the military pay. But the heavy infantry or archer who abandoned his helmet and armor, was seriously injured and escaped, After recovering from the injury, the strength will be about the same as that of the militiamen. If things go on like this, although the counties can recruit troops quickly, they will only recruit veterans and have almost no room for improvement. Therefore, the general is really trying to start from scratch. You came here to form a new army and never give up on anyone, right?"

Lu Bu keenly felt that in addition to these more than 20 "peasants", there were dozens of strong men snooping around and listening. Although their steps were weak and feeble, they had the habit of concealment that they had developed through years of fighting, and they were quietly Listen and wait for Lu Bu's response to the village chief's question.

Lu Bu suddenly understood that these were... soldiers who had been "killed" in the Han frontier army's battles with the Hu people over the years. After they returned home to recuperate, they worked in agriculture and business, and became the "military service population" in official statistics. Those officials only We knew that soldiers would die in battle and that the military service population would grow over time, but we never noticed the relationship between the two.

If you build an army with a specific size and never replace its personnel, its combat effectiveness will soar to the sky. Although its individual combat effectiveness is not as good as that of "unparalleled generals", it will still be useless against the weaker "unparalleled warriors" with more than ten moves. The problem is, the tradition that one can defeat a hundred by understanding "unparalleled" will be completely inapplicable in front of this army.

Likewise, its maintenance cost will be sky-high. Although Dong Zhuo is very rich as the ranger commander of Liangzhou and Bingzhou, it would still be very difficult to get him to agree. If it is Li Ru, or the one who is only famous If Jia Xu, whom we have never met, comes forward...


This time, in order to counter the rebellion of Bian Zhang and Han Sui, Dong Zhuo could no longer rely on the stragglers of the rangers to fight, so he deliberately sent Lu Bu, Gao Shun, Guan Hai, Niu Fu, Hua Xiong and other generals to recruit troops, while Li Ruhe did not do anything. The civil servants on the stage are preparing logistics.

What did Li Wenyou say at that time? ——Let it go and do it without having to save money for the master.

How can a soldier who earns ten or twenty cents a piece "not save money"? Mass recruitment? of course not.

The right approach is to form a super elite with a fixed number of people, well-equipped, invincible and invincible troops!

Lu Bu used his brain at an unprecedented speed, and thought of his words before the enthusiasm in the eyes of those "peasants" faded. Then he stabbed the painting halberd hard on the bluestone ground, and the crisp cracking sound attracted everyone's attention.

"As everyone knows, Liangzhou is invaded by barbarians several times every year. With the stubborn resistance of all the soldiers and civilians, very few of our villages and counties were plundered. In the end, the Qiang people surrendered and accepted the rule of the Han Dynasty. The remaining The wild Qiang and rebel Qiang are not worth mentioning." Lu Bu's words greatly praised the soldiers who were listening in secret, making them slightly excited.

"Not long ago, King Tan Shihuai of the Xiongnu led a three-pronged army to invade, but was repelled by three generals led by three lieutenants. Although the losses were relatively large, the soldiers were all heroes——" Lu Bu said this, and vaguely heard someone whispering. Discussion: Those Zhonglang generals are complete losers. Without Mr. Dong to repel the forwards, they would have been defeated long ago, so they knew they were safe this time.

"Now, Bian Zhang and Han Sui of Xiliang, taking advantage of the plague in Luoyang and the failure of government orders, brazenly colluded with almost all the Qiang rebels and invaders, intending to occupy the entire territory of Liangzhou!" Lu Bu waved his hand: "My name is Lu Bu, Feng Yue... …My lord Dong Zhuo has ordered us to recruit warriors willing to resist them, including an elite group that belongs directly to me!”

At this time, Lu Bu thought of what Li Ru said about his fighting style: If Kong has the ambition to enter the battlefield, but lacks unparalleled means, such a reckless fighting method will inevitably lead to death but not life.

"The ambition to trap! There is no life or death! Its name is——" In order to increase his momentum, Lu Bu directly activated "Wushuang", and the electric light flashed all over his body. In order to avoid affecting the surrounding "peasants", he used the lightning that would have spread out. It turned into a dazzling red and black thunder and shot straight into the sky: "[Trapped in the camp]!"

"Is there anyone willing to follow me!?" Lu Bu turned around, thunder covering his body, like a god or demon.

Many young men who had been listening around came out one after another. In addition to the "peasants" who had "jumped out", there were fifty or sixty people. They vaguely formed a formation headed by the "militia" from the beginning.

"I'm the Swordsman Zhang Ke," the militiaman said with cupped hands: "All my colleagues here are willing to follow Lord Fengxian, but there are nearly a thousand people in the surrounding villages and towns. Please stay here for a while, and we will send people as soon as possible. Go contact them.”

Oh... the "deaths" of the whole system must have been caused by serious mistakes in decision-making by those "Zhonglang Generals". No wonder they had to go to counties to accept recruitment.

Lu Bu turned to look at the village chief, and saw the old man rubbing his hands and making a "five" sign... Taking the opportunity to raise the price?

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