The Collection of The End

Chapter 489 Biography of Sun Jian (2)

——A.D. 179——

Xuzhou, Xiapi County Government.

"Begging for the traitor captain?" Sun Jian, who was the magistrate of Xiapi County at the time, looked at the transfer order sent by the court: "Compared with the county magistrate, is it higher or lower?"

"There are differences between civil and military affairs, so it's hard to compare. However, some school captains can serve as county captains, while some can only serve as county captains." County Prime Minister Zhou Yi responded.

"Hmm..." Sun Jian was hesitant. Gein's "recruitment" this time was not the previous "flat calls". The recruitment order clearly stated "resignation and appointment, change based on merit."

This means that he has to quit his job as a "county magistrate" and go to Liangzhou as a "camp captain" to quell the rebellion. Then, after declaring merit and rewards, he will decide on a new official position. He may be promoted due to a great victory, or he may be promoted due to a great victory. Defeated and dismissed.

This time the imperial court recruited "Three Rivers Knights", the coverage area did not originally include Xuzhou. This unique recruitment order was obviously sent to Sun Wentai deliberately in accordance with the wishes of some people in the imperial court. The implicit content was roughly "You boy." I refuse to pay for promotion every time, so I keep standing still. This time I will give you a chance to get promoted without paying, so you’re welcome.”

Sun Jian, who had learned about the "rules" from Zhou Yi, just wanted to overturn the table. He didn't want this "opportunity" at all!

The "money" required for promotion has been prepared. At just three years old, the tiger-headed and tiger-brained son Cheng Huan is born to his knees, and his wife Wu Rong is pregnant again. Sun Jian doesn't want to fight against the Xiliang rebels at all now.

At this time, he deeply understood why his father Sun Zhong was unwilling to become an official - as long as there is someone above him, they can transfer you wherever they want. It is better to stay in Jiangdong, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Feel free and at ease.

Moreover, Sun Jian could not guarantee whether this was another conspiracy of "Yu Ji". That "immortal" always targeted the couple and caused trouble from time to time, which made him feel that out of thin air, he had an old father-in-law who was very dissatisfied with him—— It is said that the Wu family in Wu County is very satisfied with him.

"Brother Zhou, it looks like I'm going to be in a lot of trouble for you this time." Finally, Sun Jian put down the recruitment order and handed over to Zhou Yi.

"No, Wentai, you're welcome. I was originally going back to Lujiang." Zhou Yi returned the gesture.

Since both Sun Jian and Zhou Yi were originally from Jiangdong, they unexpectedly met in Xiapi, a place in the Central Plains. They had a similar temperament and became close friends. Not only did the two ladies become close friends, but Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, who were 18 years old, also became close friends. We felt like old friends at first sight - it seems that this word cannot be used when a three-year-old baby meets?

This time Sun Jian was ordered to go to Xiliang to quell the rebellion. The mountains were high and the roads were far away, so naturally he could not bring his family with him, so he asked Zhou Yi to take them back to his hometown in Yangzhou. I believe the old father who had been talking about his grandson in his letters home would be very happy.


"Master Sun." "I have met the county magistrate." "Master Wentai."

As Sun Jian rode his horse from the county government office to the military camp, many civilian officials he met saluted him and said hello, and Sun Jian responded to them one by one because he was not in a hurry.

As for why Sun Jian is so loved, it is because he has been elected as the county magistrate of three places and has considerable experience in how to govern a county. To put it simply, he only needs to ensure that the people are not attacked by thieves and wild beasts, and strictly punish illegal and disorderly people. Disciples of discipline allow the people to develop on their own without interfering. When everyone performs their duties, the city will prosper on its own.

From a small perspective, a county is like this, and it must be the same for a county, a state, and even a country. The chaos in various places in the Han Dynasty is undoubtedly caused by those greedy eunuchs and officials of all sizes who bend the law for personal gain. ...Hehe, as a small county magistrate, what's the use of thinking about this.

In addition, if there are not enough talents to maintain this "performing his own duties", he may be like those small county magistrates who have no subordinates and are ignored by major aristocratic families. When he turns a corner, he sees the military camp appear. Sun Jian thought like this when he was in front of him.

"I have met the young master." Before Sun Jian was about to enter the military camp, he said

A thin man wearing dark armor and holding two swords jumped out from the woods beside the road and saluted him.

"Great glory..." Sun Jian sighed: "The Art of War says, don't enter the forest. No matter what the situation, ordinary people will be on guard against the forest. Even if you practice again, you won't achieve much results."

This person's surname is Mao, and he is one of the four "unparalleled generals" sent by Sun Zhong to obey Sun Jian's orders. He is flexible in movement and good at using two swords. His "unparalleled" is called "Chuan Lin", which means "can freely move in the forest". This is a baffling effect that moves in the forest and cannot be detected when hidden.

If the enemy refuses to enter the woods, he will have to jump out and attack, and then this "unparalleled" will automatically fail... so what is the point of it?

"Young Master is right, young Master, go this way." Zu Mao probably heard too many words and refused to refute it at all.

"Strike! Kill! Keep up the momentum! You guys! Haven't you eaten?" As soon as he entered the military camp, Sun Jian heard a strong and rough voice scolding the soldiers.

It was a strong man wearing simple leather armor, with a strong build and sparse hair. His name was Huang Gai, whose courtesy name was Gongcui. He had a strange-shaped weapon on his back that could barely be called a "yue". It looked like it belonged to a The type that will hurt you if you use it incorrectly.

Huang Gai is a bit old, but he is very good at training soldiers. I don't know where his father recruited veterans. His "unparalleled" and "bitter meat" are a bit hard to describe. "The more injured you are, the stronger your combat effectiveness." Just listen to it. It sounds good, but this "injury" must come from a friendly force or himself, is said that he greatly admired Taiping Dao's Fu Shui and Jiuhua Gyokuro Pills.

Sun Jian did not interfere with Huang Gai's training and went straight to the military tent. Then he saw Cheng Pu and Cheng Demou in the tent who were dealing with a pile of letters and making arrangements for the long march.

Among all the generals sent by his father Sun Zhong, this is the one who looks most like a civilian official. Although he is tall, he has an elegant appearance and elegant manners. He is very good at leading troops, making plans, and administering policies. He likes to be praised most by others. " "Both civil and military", and the oldest, Sun Jian treated him as a teacher and called him "Cheng Gong".

However, no one is perfect. The weapon Cheng Pu uses is a weird double-headed crescent shovel, which he refuses to change even if he is ridiculed by Huang Gai. Moreover, the awakened Wushuang is called a "water monster" and its function is that it can stay underwater for a long time. Holding your breath...has no use at all, okay?

"Mr. Cheng," Sun Jian paused at the door, then entered the tent with two "unparalleled generals" and saluted Cheng Pu: "The imperial court is in urgent need of recruitment. I wonder when our troops can set off?"

"Young Master," Cheng Pu's expression was very serious. This veteran who always managed Xiapi in an orderly manner for Sun Jian, as if nothing could trouble him, said in a serious tone: "I must let you know that this time During the trip to Liangzhou, we are likely to suffer a big defeat."

"There is a saying in the art of war, 'As a general, you should not worry about victory, but first worry about defeat, so you can fight a hundred battles without danger.'" Sun Jian responded: "But we are still three states away from Liangzhou... Could this be called 'strategizing'?" In the middle, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away'?"

"That's not true." After being complimented by Sun Jian without any trace, Cheng Pu's serious face showed a slight smile: "I just analyzed based on the intelligence collected that the 'Zhenxi General' Zhang Wen is planning to A group of generals were all sent to the sword of the rebels."

"'s not a surprise." Sun Jian nodded.

Even in Yangzhou, Jiangnan and Jiangdong, it is very clear what happened in Luoyang. After all, due to the lack of power coverage, there are more people who dare to speak ill of the "Ten Constant Attendants" or use them as talking points - although some It's just not timely.

Specifically, although after two disasters of party control and the plague incident, they controlled more power, those eunuchs never had the opportunity to reach out to the army. This is also the same as every time the imperial power was in turmoil, there was always a big issue. It is related to the ridiculous situation where the general was killed by the eunuch.

The main force who went to Xiliang to put down the rebellion was Huangfu Song and the Sanhe Knights. No one dared to think about this. If the war failed and the tombs of the former Han Dynasty were dug up, no one who used small tricks would be able to escape, even if You can handle the "Ten Permanent Attendants" and the Emperor, but how do you deal with an angry sword master?

However, if Zhang Wen, who was called a supporter but actually went to pick peaches, wanted to provide support and used his authority to summon an additional group of troops, he fell into the rebels' plan and lost a group of troops who were ineffective in the main war. As for the men, horses and generals affected, Wang Yue would not even look at them.

"The imperial court's formal recruitment of envoys has already completed the mission in the Three Rivers Land. Those recruited will go to the Luoyang camp to report to General Huangfu Song of the Western Expedition," Cheng Pu continued: "However, after this additional batch of recruitment, they will report to General Zhang Wen of the Western Expedition. Most of those reported are disobedient generals who are disgusted with the power of the Ten Constant Attendants or eunuchs, and the rest are those who are 'ignorant of current affairs' like the young master."

Very good, now there are traces of "Yu Ji"'s intervention. Sun Jian thought, he just didn't understand the accident and didn't turn in the "donation" when he was promoted several times. Those big shots would never have the intention to embarrass an upright person. County magistrate.

"So, I guess Cheng Gong already has a solution?" Sun Jian thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out, and finally decided to ask a smart person.

"This 'strategy' is behind the young master." Cheng Pu raised his chin.

Sun Jian turned to look at Zu Mao, but found him pointing to the side with an embarrassed look on his face, and then turned to the other side with a sudden realization: "Of course, of course, Yi Gong's 'Wushuang' is just right at this time."

Han Dang, Han Yigong, is tall and strong, wearing a red armor, holding a huge saber, with a ferocious appearance, and a strange hairstyle and mustache, but he is always ignored by people intentionally or unintentionally, because of his unparalleled , "Shadow Escape": If you don't speak, you will be subconsciously ignored by everyone around you.

The big man exhaled in embarrassment: "Young Master, just say it and forget about me. General - I'm used to it."

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