The Collection of The End

Chapter 498 Biography of Sun Jian (3)

——A.D. 180——

In the seventh year of Xiping, general Huangfu Song led 80,000 Sanhe knights to Fufeng to assist in the defense. The rebellion in Liangzhou was stabilized. Song appreciated the meritorious service of the volunteer soldiers led by Dong Zhuo, the ranger commander, in assisting the defense, and named him General Polu Zhonglang. On the same day , Zhenxi General Zhang Wen took over the defense with the Fufeng County Governor, and arranged for all troops to take turns to garrison, but the defeat of the general was very light.

Fufeng, the main camp of the Zuo Army.

"Yi Gong's 'Wushuang' special effects are quite good!" Sun Jian, wearing red armor and cloak, was standing outside the assigned garrison area of ​​his troops, watching his soldiers camp, and praised Cheng Pu beside him: "General Huangfu knows Our team exists, but they unconsciously ignore who is leading it, which saves us from being pinched several times.”

Due to the overlapping of powers, Huangfu Song, the general who conquered the west, and Zhang Wen, the general who suppressed the west, although they are not on the same page, can be regarded as hating each other. In Sun Jian's view, they obviously represent the scholar-bureaucrats and eunuchs behind the rebellion. There should be no ambiguity on this primary issue, but there is still no problem with the details, such as making things difficult for generals who are leaning towards the other side.

However, when they thought of the 5,000-strong Xiapi militia led by [Han Dang Han Yigong] mixed with Jiangdong soldiers, they would directly treat it as a direct force without a leader. Sun Jian and other generals not only were not embarrassed, but also Enjoyed the benefits given by the two when they wooed ordinary soldiers several times.

Huangfu Song himself was a general who was deeply respected by ordinary soldiers. He himself knew this very well. To express goodwill, he only needed to go around the military camp and praise a few commanders. However, Zhang Wen was not famous and was amiable. Shi Changshi didn't know, so he simply gave extra meals, replenished luggage, and rewarded outstanding weapons and equipment - these were laughed at by Sun Jian and others.

In short, the overall morale of this army that rushed to Fufeng is quite good, but it is not certain how long it can last in the bitter cold land of Liangzhou.

"What the young master said is true," Cheng Pu agreed: "If it weren't for Righteous Gong who could at least make a few people ignored, we might even lead our subordinates to sneak into the rebel camp and capture the leader of the thieves in one go."

"Hmm..." Sun Jian briefly considered what it would take to lead a small number of elites to infiltrate for a beheading operation, and then gave up the plan. Not to mention that Han Dang couldn't do it. Even if he could successfully infiltrate, he didn't have enough men to ride a thousand horses. A strong general who can escort them away after he succeeds - does he want to beat Huang Gai before leaving?

"Young Master! My subordinates have heard clearly!" As soon as he thought of Huang Gai, he rode over from the other direction of the West Camp.

It is said in the art of war that if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger. It would be fine if they were really a direct personal army, but Sun Jian came here specifically to perform meritorious service. What does it mean to always defend the city? So after arriving, they invited Huang Gai, Zu Mao and... oh yes, Han Dang to inquire about information from all parties, and finally asked Cheng Pu to formulate a reliable action plan.

When he came closer, Huang Gai dismounted and said with cupped hands: "Young Master, there are 40,000 volunteers and county soldiers in the Western Camp. There are also thousands of Sanhe wounded soldiers being nursed there, because all of them are almost fatal injuries. , even if you use healing items such as talisman water and golden sore medicine, you are still unable to participate in the battle."

Seriously injured, seriously injured, why do you look so longing for it? That was an injury caused by the enemy, and it could not trigger your "Wu Shuang". Sun Jian endured it again and again, but finally did not speak out directly.

Huang Gai paused. He continued: "According to what they said, there was originally a heavy infantry group called the 'trapped camp' stationed there. They were ordered to go out and have not yet returned. Since the leader is Lu Bu and Lu Fengxian, who is known as having 'the bravery of all men,' so their There was no concern in his tone."

"In addition, when the city defenders were fighting the rebels, they saw from a distance the flags of 'Song', 'Ma', and 'Pang' under the flags of 'Bian' and 'Han' commanders, but ordinary soldiers did not know Not much, so to avoid suspicion, my subordinates did not dare to ask in detail about the battle situation."

"It's just some cavalry," Sun Jian looked at the conspicuous "Huangfu" commander of the left camp and said, "When it's time to take action,

Should we also raise the banner of "Sun"? "

"Young Master, I'm afraid you may have forgotten that Han Dang is the general of this army, so if we want to fight, the word 'Han' is also used." Cheng Pu reminded.

"I haven't forgotten, Han is a general... haha..." Sun Jian laughed dryly.

"Reply to the young master." Zu Mao came from the direction of Fufeng County. Although there is a lot of wasteland and Gobi outside, there are still many artificially planted trees in the county, which is suitable for him who has the "threading forest" to inquire. Condition.

"Zu Mao, did those 'generals' come up with anything from their discussion?" Cheng Pu saw that Sun Jian was still a little embarrassed, so he asked directly on his behalf.

"Everyone knows that Huangfu Song and Zhang Wen are not on good terms. Zhou Shen suffered a defeat and did not dare to speak. As for Dong Zhuo and Dong Zhongying who were just named Polu Generals..." Zu Mao paused: "He seems to look down on Zhang Wen very much. , but respected Huangfu Song, but Huangfu Song was quite indifferent to him. On the contrary, although Zhang Wen was dissatisfied, he was trying to make friends with Dong Zhuo."

"Ah?" Sun Jian was confused after hearing this: "I asked you to find out about possible wars in the near future so that you can attack in advance. What did you find out?"

"Hmm..." Zu Mao took off his red scarf and scratched his head: "To elaborate, Dong Zhuo proposed, 'Since General Huangfu is here in person, we should treat him as a general,' while Huangfu Song said, 'You are a guest from afar, and the guest does as he pleases. , and asked General Dong to continue to command.' At this time, Zhang Wen intervened and said, 'Our ministry will provide sufficient baggage to General Dong to show support.' But Dong Zhuo said, 'It doesn't take Zhang Gong's trouble, my ministry can raise it on its own.'"

"I don't understand even more..."

"You don't know what's normal," Cheng Pu seemed to have heard something from it, and he teased Sun Jian, who looked puzzled, "You will understand what they are talking about when the young master marries a few more concubines."

"Hey, Rong'er will beat me to death." Sun Jian shook his head repeatedly: "Since De Mou has made a plan, I will just listen."

"The subordinate is just talking about the conclusion," Cheng Pu said: "The Ranger Volunteer Army and the Sanhe Knights who are leaning towards General Huangfu and General Zhang respectively will fight on their own in the subsequent counter-rebellion. They will cooperate when it is convenient, and they will cooperate with others when it is inconvenient. The troops turned a blind eye.”

"It's strange...but..." Sun Jian seemed to have some understanding, but couldn't figure it out clearly.

Cheng Pu smiled and said nothing. He could only rely on the young master to come up with the next words. Although the sea was calm at this time, the ferocious reefs hidden under the water would not disappear. Perhaps the master could explain it to the young master in advance. , but those who are their subordinates can only wait for Sun Jian to figure it out - just seeing that he still intends to perform meritorious service for the court, we know that he still has illusions about it.

"Well, we'll talk about it later if we can't figure it out." Sun Jian simply gave up thinking: "Yi Gong hasn't come back yet? It should be safe for him to use his own characteristics to conduct reconnaissance in the rebel-occupied areas."

"Young master, I'm worried about you. This trip went very smoothly." Han Dang responded.

"..." Sun Jian turned around, took a closer look at Han Dang, who had been standing by him from the beginning, and sighed: "No matter how many times I look at it, this 'unparalleled characteristic' that is clearly there but ignored is still making people... I can’t get used to it.”

Huge physique, red armor, huge weapons like knives and axes, as well as fierce appearance and strange hairstyle, a collection of elements that are completely impossible to ignore, but would be ignored like pebbles on the roadside, if not As soon as he takes action or speaks, he will remove this disregard, and it is more suitable to be a secret assassin than a general.

Well... so far, the spies are doing a good job. The soldiers in the military camp are not careful about the ears in the walls when gossiping about military affairs.

"What did our general call you?" "Han... Dang? Is there such a person?" The words of the subordinate soldiers simply made the listeners sad and shed tears.

"Young Master," as he himself said, Han Dang, who was used to being ignored, continued without changing his expression: "My subordinates found out that Dong Zhuo's son-in-law Lu Bu led his 'trap camp' to occupy the rebels. The area was in chaos, and everyone wanted to retreat to Xiliang in panic. After they defeated more than 10,000 heavy cavalry, they had attracted the attention of the rebel commander Han Sui, and ordered two generals, Ma Teng and Pang De, to lead the "mountain cavalry" to pursue them. The suppression has already achieved preliminary results, making the entire marketing force disappear."

"'Mountain riding'?" Sun Jian asked in surprise.

Han Dang said: "My subordinates have not seen this kind of cavalry in the enemy camp. I only heard that they are cavalry composed of selected 'mountain horses' that are good at walking on uneven ground. Their strength is only slightly higher than that of reconnaissance light cavalry, but in When running in the mountains as if walking on flat ground, people will be caught off guard and suffer big losses."

"Hmm... Who are the specific generals of the rebels? Have you found out the characteristics or weaknesses of the 'unparalleled'?" Sun Jian nodded and continued to ask.

"Because the tent was heavily guarded, my subordinates did not dare to approach. However, when I listened to the soldiers' discussion, I learned that the commander Bian Zhang was not particularly 'unparalleled' in line with the rumors. Song Yang was a civil servant, and the other commander Han Sui had unparalleled characteristics. Why..." Han Dang's expression was slightly strange: "'A thousand cups will not make you drunk'."

"..." Sun Jian showed an expression like "You're kidding me."

"It is said that this trait was defeated by Dong Zhuo, and he started an uprising in Liangzhou - Dong Zhuo's hometown - in revenge." Han Dang added.

"Okay...where are the 'Wu Shuang' who went to hunt down Lu Bu and those two people?" Sun Jian waved his hand to signal Han Dang to continue, so as not to laugh out loud.

"Ma Teng comes from the Ma family in Xiliang. It is said that he has been expelled from the family for participating in rebellion. His unparalleled characteristic is 'Gaste', which can only be activated when riding a horse. The faster he moves and the longer he moves before launching an attack, the more damage he will do to the enemy. The greater the lethality," Han Dang said: "The soldier swore that he had seen Ma Teng galloping for several miles and piercing the gate of Wuwei with one shot. No one has been able to pull out that big gun to this day."

"...If this stab hits someone, it will not only penetrate them, but also be nailed to a wall or tree." Sun Jian became a little more serious: "It seems that this move can only be avoided, not blocked, even with a shield."

Han Dang continued: "As for Pound's 'unparalleled', it is a 'fierce battle'. The longer he maintains a fierce battle, the stronger he becomes. But what counts as 'fierce' and 'maintained'?" The soldiers can't explain the reason why it's so strong."

"This..." Cheng Pu suddenly frowned.

"This is simply a combination that is designed to defeat Lu Bu!" Sun Jian exclaimed: "Pound entangled Lu Bu, and Ma Teng sprinted from a very far away. As long as Lu Bu's 'Wushuang' is not defensive, I'm afraid he will be beaten on the spot. kill."

"It's decided, De Mou, let's go rescue Lu Bu." After thinking about it, Sun Jian said to Cheng Pu: "Dong Zhuo and his advisers most likely made the plan based on his 'courage that is not worthy of all men'." It’s impossible to think that someone could kill him with one blow.”

"..." Cheng Pu thought for a moment and relaxed his brows: "This plan is feasible."

ah? What plan? Sun Jian was confused again.

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